"Im not leaving you"

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Without hesitation, I sprinted towards the man grabbing Kate to the floor. He had her pinned down on her back and he was about to punch her in the face. Before he could, I launched my self into the air and kicked my right leg out in his direction, I flew over Kate's body, delivering a side kick to the agents face. He was sent back, crashing onto the floor creating a huge thud as he landed. I slid onto my stomach and pushed my self up and off the ground.

"Kate you okay?" I shouted back to Kate who was getting up off the floor.

"Yeah I'm okay!" She called back.

"Get out of here I'll hold them off" I said to her.

"NO! I'm not leaving you!" She replied, her voice breaking slightly.

"Kate! Please, I can't lose you to!" My voice began breaking slightly also, "please Kate go!"

She reluctantly nodded and picked up her bow. She ran to the back door, leaving me with the three agents.

"Oh shit okay. I got this!" I said to myself before brining my hands out from my sides and summoning two swarms of blue energy, "just how Wanda taught you"

I brought my hands in front me and moved them in a circular motion, charging up the power. One of the agents took a step towards me, so I threw my hands out in his direction, shooting out a beam of blue which ripped through the air towards him. The power of the beam knocked the agent off his feet and threw him through the wall. As that happened, another anger came up from behind my and wrapped his arms around my neck, holding me in a headlock. I kicked my legs up then threw them back down to the floor, being the agent over my shoulder. Once he was down, I stroked him in the face, knocking him unconscious.

More agents flooded in from multiple entrances, each one carrying a different type of weapon. I was completely surrounded.

"Блядь [fuck]" I cursed under my breath in Russian. I knew I wasn't getting out, no matter what more of them would keep coming. But I had to try and fight, after all I am an avenger I can't give up.

I balled my right hand up in a fist and my blue powers circled around it and up my arm. My eyes began to glow the same shade of blue and the energy visibly ran through my veins. I dropped to my knees and slammed my fist into the wooded floor, creating a huge surge of power to be released from my body. A wave of blue rippled out from me and spread out into the room with such a force that knocked most of the agents onto their backs. I stayed on the floor panting. Most of my energy had been used up by creating that surge. It wasn't worth it because as I thought more of them came in. Two of them grabbed my arms and dragged me over the unconscious bodies and out of the building. They dropped me on the floor behind a van and wrapped my hands and ankles together with ductape, then placed a strip over my mouth.

I was slung into the back of the van and the doors slammed shut behind me. I laid on the cold wood, silent and still with only tears streaming out of my eyes. My body was to weak to try and fight my way out. Wanda had told me to not use that move until I was ready, and she was right I shouldn't have. But there was just too many.

I heard a muffled shout come from the other end of the van, followed my a shuffling noise. I looked up with only my eyes to see Kate trying to wriggle her way over to me. She too was duc taped. I wanted to try and get closer to her but my body objected and i remained still, watching her get closer and closer slowly.

When she made it to me, she laid on her side and dropped her head onto my stomach. She was physically drained like me, I assumed from fighting the agents as I could see bruises and cuts all over her face. She looked up at me and noticed how drained and hurt I was and closed her eyes, tears began to flood out as she cried.

The van drove away from the compound. Driving us away from our home. Away to an unknown place.

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