"Everything will be okay"

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When I woke up, all I could see was black fabric with red lights seeping in. My head was covered with a sort of fabric bag to blind fold me from my surroundings. My head throbbed in pain and I tried to reach up to my head, but was stopped by restraints tying me to what felt like a concrete pole. Not much of a shocker seen as they were quite literally everywhere around this place.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a door slam, followed by shuffling of feet and a familiar voice. A scared voice crying with muffled screams.

I began panicking realising who it was and I struggled to my feet and tugged my restrained arms against the poles hoping to break free. Then, the bag was removed from my head, revealing a very bruised and tired Kate. She was around 9 meters away from me, tied to a chair with her hands behind her back. She had her eyes squeezed shut and her head down towards the ground. She had a gash on her forehead and blood trickled down the right side of her face, her right anyways. I tried getting her attention but I couldn't get a word out due to the rolled cloth placed in my mouth as a gag.

I continued yelling through the cloth until it was ripped out of my mouth. I didn't turn to see who did, apart of me already knew but I didn't care. All I cared about in this moment was Kate. I coughed for a second as my mouth was all dry, then called out to Kate again.

"KATE! Kate hey look at me. Baby look at me I'm here. Kate!" I said trying to get her attention. When she finally looked up at me I could see the pain in her eyes, "hey, hey it's gonna be okay! You're gonna be okay, just hold on okay?" I said to her my voice breaking when tears began flowing out of her eyes. I didn't realise that I was crying to.

"Aw how cute!" A deep voice spoke from behind me. Rumlow appeared from the shadows and walked over to Kate. He grabbed her by the top of her head and forced her to look up fully.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER!" I shouted through my tears, "please" I said just above a whisper.

"Give me a good reason why y/n! Tell me 86, why shouldn't I mess up that pretty little face of hers?!" He said with a slight evil laugh, running the blade of his knife along her face. Not cutting her but simply just to seem threatening.

"She hasn't done anything okay. It's me you want, it's me your after. I am the one who ran away, not her. You want me dead, so hurt me, kill me. Just please don't hurt her. Leave her alone she doesn't have anything to do with this, she's-" I started

"QUIET! Your so weak! These.. avengers they have made you soft, you actually feel emotion towards these people?! 86 I've never been so disappointed in you." Rumlow began, "look you're right, she is innocent. But...you're clearly attached to her, so she's a good way to persuade you."

"Persuade me?! Rumlow I'm not falling for your shit!"

"Really?.." moved his knife to Kate's forearm and pressed the tip of the blade into her skin. She let out a pained scream, which sent shivers down my spine.

"STOP! Stop please, okay I'll do anything just let her go home please!" I shout back. He stopped luckily, then put the blade back into his pocket.

He let go off Kate's head, and she dropped back down, but she kept her eyes on me, and I kept mine on her. He walked over to me and stood directly in front of me, looking me in the eyes. "Why did you run away?" He said.

"Why do you think? You tortured me every single day, trying to make me what into a soldier? But all you did was make me a fucking weapon. Look what they did to Wanda, and Pietro. They got out way before me because I helped them, but that meant that you caught me and that left you beating me up every single day, not because you cared about them escaping but because you wanted to hurt me." I said in a low voice then started laughing, "ahaa you were so threatened by me, weren't you? You were that threatened that I was better then you, that you literally had to torture me every day just so that I couldn't beat you... You're pathetic!" I spat.

My words caused him to snap and he grabbed my face and slammed my head back into the concrete pole. When I brought my head back up he punched me in my face and then my stomach, knocking me down and I fell to my knees. I looked up at Kate who was struggling in her seat trying to get to me.

I looked back up at Rumlow and smiled, "wow you're even weaker than last time" as I said that he grabbed me by my throat and pinned me against the pole. He tightened his grip causing my face to turn slightly purple.

"No! You're the weak one, always have been, always will be!" He said gripping my neck even tighter.

"That why I'm still tied up?" I said barely getting words out due to a lack of oxygen.

He looked down at my restraints then back at me, then released me after pushing me back into the pole again. I dropped my head, coughing trying to bring air back into my lungs.

"You know if it were up to me, you'd be dead. But the boss wants you back on our side so unfortunately you must live. So don't make this difficult Romanoff" he said in a low voice.

"Make it easy? You took me from my life!"

"You never had one, you're a hydra agent, one of the best. You weren't meant to get out. The red room sold you to us for a reason, you're ours." He raised his voice.

"Fuck you. You took me and you took Kate who has nothing to do with any of this. I'm not cooperating until you let her go back." I spat.

He sighed knowing that I wasn't going to back down, "fine. But your going no where!" He pointed at me with his knife, "say you're good byes. Oh and don't even think about escaping, I have my men all around this room ready to kill you if you try!" He nodded at a random agent who walked over to Kate and released her from the chair, and Rumlow cut me free from my restraints at the same time. Then him and the other agents left the room leaving me and Kate alone.

Despite the pain I was in, I quickly got up and ran over to Kate who was knelt on the floor looking at the ground. I slid down onto my knees and stopped in front if her and placed my hands on her cheeks bringing her to look at me. She looked at me with watery eyes.

"I'm so sorry Kate!" I cried, "I'm so sorry I didn't mean for this to happen to you."

At first she said nothing, but then she spoke with a croaky voice, "it's okay. Y/n it's okay."

"No no you're hurt it not this is my fault." I rambled.

"Y/n, I don't care that I'm hurt. I care that your hurt. And I don't want to go back with out you, God knows what they're gonna do to you if you stay. Y/n you can't stay here...please." She said her voice slowly lowering to a whisper.

I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and brought her into a tight hug, "I have to. I don't have a choice, I need to keep you safe Kate. I'm so sorry. I don't know if I'll see you again or if I'll be the same when I do, but promise me you won't ever forget me!" I said pulling out of the hug.

"No! No I won't. I will see you again don't say that y/n" she began crying heavier now.

"Please promise me" I said looking into her eyes.

"I... promise" she said reluctantly. She put her hand behind my neck and pulled me into a kiss. She held her lips against mine, not wanting to ever let go, but I pulled away and brought them back into a hug.

"Everything will be okay. You'll be okay" I whispered in her ear, and then I felt a sharp prick in the back of my neck and I know Kate did also by the way her body tensed up. Then we both fell to the ground and everything went dark.

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