Familiar places...familiar faces.

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It felt like we were driving for hours. I had been trying to count how many lefts and rights we took from the compound but i lost track after the driver kept speed around roundabouts every now and again. A grow of panic clouded over me as I began to realise how bad our situation had become. Me and Kate were both injured, blindfolded and unable to move in the back of a dark van, and the avengers were all out on a mission so they had no idea we where taken. I don't even know when they'll get back so a rescue was not an option right now. I knew Kate was terrified and panicking aswell as I could feel her shaking and her breathing grew fast and heavier.

Suddenly, the van came to a screeching halt which sent me and Kate crashing into the front of the compartment we were put in. I could hear Kate groan in pain when we slammed into the metal. I held in my pain trying to keep myself calm, but the truth was I could barely keep it together. My whole body was in agony but I didn't let that stop me. When the agents opened the door, I immediately felt my ankles being grabbed, causing me to lash out kicking blindly in front of me. Kate was behind me and she was mostly silent, that was until she let out a scream when she was dragged out from my protection. I attempted to yell to stop then but the duct tape covering my mouth stopped it. Then, the doors slammed shut. I was alone.

My breathing quickened as my heart rate grew faster. Where did they just take Kate? Something in my mind just switched and I began wriggling around to find the edge of the floor. My back was facing the wall and I began running my fingers along the edge to find a sharp part. Once I had found it, I frantically started rubbing the tape against it to cut me free. It took what felt like forever and then I heard a snap and a release of tension let me know I had been successful. I immediately removed the tape from my mouth, then my blindfold and finally unwrapped my feet and stood up. I attempted to open the door but they were as I expected. Locked.

"Very impressive Y/n, that's a new record. 57.34 seconds!" I deep Russian voice spoke from behind me. I knew exactly who it was when he spoke.

"Where. Is. Kate?" I spoke. My voice cold and low. I wasn't messing around.

"Now now 86, there's no need for this. She is safe okay, we want you not her." The Russian spoke again.

"First, don't fucking call me 86. I am not you're agent anymore. Second. Don't bullshit me! What did you do with her!" I spoke with more aggression in my voice, still not facing the man.

He began to laugh, which caused me to turn around and pin him by the throat to the wall of the van. "DOES IT LOOK LIKE IM MESSING AROUND HUH RUMLOW!! TELL ME WHERE SHE IS BEFORE I BLOW YOUR HEAD OFF YOUR NECK!" I threatened.

He stared into my eyes with no expression, "section B-7. Conditioning".

I released my grip and my heart beat even faster, "what did you say?" I spoke below a whisper.

"Section B-7. Conditioning" he spoke again with a small smirk on his face.

"No. No no not there please. She's done nothing please I swear to god Rumlow, do not hurt her." He begged. I knew exactly what B-7 conditioning was. And I knew exactly what they planned on doing. I know because they put me there the day they took me from the red room. They were gonna torture her for either info or to hurt me. And I think it was both.

"Section B-7. Conditioning" he repeated.

I looked him dead in the eyes and I saw his expressions turn from smug so scared. My eyes had started to glow a deep blue and energy began swirling around my body, "take me there!" I demanded.

He stay seated then spoke, "You know the way"

I sent a ball of energy towards him which knocked him back against the van. I'm a fluid motion, I spun around and sent a large pulse towards the doors, ripping them from their hinges and onto the concrete ground. I jumped out and as soon as I tried to run towards where I was told Kate was, my feet were swiped from under me. I crashed to the ground and momentum kept me tumbling for a good few rolls until I was stopped by a concrete support beam.

I painfully lifted my head to see what had just happened, but before I could make out a clear picture, what felt like the nose of a rifle slammed into the side of my head, knocking me yet again, unconscious. Before I was fully out, I heard rumlow say something which echoed in my ears,

"Wasnt gonna let you slip away that easily now was I 86. You're home now and don't worry, you'll see the little archer girl soon." He laughed and that was the last thing I heard before I was out. The sound of Rumlows evil laugh lingered in the back of my mind.

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