"You're okay...You're okay.."

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Kate's POV

I fought as hard as I could against Wanda's powers, trying to break free from its force. It was no use. All I could do was sit and watch as Wanda hurt the girl I loved. I could see everyone else struggling in the red magic out of the corner of my eye, they too were not successful.

I looked back at y/n. Dark red blood poured out of her nose and mouth, and it streamed out of the cuts Wanda had made on her face. Y/n had her hands pressing against Wanda's neck and face, desperately trying to push her off, but she couldn't. All of her energy was drained, and I could see her giving up.

Tears began streaming out of my eyes like waterfalls. I couldn't breathe.

I opened my mouth in an attempt to get Wanda's attention to maybe stop her, but a ribbon of red energy tightly slithered over my mouth, silencing me.

I looked over at Natasha and Yelena for a split second, they were both fighting and struggling trying to get to their sister. Natasha looked angry and scared, Yelena was purely in pain watching her sister...die.

I turned back to y/n, who was already looking at me with tears in her eyes. She mouthed "I love you" to me as Wanda's hands wrapped tightly around her neck. Purple and red grew over yn's face. Then... her hands let go of Wanda's face, and slowly fell to the ground.

I let out a painful scream. I've never felt this much pain in my entire life. It was like my heart had been ripped from my chest.

Suddenly, Natasha managed to slip out of Wanda's magic and she didn't hesitate to electrocuted Wanda, causing her to fall to the ground. All of the red magic evaporated into thin air. My limbs were free from its grasp and my body relaxed. From where I sat on the floor, I looked around the room. Everything felt as if it were in slow motion. Yelena and Clint ran straight to Y/n's limp body. Yelena picked her up and laid the top half her body on her lap and she cradled her sister into her chest. Sobbing into her. Clint was in a similar state, except he was trying to suppress it.

I couldn't move. I stayed sat on my knees, my hands rested on my lap with my palms facing up. I stared at y/n, a numb expression on my face as tears poured out of my eyes.

Natasha looked up from her sister's and at me. She noticed me sat alone, and I assumed she was aware of my pain because she instantly ran over to me. She dropped to her knees and brought her hands to my face, bringing my eyes to hers. Nat had a sad look on her face and brought me into her. She wrapped her arms around my shoulders and I pressed my face into hers.

I began to uncontrollably cry into her. She rubbed her hand up and down my back and told me it was okay. I looked over her shoulder at y/n.

"Can I go see her." I said expressionless.

Natasha let go of me and I stood up slowly. Everyone was surrounding her, but when they noticed me walking to wards her they all backed away except for Clint.

I knelt down and her placed her in my arms. I held her face in one hand and rubbed her cheek with my thumb.

"Hey y/n/n..." I said, "you're okay...you're okay" I tried to hold my tears back but they didn't stop falling down my face.

"I love you so much..." I said choking as I tried suppressing my sobs.

Clint put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"She'll be okay" he said quietly to me.

"Promise?" I whispered.

"Promise." He whispered back.

A/n: uh oh.. is y/n dead?

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