What happened to Wanda?

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I woke up to a very loud *buzz* *buzz* on the bedside table. I sat up and picked up the phone. It was Clint calling.


"Where the fuck are you y/n?!"

"I'm at one of the Stark cabins with Kate. Why what's up?"

"It's Wanda!"

"Wh- what do you mean it's Wanda!? What's wrong with Wanda?!"

"I'll explain I just need you two back here where it's safe!"

"Clint I can't! The jet crashed!"

"For fuck sake y/n! Stop flying without a license!"


"I'm sending one now ping your location."

I tapped a few buttons on my phone to ping my location for Clint.

"Alright done."

"It's there in 10 mins, hurry!"


With that, he hung up the phone. The conversation had woken Kate up. I explained to her everything Clint had just said and we began getting everything together and making our way out of the cabin.

We made it outside and the jet had just landed opening the ramp for us to get in. It took off after we had fastened our seatbelts and it sped through the sky back to the compound.

When we finally arrived we ran out of the jet and straight to the meeting room where the rest of the team were stood.

I looked around the room, my eyes meeting with many sad faces. Everyone's sad face, but no Wanda.

"Where is she?" I asked which a sense of urgency.

"Y/n, sit down please." Sam asked me calmly.

"Why? What's wrong? W-where's Wanda?!"

Sam looked at me with a tear rolling down his cheek, "she's gone y/n, I'm sorry."

I looked at him with disbelief. My eyes met with Clint's. He looked down at the floor and put his hand to his mouth holding back the tears.

"No... No! You're wrong, she can't be- not her to. There's gotta be a mistake, there must be somethi-"

"Y/n. She was corrupted by the darkhold... she wanted to kill America so we had to collapse the tower on her to save America. There was no other way she's too powerful. If you were there, we may have had a chance... I'm sorry." Stephen spoke from the corner of the room.

"Nah... fuck this." I said coldly.

Kate placed he me hand on my arm, but I pushed past it as I walked out of the door. I knew I was being followed but I didn't care to look who it was. Instead I picked up my pace and began sprinting out of the compound. When I reached the open space, I kicked off from the ground and pushed blue chaos magic out of my hands and I lifted fast into the air.

I flew into New York City, which when flying only took about 5 minutes to get there from the compound. I sat on top of the Chrysler building and dangled my legs off the edge.

I closed my eyes. I focused all of my power in my mind and focused everything onto telepathy. I imagined I was face to face with Wanda and began speaking to her, hoping for a response.

"Where are you Wanda?"

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