"Tell me we're okay?!"

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The jet had been cruising for an hour or so. I had been in and out of sleep for ages and constantly shuffling around in this uncomfortable chair to find a comfy spot. Currently, I'm laid upside down with my head hanging off the seat of the chair and my feet stretched over the head rest. I felt a pair of hands cup the sides of my face, except upside down, and shake me slightly to wake me up. My eyes fluttered open adjusting to the light, and I look up at Kate who is stood over me.

"You look comfy.." she said sarcastically and removed her hands from my face. She sat back down on the bench in the back of the jet and I sat up normally and swivelled around to face her.

"Oh yeah...super comfortable." I said, matching her sarcasm. I leant forwards, resting my elbows on my knees and rubbing my tired face with my hands. The chair was not comfortable. I am that tired I feel like I can see two of my right hand. I sat back up and stretched my arms above my head and let out a huge yawn before picking up my phone and scrolling through Spotify. I connected my phone to the jet speakers and pressed shuffle on my playlist. I leaned back in my chair and shut my eyes.

"You know if you're tired still, I have a better idea than trying to sleep on that chair..." Kate said quietly from where she was sat. I opened one eye to look at her and she patted her lap for me to come over.

I got up and walked over to Kate. I sat myself down beside her and laid down, resting my head on her lap. I shut my eyes once again and Kate brushed her fingers through my hair as I drifted off to sleep.

———Short Time Skip———

I woke up to the sound of alarms beeping, red lights flashing and Kate jumping up and running to the front of the jet.

"Y/N HELP!! Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!!!" She shouted over the blaring alarm.

I stood up and rushed over to the console still half asleep. My eyes widened when I realised auto pilot had been completely cut off along with all of the technology.

"Tell me we're okay?! We're okay... right?!" Kate shouted with a worried tone.

"Umm, well auto pilot is off, and I see no pilots, so I have to either fly the jet for another hour til we each the safe house... or we crash!" I said buckling my seatbelt and grabbing the steering. Kate sat down in the co-pilot seat and buckled up. I flicked a few switches, turning off the engine completely.

"Y/n! What are you doing?" Kate asked grabbing hold of the arm rests.

"I can't fly, we have to land! ...or crash!"

"CRASH!! Y/n you can't be serious!" She yelled looking at me with her eye brows raised.

"Kate... listen to me just hold on tight 'cause this is now gonna be smooth!" I said trying to act calm even though I was so scared.

I tightened my grip on the control wheel and pushed it forwards so the the nose of the jet was aimed towards the ground. The jet sped up as we plummeted towards the ground, and minutes before we would crash, I pulled the control wheel as close to me as I could. The nose slowly lifted up so the belly of the jet was parallel to the ground. Kate grabbed hold of my arm as we got closer and closer to what feels like death. Our view was blocked with trees smashing into the windscreen. I took hold of Kate's hand as we crashed to the ground, and suddenly, everything went black.

When I finally came round, my head was throbbing. It took a few too many blinks for my vision to work again and when it did, I noticed Kate. I struggled getting out of the chair that I was strapped into at first, but I managed to and I climbed over to a hurt and unconscious Kate.

Kate was completely out. She had a huge gash on her forehead that left crimson red blood running down the side of her face. I noticed a tree branch had impaled the seat beside her waist and had cut into her side. Shit!

A/n: soo, a slightly rough landing has cause some trouble. Is Kate okay? Where have they landed? Let's find out in the next chapter, thank you for reading and have a great day :)

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