Training begins

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It was soon morning and the warm light of the sun crept in through the small gaps in the curtains. A beam of the morning light shone onto my face, causing my eyes to flutter open. It took a second adjust to the new light and when I did, I noticed I was still in Kate's room, laid on her couch. We must have fallen asleep at some point during the film, to be fair it was quite late when we started watching it. 

It took me a second to notice how I wasn't sitting up anymore. Instead, I was laid down, my legs stretched across to the other end and my head was resting against the arm of the other. I looked down to see Kate fast asleep, her head was nestled into the nook of my neck and her arm draped over my waist, one of her legs was stretched out over mine. I smiled at the sight of her sleeping all peaceful and butterflies began to grow in my stomach. A piece of Kate's hair had fallen over her eye, so I tucked it behind her ear softly trying not to wake her up. 

I slowly reached my arm over to the coffee table that was next to the couch and I grabbed my phone. I must have moved a bit to much as I woke Kate up from her sleep. She stayed laid down on me but she lifted her head up to look at me.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up" I apologised in a whisper.

"No its okay" She said yawning.

She pushed herself up and sat up. She tapped my legs to indicate me to move them so she could sit down properly, so I swung my legs off the couch and sat up next to her. She rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up a little more then turned to me.

"What time is it?" she asked, her voice all husky and tired.

"It's just after 10" I replied looking down at the clock on my phone.

"Oh shit, we slept in" She said, suddenly sound a lot more awake. She stood up and headed over to her wardrobe.

"What do you mean we slept in? Its only 10" I asked

"Only? Y/n, did you forget about training?" 

"Crap we slept in!" I said quickly walking over to the door, "Okay um, I'll see you in 10 yeah?"

"Yeah okay" She replied, throwing her hoodie on over her training top.

I left Kates room. As I shut the door behind me, I heard a voice say my name from behind me.

"Y/n?" Wanda was just leaving her room, her brow raised in confusion.

"Wanda hey!" i said with an awkward smile.

"Why were you in Kates room this early? And why aren't you in training clothes, its starts in 20 minutes?" she asked.

"We fell asleep watching a film last night and woke up late, I'm getting ready now" I said as i began to unlock my door.

"Okay well be quick, I'll see you there" she said, she had a smirk on her face, I'm not sure why. Before I could ask her, she had already started walking down the hall to the training room. I ignored it and opened my door. 

*10 minutes later* 

"Hey Kate, you ready?" I asked knocking on her door.

"Yeah one second" Kate called from the other side of the door.

I leaned against the wall waiting for her to hurry up. When the door finally opened, I stood up and Kate walked out. She was wearing her signature doc martins with the suit the Larpers made for her a few months back.

"You look good" I said, causing Kate to look up at me with a smile.

"Thanks, so do you!" She replied.

I was wearing a pair of tight fit cargo pants with a pair of all black converse on my feet. On my top half, I was wearing a top that was very similar to Kate's except it was all black with highlights of blue and white. 

"Okay let's go" She said and we made our way to the training room.


When we arrived there, everyone was suited up and waiting for us. We walked into the centre of the room and I stood next to Peter, with Kate on my right.

Sam quickly explained what we were doing and we all split up into our groups. Sam and Wanda went to train with peter, which left Clint, Kate and I. 

Clint took us over to a sparring mat, which meant we were going to be doing combat. I already knew how to fight since I spent 6 years of my life in the red room and 3 in Hydra, but I guess this was really just for Kate to learn more than just Karate. We practiced some Jui Jitsu moves and then some basic hand to hand combat moves on each other and i must admit, she was a pretty good fighter.

"Nice work guys. Now that you're warmed up we ca-" Clint started

"Warmed up? I'm roasting" Kate cut him off.

I laughed and Clint shot me a look as if to say shut up, which made me stop laughing. 

"Yes, now that you've warmed up, I want to see you use those skills in a fight" He explained, "So you two are gonna spar. Which means Y/n no powers, and no weapons both of you!"

"Wow okay, I'll still kick your ass though" I said smirking at Kate.

 She threw her bow and her quiver of arrows on the floor towards Clint, "We'll see about that" she winked at me then got in her fighting position.

"Oh really?" I followed after her and stood in front of her in my fighting position.

"And...Fight!" Clint raised his arm then threw it down as if he was refereeing a match. 

"Lets see if you're really as good as you say" I said winking back at Kate like she did to me.

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