A week later...

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Kate's POV

A long week had passed since...well, what happened. Sam had taken y/n to the infirmary on the third floor of the compound and we flew over T'Challa and Shuri to help her. After what Wanda did to her, she was stuck in a coma, unresponsive but alive.

Wanda, however, was put in a superhuman cell that was built originally for Bruce, so it would hold her if she lashed out. But she didn't resist, in fact she took herself there. A part of me know Wanda wasn't herself, rather she was in the backseat and the influence of the darkhold took over her. She didn't almost kill y/n, the darkhold did. At least that's what I chose to believe. But god I hate her!

Everyday, Wanda would sit on the bench and cry, greiving and feeling guilty over what she did. After all, y/n's her best friend... or was anyway.

I haven't left y/n's side. I'd play her favourite music constantly, singer to her on the odd occasion, hoping it would help her wake up.

Everyone visited her often, but Clint, Natasha and Yelena came the most. Clint didn't really talk to her, he barley spoke to me. He'd just hold her hand and look at her, thinking to himself. Nat would sit next to her and tell her stories with Yelena. It was sweet how much they loved her.

I had gotten to know Natasha quite well in this time. She'd stay over night sometimes, and we'd talk for hours, mostly about y/n but about ourselves aswell.

I was sat on the armchair beside y/n's bed, mindlessly going through Netflix searching for a movie or series to watch. I landed on Split, pressing play. I sat back in the chair getting comfortable and I leaned my head back, closing my eyes.

30 minutes later, I opened my eyes when I heard a slight disturbance besides me. Rubbing my eyes, I looked to my left to check on y/n, but my jaw dropped in shock, to see her sat facing away from me on the other side of the bed. She had her hands either side of her, tightly gripping the sides of the bed, her head was hanging low as if she was looking at the ground. She was breathing strangely fast, as if she were hyperventilating.

"Y/n?" I called to her in a soft voice.

No response.

"Y/n? Are you-"

"Где я [where am i]?" She cut me off in Russian.

"Uh...w-why are you talking in Russian?" I asked her, slightly backing away from her and towards the wall.

She slowly stood up and turned around to face me. She began to slowly walk towards me as I continued to back up.

"кто ты? [who are you?]" she said in an expressionless voice.

"no... fuck!"

I ran over to the intercom on the walk by the door, which startled y/n into running towards me. I quickly hit the button turning on the microphone.


Before I could finish was I was saying, y/n grabbed my shoulders and pulled me backwards. She stayed firmly where she stood while I fell backwards hitting the bed then the floor. I quickly stood up and stood my ground.

"Y/n! Wake up!" I said as she jolted toward me again. "Shit!"  I exclaimed as I leaped over the bed to get away from her. "Come on y/n, remember who you are!"

"Я СКАЗАЛ ГДЕ Я? КУДА ТЫ МЕНЯ ВЗЯЛ?! [I SAID WHERE AM I? WHERE HAVE YOU TAKEN ME?!]" she shouted at me, running towards me, yet again. Fucking hell she is scary when she's like this.

Before I could dodge, she grabbed me by the neck and slammed me into  the wall behind me. She lifted me up slightly so I was on my tiptoes.

"Y/n...stop!" I said struggling to get my words out.

She balled up her fists and pulled her elbow back. She threw her fist forward at my face and I scrunched my eyes shut, bracing for the hit. When it didn't come I opened my eyes to see her fist inches from my face. She was straining and her hand was shaking, like she was trying to stop herself. She suddenly punched the wall next to my head, cracking it with her strength.

"Ka-....Kate he-" she tried to get out as her eyes began to glow blue. She was fighting against the hydra soldier in her mind.

Suddenly, Bucky, Clint and Shuri burst into the room, Shuri holding a syringe filled with blue serum in her hand. Bucky grabbed Y/n round her torso, locking her arms in so she couldn't punch him. Shuri swiftly stuck the needle into y/n's neck, letting all of the blue serum flow into her blood stream. Clint stood between Y/n and I, making sure i was okay.

Bucky held Y/n tight as she thrashed in his arms, fighting the serum. But she slowly stopped struggling as she came back. He let go of her and she stumbled forward, blinking a few times as her eyes adjusted.

"Woah... what the hell?" She said as she fell onto the floor. Her eyes closed and she was knocked out.

I gave Shuri a worried look.

"She's okay, she's just asleep. The serum brought her back, so when she wakes up in a couple hours she won't be hydra y/n." She explained to me with a smile.

I let out a relived sigh and leaned my chin on Clint's shoulder. He put an arm on my shoulder to support me.

"We got her back." I said softly, with a tear of happiness forming in my eye.

"We sure did kid!" He smiled, "You should probably get some rest as well, you can see her when she wakes up in the morning."

"Yeah, good idea..." I yawned.

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