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After a half our of shooting arrows into targets and Kate getting a little annoyed with the fact that I was nearly as good as her, we decided we had some free time before I have to go do a little training with Wanda.

We went over to the locker room to get changed out of our dirty gym clothes before we decided on what we were going to do next. We were both by our own lockers, i was sat on the bench scrolling mindlessly through my phone, while Kate was rummaging through her stuff in her locker.

"Hey what are you doing?" I ask her not looking up from my phone.

"I can't find my socks" Kate said now taking things in and out of the locker.

"Your rooms literally upstairs just grab some from there or you can borrow mine, no big deal." I said chucking slightly.

"Nooo noo these socks are special okay, I gotta find them."

"They're socks Kate." I said placing my phone down on the bench and getting up. I walked over to Kate and leaned on the lockers next to her, "what makes them 'special'." I said using air quote on the word special.

"Because they're my Hawkeye socks." She mumbled.

"I'm sorry Hawkeye socks?! You have Hawkeye socks?!" I laughed, "There's no way."

"Yes y/n, I do have Hawkeye socks. And they're pretty cool by the way so stop laughing." She said chuckling and playfully hitting me with a towel.

"Okayy, I'm sorry." I said placing a kiss on her cheek, "do you wanna get a shower, then we can go watch a movie or something?"

"Okay but let's not get one here the showers are kinda cold!" Kate said shutting her locker.

"Okay, my shower it is!" I smiled and held out my hand which Kate happily took hold of and we began walking towards my room.

*small time skip*

I walked out the bathroom drying my hair with a towel wearing only a sports bra and shorts. Kate was sat on the couch looking through Netflix for a movie or a show to watch. As I stepped out of the doorway, I could feel Kate's eyes on me. I stopped drying my y/h/c hair and looked up at her, red spread across my cheeks as I watched her eyes wonder all over my body. When her gaze finally met with mine, my heart began beating faster.

"What?" I said softly, looking down at the floor. The way she looked at me made me so nervous, but I'm a good way.

Kate said nothing at first. She got up from the couch and slowly walked towards me. Seconds later, our faces were inches apart and I could feel Kate's breath on my skin.

"You're gorgeous y/n, I love you so much." She whispered, not breaking eye contact.

"I love you to Kate" I whispered back.

We stared in to each others eyes for a moment or two, god how I can get lost in her beautiful blue eyes. The tension between us closed when she slowly and gently brought her lips to mine. She brought her hand up and cupped my cheek as we continued to kiss.

After a few seconds, I pulled out of the kiss and rested my chin on her shoulder as she wrapped her arms over my shoulders.

"I should get dressed." I said quietly.

"Yeah okay. And y/n/n?" She asked.

"Mhm?" I hummed

"Can I borrow a hoodie? I'm cold."

"Of course my love." I replied.

Kate had left to go and get some snacks while I get changed. I opened my closet door and browsed through my clothing. I picked out some black joggers and a white MIT shirt and put them on, followed by a brown hoodie and some white Nike socks. I grabbed Kate my black stark industries hoodie and closet my closed doors.

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