"You werent really in ohio were you?"

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I pulled my hood up over my head and opened the large double doors. I walked into the main lobby and was greeted by the majority of the team.

"You missed me?" I said in a confident voice.

"Heyy/n/n, how was the trip?" Yelena said coming forward and giving me a hug.

"Great. What's been happening while I've been gone?" I asked.

"Nothing special really. Kate's been acting all weird since you've been gone though, she's barely come out of her room." Peter said.

"Probably missed me to much, I'll go say hi." I smiled, "oh um where's America by the way, I need to ask her something first?" I asked.

"In there." Yelena pointed to the living room.

I walked past the team and into the room to find America. When I opened the door, I saw America on the couch scrolling through tiktok.

"Hey." I said walking into the room.

"Hey, how's it goin?" She said sitting up and placing her phone on the table.

"Good good."  I said, "can I ask you something about you're powers?"

She had a confused look on her face, "why? What do you want to know?"

"Just, like how do they work?" I asked.

"I dunno I just punch the air kinda and open a portal, but you knew trust didn't you?"

"Well yeah, but like, I was talking to Wanda and-"


"Um- yeah?"

"When? Why were you talking to her and I thought she was dead?" America said standing up and backing away slightly.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"You weren't in Ohio were you?" She said slowly.

"Where else would I be?"

She looked down at my hands.

"I know when someone's been reading the darkhold. Your fingers are black."

I let go of my fake friendly smile and my face turned serious. I raised my hand and brought blue magic to my hand.

"You know... you're smart I'll hand it to you. I didn't want to have to do this the hard way, but you know now... so I haven't got much choice. Do I America?"

"What do you want?"

I took a step closer to her.

"You know why I'm here. Don't play dumb. Just give me the powers and I'll be on my way." I said with a serious and stern tone.

"I'm not giving you shit. I know what you're capable of Wiccan, I'm not intimidated by you." She said trying to seem unfazed, but I could tell she was threatened.

"Woww, you've done your research huh? Well, then you'll know I can do this!"

As I said that, I raised my hand and began to shoot my blue chaos magic towards America when I voice stopped me.

"Y/n!" Sam shouted from behind me.

I turned around and his shield came flying towards me. I caught it with my magic just inches away from my face, I spun around and threw it back at him. He caught it but the force caused him to slide back a little.

"Don't get to confident Sam. I could drop you in two seconds!" I laughed.

More avengers came rushing into the room. Clint, Peter, Yelena, Buck, Bruce and a few more.

"Ah shit. WANDA!" I called pressing my earpiece.

It took less than a second for a hole to be blasted through the roof and Wanda landed beside me with red waves flowing from underneath her.

"It's been a while." She said.

Everyone looked shocked to see that Wanda was still alive, everyone apart from America of course who looked scared for her life. As she should be.

Suddenly, Kate came sprinting round the corner in full gear. Fuck she can't be here.

"Kate leave. Please." I said as she made eye contact with me.

She shook her head.

"Baby please..."

"Don't call me that. Y/n I don't even know who you are anymore." She said with a tear in her eye.

"...Fine. Have it your way."

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