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Kate's POV

My head was throbbing and my vision felt all blurry and weird. When my eyes got into focus I looked around to see a familiar place. I was at the end of the road that drives up to the compound. I heard a motor and I turned around to see one of the black vans drive away. When I turned back towards the compound, I saw Clint and Wanda sprint towards me, followed by Peter, Bucky and Sam.

Clint dropped to his knees and threw his arms around me, "Oh my god Kate" he said with his face buried into my shoulder, "where have you been? Are you okay?" He rambled, pulling out of the hug and looking at me. The expression on his face went cold and numb when he noticed my face was covered in cuts and bruises and say my eyes filling up with tears yet again. He looked behind me and then around, knowing what had happened.

Wanda stood behind Clint and I saw her eyes glow a scarlet red. I could tell she was reading my mind but I let her, I didn't want to say the words.

"Kate where is she? Where's Y/n?" She asked, her voice trembling.

I looked up at Wanda and then back at Clint, "They have her. I- I don't know who... it- they said that they wanted her back on their side and they tortured her into staying. The only reason she said was to keep me safe, I tried i- I'm sorry!" I stuttered as I burst out into tears.

Wanda crouched besides me and placed her hand on my back and rubbed it up and down in attempt to soothe me, "Kate she's gonna be okay, we'll rescue her, we just need your help. Is there any names that you remember?" She asked with a soft voice.

"Rumlow" I said. I slowly looked up at Wanda and then to Clint. I could see fear in both of their eyes.

"Can you walk?" Clint asked me and I shook my head. My legs were weak from all the hits I took from the agents. He lifted me onto his back and everyone sprinted back inside.

Your POV

When I woke up, I couldn't open my eyes, but I could hear everything going on around me. Machines beeping, tools rattling around, people speaking in Russian. I tried to move my body but I couldn't, it was like I was paralysed. I squeezed my eyes tighter then tied opening them again, this time was successful. I scanned the room, only being able to move my eyes, to see that I was in what looked like either an operating room or a science lab. With it being hydra is could very well be either or both combined.

I slowly regained feeling in my head arms and legs and I could feel that I was strapped down to the table I was on.

"Она не спит [She's Awake]" One of the doctors spoke into a comm on the wall. As he said that, Rumlow walked into the room.

"Agent Romanoff, nice to see you're finally awake." He said with a fake smile on his face.

"My sister is Agent Romanoff, not me" I said not looking at him.

"Well...she was" he said I could feel the evil grin on his face.

"Fuck you don't even start this shit with me!" I said I could feel a tear forming in my eye.

"Relax Romanoff. расслабляться [Relax]. Look I didn't come in here to fight with you. I want talk." He said, "before you start panicking again, I want to let you know that we returned the Bishop girl back to the compound where we found you."

"Is she safe?" I asked

"Yes." He replied

"What do you want with me Rumlow" I asked my voice low and shallow.

He picked up a syringe from the desk he was leant against and walked over to wear I was laid, " What Hydra wants, is for one of their best agents to be back on the right side. Since should won't comply with us and you're brainwashed by those avengers, we must do this the hard way!" As he said this he poked the needle into my neck and injected something weird into my system.

I grimaced at the feeling.

"What the fuck was that?" I scowled.

"A serum created by one of our best scientists. It solidifies into a thin ship like thing and it electrically connects with the brain. Allowing us to control you with four simple words. Want to hear them." He asked, but it was clearly rhetorical.

"No. No. Stop" before I could finish he interrupted me.

"86 do you comply?" He said

When he said that it felt like something in my brain switched. My body and mind felt like it shut down, then I felt like I wanted to comply. I didn't want to resist. I wanted to listen to him and follow his orders. I felt like the old me...the person I was when I was taken and raised by Hydra. The real me was in the back of my mind screaming to be let free, but the me Rumlow brought out with that serum was to strong to be over powered.

"I comply" I responded. A smirk grew on both mine and Rumlow's face. I didn't want to follow his command, but I did.

"Now there's the Y/n Romanoff I remember" Rumlow said, "you ready for your mission?"

"Yes boss!" I replied. I tried to suppress the power of the serum, but I couldn't. Hydra was controlling me.

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