abused secret (5)

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I got a few comments saying they wanted to know what happened so here we go

Toms pov
Where am I? Well I guess I'm dreaming or something cause death wouldn't feel like this. Im not floating more sinking. Not sure what I'd be sinking into as I can't see anything. I mean anything. It isn't black or those swirly colours when your eyes are closed. it's nothing. Try to see out if your elbow, what do you see? Exactly. I'm not in pain but I can't really feel either. God maybe I am dead. How can you check if you're dead or not? See if I have any extra fingers? Check if I can read the time on a clock. Fuck I wish I could see my fingers or a clock. I could try pinching myself but I don't know where myself is anymore. Maybe I should try yelling....   ......   ...okay my mouth doesn't work. Damn this is getting boring. Its just going on forever. I wonder if I've been here long.

Chris E pov
The paramedics are finally here and it's so loud and blinding. Blue red blue red screeching and screaming with a fucking child panicking next to his dying brother. The world is spinning and staying still and spinning and lurching forward and back. I think I'm high, I mean my head feels like a waterfall going down my neck, he'll I can feel it splashing in my spine. My eyes keep unfocused and its like I'm in a club or maybe dying myself. I imagine this is dying.

Toms pov
Ladeladeda there is literally fucking nothing. I wonder if I could make up a song in my head. Like make the drums or...a trumpet? Nah that's a little jazzy. I could make myself sound Australian cause my voice is like, not mine. If there's other universes am I a drag queen in one of them? What would my name be? Think like a...nope it's gone. Okay lemmi try some mental maths? Like make a triangle, pick two sides and solve the third side.

Chris pov
Someone's being taken away but I can't tell if it's the brothers, Tom or the parents. Maybe it's me. I can't see grass anymore, oh shit my eyes are closed. I don't understand what's happening. Someone's yelling words in a different language and I just don't get it. We're Tom?

'Chris, you okay?' Someone's grabbed my arm and I followed there pull up to standing. Scarlet looks at me tears running down her face and graying her face. God were all fucked.

'Mhm yeah yeah, just adrenaline and fear is making my brain act like it's on meth. You okay?' She nodded and brought me into a hug which we held for a few minutes before the words coming from what I think is a speaker darted sounded less French and more English. Its someone I know I just can't figure out the voice. Robert? No. Could be a director. I don't care. It sounded rough and shakey but it's projecting commands like 'relax, clean up the area, go home' I'm not sure I want yo do Any.

Still with scarlet in my arms I close my eyes and relax back into the hug wishing I understood whats going on and why were all still in this bloody field with blood and tears and for gods sake it's raining now. Why isn't Tom here with us. Why doesn't he have tears streaking down his face.why can't he hear the speaker telling everyone to disband and wait for further information

Toms pov
So if a²+b²=c² and a² is 7² and b² is 32² then c=the square root of 7²+32². Maybe I overestimated my calculations knowlage. How tf do u work out 32². 32 times 32. 7² is 42 right? Dammit this is why I failed algebra. No wait 7² is 49.rught so 32² is fucking impossible...

Chris pov
Hours have gone by. Tom still isn't here and I'm alone. In my apartment. Damn is very empty. A group chat was made to communicate toms wellbeing but so far no new messages. The public doesn't know yet so theres nothing new there and there's no calls to ask how everyone is cause let's be honest we know. I need to have a shower. Or a bath. Maybe make some dinner. I could miss the message that Tom would be okay though which would lead to an extended amount of stress. I could miss the message he's dead though. I'm not sure if I want to hear that information. I mean I'd find out eventually.

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