"So it meant nothing to you?"

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I slammed my fist against the door repeatedly, waiting for Kate to open the door.

"Kate! Open the door!" I shouted making sure she could hear me, "Kate!!"

"Y/n go away!" She yelled from the other side.

"No open the fucking door we need to talk!" I shouted rattling the door handle trying to open it.

I heard footsteps and I stood back from the door and a second later kate harshly opened it.
She was crying, I could tell mainly because her mascara was all smudged and her make up was wiped away we're tears had been running down her face. She wiped a tear away before looking at me.

"What?" She said bluntly.

"Why are you crying?"I said giving her a confused look, "you're the one who cheated on me, and you're fucking crying?"

"I didn't fucking cheat on you Y/n! You don't even know who he is, you can't just assume everything over a fucking text message!" She yelled, tears still falling from her eyes.

I looked behind me to see a couple people watching the argument from down the hall. I nudged Kate back into the guest room she had originally shut herself in, then I shut the door behind us.

She walked past me and sat on the bed facing the wall so she couldn't see my face. I stay stood by the door, giving her space.

"Explain then." I said to Kate.


"Explain. You said earlier you could explain so go ahead, explain!" I said my voice breaking a little.

She looked at me for a second then looked down at her lap, fiddling with the rings on her fingers.

"Y/n, first of all, I didn't cheat on you, I would never ever cheat on you, I promise. Second, Noah...I met him through work, he was an intern at Bishop Security, and he asked for my number. We became good friends, and before me and you got together he had tried asking me on dates but I turned him down because, well I liked you at the time. But he had it in his head that I liked him. Anyways, we stopped talking for a little while and then a yesterday he messaged me again, saying "hey" and I said "hi". I was expecting just a 'how you been' or something, but he didn't say anything until today when you saw the messages." She said calmly, "That's all that happened."

I looked at her blankly.

"Okay we'll explain why you're all over him, why you kissed him and why you did all this shit tonight?" I said raising my voice slightly and moving slightly closer to her.

"I- I don't.." she started.


"I DONT KNOW Y/N OKAY! i was trying to make you jealous, then I saw you and Wanda and I took it a bit further." Kate said, her voice trembling when she mentioned me and Wanda.

"Are you two together?" I asked coldly.

"I- yeah. We are." She said look at the floor again.

"Do you actually have feelings for him or is it just to get back at me?" I said.

"I- I don't know Y/n, Maybe! What's it to your anyway you can't take your hands of Wanda." She said standing up and started raising her voice.

"Kate-It was just to make you jealous, like you did with Noah.." I said before Kate cut me off.

"Yeah? Well go tell that to her! I see the way she looks at you, she has feelings for you Y/n, for fuck sake why can't you see it?!" She yelled

"You don't know that Kate!" I said.

"Yeah..yeah I do. 'Cause that's how I look at you. Or at least I used to." She said.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"I just- I thought we had something between us. But I'm second guessing things now...maybe it was a good thing that we broke up. Maybe we aren't meant for each other." As she said that she walked out of the room.

I stared at the spot Kate was just stood in, tears filling my eyes. I turned to follow her, walking angrily and swiftly into the room where everyone was sat.

"Kate!" I shouted walking after her, "Kate!!"

She stopped and turned around, "Y/n, don't!" She said trying to stay calm. Everyone was now watching us, eyes flicking between me and Kate.

"So it meant nothing to you? Everything we've been through? All the moments we had together, it meant nothing?!" I said. My voice was shakey and tears we streaming out of my eyes.

"Y/n, that's not what I said." She said remaining calm.

"No. But that's what it sounded like Kate." I said.

"Babe, is everything okay?" Noah asked Kate standing from his seat.

"OH MY GOD NOAH, SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I shouted at him.

"Y/n!" Kate said, defending him.

"No...you know what I'm done. I hope you're happy." I said quietly to them and I left the room.

As I started walking towards my room, I felt my knees and feet give in and I collapsed to the floor. I landed sat on my knees and the palms of my hands holding me off the floor. Tears streaming out of my eyes. I let out a few choked sobs before I screamed, letting all my emotions out that had been building up during the argument. I continued sobbing heavily, unable to move from the ground. I heard hurried footsteps coming towards me and then I felt a pair of hands pick me up and pulling me into their chest.

"It's okay, I've got you. I've got you." Clint said in attempt to sooth me. He was knelt on the floor with me and he wrapped his arms around me tightly, brining me in as close as he could to his chest. I rested my head into his chest and he placed it chin on top of my head as I cried.

We must have stayed there for a good 10 minutes until I finally closed my eyes and passed out in his arms. I had been crying so much I had drained myself of energy. Clint scooped me up and carried me to my room.

He placed me in my bed and took my shoes off for me, then pulled there covers over me so I was tucked under them. He placed a kiss on my forehead, and then left my room, leaving me to sleep.

A/n: Damn, that was painful to write. Don't worry it won't be all bad for long. Thank you guys for the support, have a great day :)

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