Whats going on?

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Y/n's POV

What's going on? The sound of muffled voices and the shuffling of shoes fought with the constant ringing in my ears. I couldn't quite make out what the voices were saying, it was just a huge blur.

My eyes began to flutter open as I began to stir. I opened my right eye at a squint to see a bright light being shone in my eye, to which I reacted by quickly screwing my eye shut again.

"She's awake!" A voice said from besides me.

I let out a confused noise and I tried sitting up, but I couldn't. I opened my eyes again, looking down at my body to see leather straps restraining me securely onto the bed.

Wtf?...I thought.

Looking up, my eyes met with a pair of loving blue eyes.

"Kate?" I said.

She sat beside me, cupping my face and rubbing her thumb in circular patterns on my skin.

"Hey..." she said with a soft smile.

Tears slowly filled her eyes. I reached my hand up to her face and gently brushed the tear away that had escaped her eye.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

She simply smiled, pecking my forehead with a kiss.

"I'm just happy." She said.

Clint came up besides her, patting her back and giving her a signal to scooch over. He sat down in her place, leaning forward giving me a warm hug.

"Hey kiddo, we've missed you." He said.

I gave him a smile in return.

"Um, can someone get me out of these restraints?" I said changing the subject.

Shuri came over and unlocked the restraints, then helped me out of the bed. I thanked her, standing up and stretching.

"I'll take her to her room." Kate said coming to stand next to me.

We began walking down the hallways in pretty much silence until we reached my door. I pressed my hand against the scanner, unlocking the door. I swung it open and took a step into my room. I took in every detail of my room, nothing had changed since I left. Every plant was still in their spots, and surprisingly alive and healthy. My video games were still all sprawled all over the tv unit. Clothes spilling out of my wardrobe. Nothing had changed.

I turned around to look at Kate who stood in the hallway looking a little awkward.

"You coming in?" I asked her.

She smiled and stepped into the room shutting the door behind her.

"I looked after your plants while you were gone." She said walking over to my bed and flipping onto it.

"Oh, thank you!" I replied with a grateful smile.

I laid down next to her. She turned onto her side to face me, so I turned my head to look at her. Our eyes met and I felt that familiar feeling of butterflies in my stomach and my heart beating faster than normal.

"You know, when I'd really miss you, I used to come lay here. Sometimes I'd sit on the balcony  watching the mountains and the forest. A part of me hoped that one of those times I'd see you flying back to me-" Kate said before I interrupted her.

"I'm so, so sorry Kate."


"No, I'm really sorry. I should never have left. I wanted to come back...I missed you so, so much. But, I couldn't come back. Wanda had drawn me in with the darkhold, and her promise of getting Tasha back, that i let myself be clouded by it. I just couldn't." A tear rolled down my cheek. I felt such guilt for doing what I did to Kate. She didn't deserve that.

"Y/n, I understand. Yeah I was so mad at you, but I'm not any more, okay? You literally died y/n/n! I'm just glad I have you back." She reassured me, "but, what actually happened with you? If you don't mind me asking."

"So, Wanda had been corrupted by the darkhold, but I didn't know that at the time. She lured me in by first teaching me about my powers and she gave me the darkhold to read to learn about myself and who am I. I found out that I was Wicken, the harbinger of trinkets , so very powerful and that got to my head. And then, Wanda told me about America's powers and how I could get my sister back. We came here and...well, you know what happened from there." I explained.

"Damn. That seems..."

"A lot. I know"

"Wicken huh?" She said smirking at me, "suits you."

I laughed and sat up, supporting my self by leaving on my hands which we placed behind me. Kate sat up after me.

I turned my head to look at Kate, who was already looking at me. I could feel the pink spreading through my cheeks. She placed her hand on my cheek, cupping my face. Her eyes flicked slowly between my eyes and my lips.

"Can I kiss you?" She whispered.

"Of course." I smiled.

I brought my hand to the back of her neck and pulled her face towards mine. Her lips met with mine. They moved perfectly together like two pieces of a puzzle.

After a short while, she pulled away with a smile.

"I love you Y/n Romanoff." She said looking deep into my eyes.

"I love you to Kate Bishop!"

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