Target practice

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Morning came around and Kate was still cuddled into me, sleeping. Lucky was sprawled out at the end of the bed, making funny snoring noises and he slept. I looked over at the girl sleeping next to me, she looked all peaceful and cute. I placed a kiss on her head and carefully slid out from under her, trying not to wake her.

I got out of the bed and walked over to the wardrobe, pulling out some clothes to throw on. Once I was dressed, I walked back over to Kate, who was still sleeping, and I pulled the covers up and over her shoulders, keeping her warm while I wasn't there. I grabbed my phone then quickly left the room before she could wake up.

When I got downstairs to the lounge room, the only person in there was Clint, which was odd as it was 11:00am and normally everyone was up and in here for then. I crashed down into the couch and stretched my legs over to the other end.

"Clint where is everyone?" I asked concerned

"Everyone is in a Quinnjet" he replied screwing an arrow head onto a shaft.

"What do you mean everyone is on a Quinnjet" I said sitting up.

He said and put the arrow into his quiver then his duffel bag, "I mean everyone is in a Quinnjet ready to set off on the mission"

"What mission? What's going on?!" I replied in a stern tone.

"Y/n I don't have time to talk about it okay just stay here with Kate and look after the compound while we're gone, it's a small mission so we should be back in a few days okay?" He said walking over to the door.

"Wait, we're staying behind?" I asked sounding slightly upset.

"Yes, we need two to stay back and seen as you two missed the meeting last night-" Clint started

"Meeting?" I interrupted

"Yes meeting. As I was saying you two missed it , so your staying back to guard this place."

"Wow okay, but sudden but sure" I said pulling out my phone, trying to hide the fact that I was annoyed.

"Bye Y/n, stay safe." Clint said as he left the room.

"Yeah bye"

It was quiet, with everyone gone. Kate was still upstairs, so I was left alone. I decide I would go to the training hall to work out a little seen as no one will bother me for a bit, so I headed over there.

I opened my locker and noticed I hadn't put any clean training cloths in there since last session. I sighed and walked over to the monitor on the far wall of the room.

"FRIDAY, display training suit designs" I said

"Pulling up designs now" the computer replied.

The screen glowed a deep orange before displaying a row of blue print suits. I flicked through a bunch of different ones, until I found one that would work for this occasion. I clicked on custom options and changed the colours and sizings to my likings then pressed create. As I did so, a percentage counted from 0-100 slowly, while I heard gears shifting and other strange sounds come from behind the wall. It reached 100% and the patch of wall the large screen was on, retracted further into he wall and the outfit slide across on another patch of wall to replace it.

The top was a black sports bra with highlights of a light blue and white running along the seems, the avengers logo was placed on the right side on the front. The pants were sports leggings with the same design, but the avengers logo was now on the middle of the waist band at the back and printed onto the bottom outer side of the left leg. It also included some black trainers with blue and white highlights also. I got changed and then went into the the training gym.

"Hey FRIDAY, shuffle Tony's training playlist" I said as I entered the gym. Music began to blast through the speakers. Tony always had a great taste in music and we found that it was perfect for training.

I started with some boxing, first on the punch bags then onto the dummies, then I went onto cardio and did a 5 mile run on the tread mill, each mile alternating paces. I completed my weight sets and all my other sets before moving onto some skill based training tasks.

I walked up to the weapons wall and took off three throwing daggers, and a hand full of arrows. I then went and got my bow quiver and the rest of my archer gear and then walked over to the target range. I set the knifes down on the floor beside me and then stood head on from the target, a good 60 meters away from it.

I pulled an arrow from my quiver and drew my bow, but before I could fire, I felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist and head rest on my shoulder, causing me to withdraw my bow.

"Watcha doin" Kate said placing a kiss on my neck.

"Target practice" I said, turning to face her.

"I didn't know you knew archery" she said standing back and leaning against the wall.

"Clint taught me" I said aiming at the target and drawing back the arrow.

"Ahh okay, show me what you got" she said in a flirty voice.

I took a deep breath in and as I exhaled I let go of the arrow. It flew down the range and hit the target in the dead centre of the bullseye.

"Wow that was amazing" Kate said standing up off the wall to properly see the arrow, "can I try?" She said

"Yeah I mean your an archer so you'll probably do better than me anyways" I said chuckling slightly handing her my bow.

She took hold of my bow, and as she walked over to the same spot I was just stood in, she pulled an arrow from the quiver on my back and drew the bow.

"Wait Kate what are you-" I said in confusion as to why she didn't stand across from the target down from the one I just hit. Before I could finish my sentence, she had already fired the arrow and it spiralled through the air towards the arrow I had already shot into the target. Her arrow split down the middle of mine and stuck into the centre of the bullseye where my arrow previously was.

My jaw dropped and Kate turned to me with a proud smile on her face and handed me my bow back.

"Hungry?" She asked

All I could do was nod in response due to being shocked at her skill, then she grabbed my hand and lead us to the kitchen.

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