New recruit

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My alarm broke me out of my sleeping state. The sound pierced through my ears. I threw my arm out from under the covers and slammed my fist on the top of the clock. It didn't turn off. I hit it again. Nothing. I must of hit it another two or three times and it's still didn't shut off, so I grabbed it and threw it at the wall. I lifted my head slightly off the pillow when I noticed, it didn't make a smashing sound, it was weird cause it was like it never hit the wall. But it did stop making a noise. I sat up and turned to see what happened.

The alarm clock was floating in a cloud of red energy, Wanda stood in the door way behind it. I dropped my head back onto my pillow and shut my eyes again.

"What no snooze button?" She laughed

"The stupid thing wouldn't turn off" I complained not raising my head off the pillow.

"You nearly hit me!" She chuckled moving the clock telepathically back to its place on my bedside table.

"Well I didn't"

"Well breakfast is ready and you need to get up we don't have all day" she said using her magic to pull the sheets off me, somehow keeping them neat.

"Ugh Fine but you're making my bed after for doing that" I said sitting up and swinging my legs off the side of the bed, gesturing to the some what neat pile of blankets on my floor.

"Okay deal, be down in 10" she said heading out of my room and down the hall.

"Yeah yeah"

I stood up and got some clothes on. I put on some black cargo pants and one of Nat's white T-shirts on. She gave me most of her clothes since I used to steal them all the time, which was something I loved about her. I threw an odd pair of socks on then head out out of my room.

As I walked into the dining room, everyone was already sat at the table. There was one seat empty in between Peter and Bruce, which I assumed was my seat seen as it was the only one left.

I sat down and greeted everyone with a good morning and they all welcomed me back, seen as I only really spoke to Wanda and Peter yesterday, when I first got in.

Wanda, who was sat opposite me, put a stack of pancakes on my plate using her magic, and topped it with whipped cream and fresh berries.

*Thank you* I spoke to her through our minds.

*No problem* she replied back with a smile.

We all finished eating breakfast then made our way to the conference room, with Clint on his way back with the new recruit. We were in the room discussing training plans and missions.

Sam was stood up at the screen showing us some files on hydra. He talked about how they had stolen some vibranium from Wakanda and how if Wakanda can't recover it, we may have to step in. At that moment we heard the door open. Everyone's attention turned to look at Clint who had just walked through the door.

"Hey guys, I'd like to introduce you to Kate" Clint said then moved to the side, and a girl walked in from behind him.

"No way" I muttered under my breath and I knew Wanda heard as could see her look at me from the corner of my eye.
It was the girl. The one I spilled my coffee on. It was her.

I stared at her and she stared at me.I didn't know whether she recognised me or just saw me staring at her. She was wearing a cropped purple t-shirt, and some baggy ripped jeans that were cuffed at the bottom, she had a pair of doc martins on and was carrying a bag over her shoulder. She blinked a few times and shook her head as if she was trying to snap out of a trance or something.

"Hey!" She waved, giving a welcoming smile to everyone and Clint told her to take a seat.

She came over and sat next me and looked at me with the biggest smile on her face. "You're the girl from yesterday, the one that spilled coffee on me!" She said while smiling.

"I- yeah I am, I'm still sorry about that by the way" I laughed, with her laughing with me.

"Hey it washed out so it's all good" she laughed and then looked into my eyes, like before. "I'm Kate by the way, Kate Bishop" she held out her hand for me to shake and I took it.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Romanoff"

Her jaw dropped and her eyes widened, "Romanoff? As in Natasha Romanoff?" For some reason she whispered it to me as if she were trying to keep a secret.

I smiled and nodded "Yeah I'm her younger sister"

"Huh, I didn't know she had a sister, other than Yelena. Well it's nice to meet you again Y/n" she said in a kind of flirty tone.

"It's nice to meet you again Kate"

We talked for a good hour while everyone else were having their own conversations. I liked talking to her. She had the kind of voice you could just listen to forever and not get tired of.

There was something between us that made us just click instantly. Whatever it was I'm thankful for, she is a really cool person.

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