Before the party

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Y/n's POV

It had been around half an hour since Clint left my room to go and talk to Kate. I have a really bad feeling he's giving her the 'dad' talk...that or she's running for her life and god I hope it's neither.

I had been looking around the compound for her for quite a while now and still no sign of my girlfriend. She not even with lucky, which is odd because those two are inseparable.

I gave up searching when I heard Clint's voice booming from a room down the hall. He wasn't exactly angry but he had a very stern expression and that's not the Clint you want to be talking to...believe me I'm talking form experience. I opened the door so that I could see through the small gap.

As the door hinge creaked, Kate's eyes met with mine, followed by Clint's. Clint's very very intimidating eyes. I looked back at Kate who was mouthing to help her, my only response was to shake my head violently knowing I do not want to be apart of this conversation.

"Um s-sorry I was just looking for Kate. Making sure you didn't kill her." I laughed uncomfortably as Clint glared at me, "y-you know what ima just go, you two can talk."

"Y/n.." Clint stopped me just as I was about to close the door.

"Mhm" I hummed in response.

"Go train for a bit. I'll send Kate down when we're done talking."

I nodded and finally shut the door leaving them to their conversation.

~20 mins later~

I look down at my phone, the time reading 14:07. It had felt like ages since Clint told me he'd send my girlfriend down to train 'in a minute'. I've nearly beaten this punch bag to death while I've been waiting.

Borden taking over me, I decided to give up on boxing and fight training until Kate gets down and work on weight training.

I moved my stuff over to the bench press in the corner. I loaded up 45Ib to warm up with and as time went by I was soon lifting 288Ib. After all I do have a bit of super solider strength in me so I'd like to think this is light weight; it's not though. I took a break for 5 minutes, sitting on the edge of the bench and scrolling through my socials, occasionally taking a sip of water from my bottle.

While scrolling, I came across a photo Yelena had posted to her Instagram. It was a picture of her outside of the Rockerfella center ice rink holding a hot dog with caption 'New York Baby!!'. I liked the photo, smiling to myself as I wrote a comment saying 'I knew you would love it here Lena'.

I swiped down on my screen to check the time. 14:49. Where is she? I put my phone down and put my other air pod back in. I pressed play on Spotify and turned the music up full. 'Aimed to Kill' by Jade LeMac blasted through my ears; the perfect song to finish my set with.

I continued lifting for around 15 more minutes, until I felt a weight on my lower stomach. I set the bar back on the rack and sat up, seeing Kate straddling my waist. I took out my AirPods and wrapped my arms around her and tucking my head into her chest.

"You took to long!" I complained, squeezing my girlfriend a little tighter as I said this.

"I'm sorry baby, you know what Clint's like." She replied, "Hey how about we go and do some boxing practice and maybe some archery if we have time after. Oh and Clint wanted me to tell you that Wanda wants you to do some power training with her soon."

"Okay my love" I said softly reaching up to the back of Kate's neck and pulling her into a short kiss.

After a good hour of sparring each other, we had some time to practice our archery. Kate showed me some tips on how to aim better and reloading quicker, which I picked up on fast.

I drew my bow and pulled back the string, aiming at the target far away from where I was stood.

"Okay now just bring your elbow up slightly, to about here." She said as she brought my elbow up for me, "Look down the tip of the arrow to know where you want it to go, then release the arrow when you're ready."

I took a deep breath in and as I exhaled I release the arrow. It flew through the air and landed in the dead center of the target.

"BULLSEYE!" I shouted with excitement and threw my arms in the air.

"Babe that was amazing!" Kate said hugging me.

"It would be so much better with a sight on it though" I said looking at my bow.

"Before you can get upgrades and shit you need to perfect your skills without any tech like scopes." Kate said sternly.

"Damn you sound like Clint when you say that." I laughed

"I'll take that as a compliment." Kate said smiling, picking up her bow to get ready to fire some arrows of her own.

"Yeah, not a compliment." I laughed again.

A/N I know this chapter is quite short and there's not much stuff happening, it's only a filler chapter to get ready for the party. Thank you for being patient, I have more chapters ready to be published soon.

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