"Clint.. I can explain"

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Y/n's POV

Clint gestured toward the door in order to speak to me alone out in the hall. He stood up from his chair and began heading out and I followed suit. I glanced first at Wanda who had worried eyes, then at Kate who matched the same look in her eyes but she was trying to hide it with a smile. I swallowed a lump in my throat and stepped out into the hall.

"Clint it's not what it looks like I swear!" I blurted out as his eyes met with mine.

His expression changed, he look kind of confused, which made me confused...is this conversation not what I think it is?

"What? What's not what it looks like?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh-uh yeah nothing. Sorry." I stuttered.

"Alright then." He laughed. "Anyway, so what I wanted to talk to you about was school."

"Ugh noooooo."

"Yessss. Y/n, you can't push it aside forever you know." He said.

"I can. And I will." I stated.

"Y/n! No, you can't. Look, MIT still wants you and your place isn't going...ever. You're a smart kid, very very smart, but I won't push you into going to MIT yet. It will be very different from your normal life, so I have an option for you-"  he started before I cut him off

"What? Not go! Good option, bye-" I began to walk back towards the door we came out of before he grabbed my arm, pulling me back in front of him.

"Noo. Kate's collage has offered for you to go there when the semester starts. You can go til your comfortable, and you can then maybe look into MIT." He reasoned.

I looked down at the floor for a second, "Kate's collage?" I asked, looking back into his eyes.

"Yeah, I mean you two seem to be getting close recently.. or am I wrong about that. Cause you know I can chang-" he rambled on

"Clint! Kate's school is perfect. Stop worrying. If it makes you happy I'll go back to school, but if it's to easy or I hate it, I'm not going!" I said, joking slightly but not really.

He let out a deep breath, "okay good, cause I kinda already said you'd go..."

"Of course you did." I rolled my eyes, then let out a laugh, "let's go back to the others, Wanda is gonna think you've killed me."

When we sat back down at the table, Kate instantly turned to me, placing her hand back on my thigh.

"Everything okay?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah all good, but there is something I wanna talk to you about after this." I smiled back at her.

"Good or bad?" She asked slightly concerned.

"Good, don't worry my love." I said softly.

Peter cleared his throat from the other side of the table, bringing our attention on him. He stood up from his seat, looking as if he were about to present a speech to us all. And unsurprisingly, he did.

"So, as most of you probably know, it's my 18th birthday tomorrow, and-" he started before he was cut off.

"18!! Wait hold on, I thought you were 14?" Sam blurted out.

"No wait, he's Y/n and Kate's age isn't he? Y/n and Pete grew up together?" Wanda chimed in.

"He would be, but see he blipped, but we didn't." I said, stooping the confusion.

"ANYWAY!" Peter brought our attention back to him, "Its my 18th tomorrow, and I was thinking, we could have a party tonight? To celebrate." He suggested. Everybody agreed to go, and a childish smile grew on Peters face, "Okay yeah cool. Let's say around 10pm here, bring some people if you want to I don't mind."

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