"Im never letting you go again"

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I was woken up from my unplanned nap by the sounds of voices and footsteps. I moved my head to the side so I could see out of one eye. I could see Yelena walking back into the room with Clint, Sam, Wanda and then a few others behind but my eyes were kind of blurry since I'd just woken up, so I couldn't tell who they were. I stayed laid face down on the bench while they gathered at the door to my cell.

"Wakey wakey Y/n, I brought the team down to talk to you!" Yelena called out. I didn't reply hoping they'd go away and let me sleep. Yelena called back out to me, "Y/n I'm not dumb get the fuck up."

With that I groaned and reluctantly sat up, swinging my legs off the side of the bench and placing my head in my hands, before pushing myself back against the wall and crossing my legs.

"Mornin'.." I said, with a half yawn.

"See she's fine.." I heard Yelena mutter to Clint.

"How are you feeling?" Sam asked me, his voice seemed a bit more gentle than normal.

I sniffed then replied with, "Like I've been hit by a bus, but if the bus was driving at like 100 miles an hour and it was filled with a shit tonne of vibranium...how 'bout you?"

"Yep... that's Y/n alright!" He sighed before stepping aside, allowing Clint to the front.

"Sorry that was a bit much" I said apologetically to Sam.

"Nah it's cool" he said before Clint cleared his throat, bringing my attention to him.

"Hey bug, how you holding up?" He said giving me a warm smile.

"Clint, you're aware Sam just asked me the exact same thing like 5 seconds ago, right?" I laughed a little.

"Um.. yeah. But seriously, are you feeling like...you?" He asked me.

I sighed and laid back down on my mat, this time I was staring at the ceiling, "i am me...I promise. Just a little bit more broken than before but that's nothing I can't fix...." I stopped talking for a minute and the room was silent, no one spoke a single word. "I'm so sorry guys... I didn't mean to hurt anyone."

"We don't blame you, Y/n. We know.." Wanda spoke in a gentle voice.

I let out a deep sigh, my voice shaking slightly as I could feel the tears being brought back into my eyes. I didn't answer her, I just laid there in silence.

"Can she come out now?" I heard a quiet voice mumble from behind Wanda. I opened my eyes but I didn't move. I heard fingers tapping on the keypad, followed by the doors of the cell sliding open. I heard footsteps walking a few feet into the cell and then they stopped just in front of the cell doors.

"y/n/n..." A gentle voice said quietly.

I didn't have to look at the person to tell who it was. I shot up from the bench and ran over to the girl I've wanted to see most since we were separated at that hell hole. When I reached her, I threw myself into her arms and wrapped my own around her neck, pulling her into a tight hug. She wrapped her arms around my waist and pulled me as close to her body as she possibly could so that our stomachs were touching. We hugged each other like it was the last hug we'd share. I didn't let go and neither did she, I could stay in her arms forever if she'd let me.

"Kate.." I said into her shoulder as my voice broke. Hearing this, she tightened her grip around me ever so slightly, if that's even possible, to comfort me.

"I've missed you so much Y/n" she said, her own voice breaking as tears flooded out of her eyes.

"I'm never letting you go again." I whispered, sniffling as I tried covering up the fact that I was crying even though it was blatantly obvious, " I promise you Kate!"

In this moment,  we completely forgot about the team being stood not to far from us. All of our attention was simply focused on only each other. She pulled out of the embrace, even though I could tell she didn't want to, and looked into my eyes. She scanned my face like she was memorising every little detail, every cut and every bruise, until her focus landed on my lips. Without even thinking, she crashed her lips against mine. Her hands had made her way to the sides of my face and I kept my arms rested around her shoulders. She kissed me like there was nobody in the room, our lips moved together passionately for a few moments I pulled away to look at her face. Oh how I've missed her beautiful face. She smiled, her cheeks grew pink with blush, causing me to go do the same. I pulled her back into a hug and rested my head on her shoulder.

"We should probably get out of here huh.." Kate said softly to me.

I laughed a little, tears still falling out of my eyes, "yeahh, we probably should."

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