"Is this okay?"

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Kate's POV

After a while of swimming in the cool blue water, y/n and I had decided to go back to the cabin for some lunch. Y/n stood on the opposite side of the island cutting up different fruits and laying them onto a wooden board next to some fresh waffles she had made before hand. I sat on a stool with my arms rested on the counter, scrolling through my camera roll.

I was browsing through the photos we had taken today, when Y/n reached over and tapped my chin so I'd look up at her. She held some raspberries in her hand and she held one between her index finger and thumb in her other hand.

"Open." She said smiling.

I opened my mouth and she carefully placed the berry into my mouth, never breaking eye contact with me. Damn, I thought to myself as she rested her hand on my cheek. She meant forwards and placed a soft kiss on my lips, and then stood up straight smiling, biting her bottom lip.

"It is good?" Y/n asked.

"Perfect bab-" I cleared my thought, "y/n/n."

"Kate..." she said slowly.


"You just called m-"

"I know. It was an accident I'm sorry." I cut her off placing my head in my hands.

Y/n took my hands in hers and gave me a reassuring smile, "no, it's okay. I liked it."

We stayed smiling at each other until y/n broke the silence.

"Foods ready, um dig in. And if it's shit please don't act like it's nice, honestly it's fine." She joked which made me laugh.

I took a waffle and put it on my plate. I drizzled some maple syrup over it and put some berries on the side. I took a bite and it melted in my mouth.

"Fuck off!" I exclaimed.


"This is fucking delicious since when could you cook?!" I said stuffing my face with more of the food.

"Oh I'm Tasha thought me some stuff, Clint as well." She chuckled, "glad you like it!"

———— Time skip to the late afternoon————

The cabin had grown silent. Y/n was laid on the floor reading and I was sat on the couch watching tiktok. I was bored out of my head endlessly scrolling through my for you page when I came across an edit of y/n and I.
I liked the video and went into the comments to say something when I saw that Y/n had already commented: 'Can we talk about how gorgeous Kate is?!'. I looked over at her, she was still starfished on the rug reading the book she held over her face, and I smiled. I turned back to my phone and I liked the comment then replied: 'Okay but Y/n is just beautiful on a next level, like come on!' . I turned my phone off ready for everyone to see this and go absolutely mental and places it on the counter.

I sighed, standing up from the couch and walking over to Y/n. I gently prodded her side with my foot, grabbing her attention.

"You good down there?" I asked laughing slightly.

"Fantastic. But I'm getting bored though, this book makes no sense at all and I keep dropping the book on my face so..." she rambled on.

"How about we watch a movie?" I suggested.

"Sure, but I pick it!" Y/n smiled.


I grabbed her hands and pulled her up onto her feet. Y/n grabbed the remote and flopped onto the couch. I sat down next to her and played with the drawstrings of my hoodie while I waited for her to pick one.

"How about we start the walking dead, have you seen it?" She asked me.

"Um no I haven't actually so sure!"

[Also side note, I have only just started it so if you guys have seen it please hold back spoilers I'm only on s2😭]

"Okay great!" Y/n pressed play and used her powers to put the remote back on the coffee table.

——small time skip through the episodes——

We had gotten through 2 episodes when Kate paused the show. She placed the remote on the coffee table and looked at me with a smile on her face.

"I'm gonna go get a drink, you want anything?" Kate asked as she began walking over to the kitchen.

"Um, no I'm good thanks." I shouted to her.

I watched her begin to pour herself a cup of orange juice then turned back to the paused tv screen. I kinda zoned out as I thought back to the lake and what I said.

With that, I got up and headed over to Kate who leaned against the counter with her forearms resting on the worktop. She had finished her drink and was on my phone.

I snaked my arms around her waist slowly and gently kissed her neck. I put my chin on Kate's shoulder and looked to see what she was doing. I saw Kate on my camera roll looking at pictures of us we had taken. Some old some new.

"What are you doing?" Kate asked quietly. She put my phone down and turned around in my arms, draping her own over my shoulders.

"Nothing.." I smiled.

"Yeah, okay..." Kate rolled her eyes.

She brought her hands to my hips and pulled me closer to her body. I took a step closer and placed one hand on her cheek and the other on the back of her neck, pulling her into a soft kiss. I pulled away and smiled, holding eye contact with her. Kate's eyes flicked between my lips and back up to my eyes, then she leaned forward to reconnect us into a deep kiss. I walked us backwards slowly until Kate's back but the counter, and I lifted her up by her thighs so she was sat on the countertop.

As we continued to kiss each other, I brought my hands to the bottom of Kate's hoodie. I pulled out of the kiss for a moment.

"Is this okay?" I said softly, almost as a whisper.

"Yes." Kate nodded.

A/n: I haven't robbed you of anything it will be in the next chapter, don't worry😭

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