The cabin

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"Shit!" I exclaimed. I ripped off some fabric from the t-shirt I had changed into earlier on the flight and I tied it tightly around her wound.

"Hey Kate! Kate, can you hear me?" I said to her grabbing hold of her face, "you're okay, I'm gonna get you help okay, I just need you to wake up for me!"

I stood up and climbed up to the emergency escape hatch on the roof of the jet. I pushed it open and peered out, scanning the surroundings and I noticed some sort of cabin in the distance.

I went back over to Kate and unbuckled her seat belt. I carefully lifted her out of the chair and carried her over my shoulder and out of the jet.

I carried Kate in my arms bridal-style towards the cabin I saw in the distance. It was difficult as she was still unconscious and I was limping but I managed the 10 minute walk. I reached the front door and knocked but there was no answer, so I unlocked the door with my blue powers and walked in.

I laid Kate down on the couch and shut the door. I ran over to the kitchen and looked around for any medical supplies, which I found in a cabinet. I took the first aid kit over to Kate and placed it on the coffee table. Gently and carefully, I unzipped Kate's purple suit top and took it off her body, revealing the deep wound on her waist. It was worse than I thought.

I grabbed some antiseptic and some gauze looking stuff and opened the cap. Just as I was about to pour the antiseptic onto the wound, Kate's eyes opened. She tried to sit up but I stopped her.

"Hey, lay down I need to clean your wound!" I demanded, "this would have been easier for both of us if you weren't awake right now, but since you are, bite down on this 'cause this is gonna hurt like a bitch."

I placed a wooden spoon in her mouth and she clenched her jaw. She was trying to talk me out of it but it was all just noise due to the spoon in her mouth. I quickly poured some alcohol onto the gauze and counted down from three. Kate's eyes widened and she gripped onto the couch as I pressed the gauze onto her cut. The second the alcohol touched her gash, Kate let out the most pained scream I have ever heard. The sound of her in this much pain brought tears to my eyes, I hates that I was hurting her right now but I had to.

I finished wrapping the bandage around Kates waist and picked up some q-tips and some little bandages. I sat on the couch cross legged opposite Kate and she turned to face me, also sat cross legged. I dipped the q-tip in alcohol and took hold of Kate's face with my left hand to keep her still. I started cleaning the big cut on her forehead, Kate wincing every now and again.

"I'm so sorry this happened to you Kate." I said softly, still focused on cleaning her cut.

"It's not your fault. How were you meant to know auto-pilot would turn off." She replied closing her eyes.

"Yeah...but I asked you to come with me and I knew there were risks."

"Y/n, I don't care about the risks. I just wanted to be with you" Kate paused realising what she said and awkwardly covered it up by saying, "you know, in case you needed me to save you from getting you're butt kicked. Duh!"

"Yeah...totally!" I mocked as I put a bandaid over the cleaned wound.

"Hey, do you know why the auto pilot cut off?" Kate asked me, looking into my eyes.

"Um yeah, so Friday ran some checks and we crossed into some sort of zone that's got some weird magnetic field which means any normal tech like phones won't work here. But luckily, I have Friday!" I said.

I got up off the couch and put the first aid kit away in its cabinet. I poured two glasses of water and brought them back over to where Kate was sitting. I handed her a glass and we both took a sip before placing them down on the coffee table.

I turned back to Kate, who was already looking at me. I looked into her eyes, two beautiful blue orbs of pure euphoria, that stared right back at mine. Our faces were closer than we both thought. So close, in fact, that I could feel her hot breath on my skin. Her breathing was slightly irregular, more hitched and fast, as was mine. Every time she looked at me like this it made me nervous, but not in a bad way. And I loved that feeling.

"Thank you for making sure I was okay..." she said almost above a whisper. Her eyes flicking between my lips and eyes.

"It's okay.." I said, looking down at her lips.

She leaned in closer, placing her hand on my cheek. I missed the feeling of her warm hand cupping my cheek. She looked into my y/e/c eyes for a little longer, then back at my lips and pulled me in. Our lips connected for a blissful kiss, until I pulled out.

"Um we should get some sleep. Been a long day, um you have the bedroom I'm fine with the couch." I said standing up and avoiding eye contact with Kate.

"Y/n-" Kate said trying to get my attention.

"Kate please, just go to bed." I insisted.

She got up and looked at me once more before walking into the bedroom army the other end of the cabin, "night y/n/n." She said before shutting the door.

A/n: so they're alive, yey., Kate kissed y/n, that's getting somewhere...right? Well, I hope you're enjoying the book, have a great day :)

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