Quinn jet

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Kate's POV

Y/n tapped the notification and unlocked her phone then began reading through whatever had shown up on her screen. She stood up slowly and I watch as different colours flickered on her serious face; she must be watching a video or something.

"Hey, y/n/n? What is it?" I asked her as I stood up, moving closer to her.

She brushed her hand through her hair and turned her phone around so I could see the screen. She bit her thumb nail anxiously while I read through the message.


It was a team announcement that read:


We have ran into some trouble on this mission. The location of the Hydra base seems to have changed and we have no way of getting inside or retrieving the chemicals. We will be out here longer than expected, stay safe.


"I gotta go!" Y/n said pushing past me and walking out of the door.

"Y/n! No!" I called as I ran after her, "Y/N!"

She took off down the hall way. I picked up the pace until I was sprinting after her. I skidded around each corner until she stopped running. She had headed to the gear room and began packing bags with her weapons.

"Y/n, you know I'm not letting you go.."I said placing my hand on her to stop her from placing another gun in her duffel bag.

"Yeah? And who made you boss?" She said looking me in the eyes. I was taken aback by what she said, and she noticed it, instantly apologising, "s-sorry Kate."

"Y/n/n, if you go do you understand how risky it is? What if they take you again? What if we're not so lucky to bring you back next time?...Y/n I really can't lose you again!" I said not breaking eye contact.

"I know...but you can't stop me from going. Kate, they need me there... and I know you know that." She said calmly, "...come with me."

I looked into her y/e/c eyes. I was hesitant but I nodded and let go of her hand. I packed my bag with arrows and extra gear, then I grabbed one of Clint's collapsible bows and a quiver and shoved them in the bag, zipping it up after.

Y/n's POV

I suited up quickly and sling my duffel bag over my shoulder. Kate, who has also suited up, was waiting by the Quinn jet. She was leant against the interior wall watching me as I walked up the ramp. She had a smile on her face and the same look in her eyes that she has when she looks at me.

"What?" I laughed, my cheeks burning red, "why are you looking at me like that?"

"I'm not!" She said blushing, "that a new suit?" She asked me.

I looked down at my black red and white suit and then back up at Kate, "oh, thanks. Tony designed it a while back...I made my own adjustment and stuff though." I laughed.

I walked past her into the cockpit of the Jet. Kate hit a red button to close the cargo ramp and joined me in the front. I clicked a few buttons turning on the jet.

"Can you even fly?" Kate asked me. She meant against the back of my chair, watching me figure it out.

"Nope! It's auto pilot." I said as I clicked some more buttons attempting to find the controls for auto pilot. I placed my thumb on a scanner and stared my name to connect to the system.

I continued tapping buttons on the screen when a pre recorded message popped up. My eyes started to water and I froze as I saw her face.

"Hey bug! It's Tasha!" Nat spoke in her soft voice, "I miss you y/n/n, and Lena. I'll be home soon I promise...but we've figured out how to bring everyone back, it's a good shot and we have to take it now. I hope you're not cause Laura too much trouble."
Tears began falling uncontrollably out of my eyes as I heard the sounds of her laughter. "I love you more than the world y/n, I will make it back to you!"

The recording ended. I stared at my sister's face, smiling with tears still in my eyes. Kate spun my chair around slightly whilst stepping in front of me.she wrapped her arms around my shoulders and brought me into a tight hug. I place my arms tightly around her waist and tucked my head into her shoulder. She let go and I tapped the auto pilot button and set our location. The jet slowly took off and once we were in the sky, Kate and I sat back in our chairs. We talked for a short while until I felt my eyes growing heavier and heavier, and soon I was fast asleep.

A/n: hey guys, I apologise for not updating in a while, I've been super busy with exams and revision. But I will try my best to update as often as I can, anyways thank you so much for reading and have a great day :)

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