Missed phone call

925 19 3

⚠️mention of death⚠️
Thank you @equoetali for the prompt

Anthony's pov
Hanging out with my mates is probably my favorite bit about work but watching everyone film their scenes Is a close second. Right now two scenes are being filmed and about seven actors are chilling drinking coffee. I'm sat comfortably on the couch next to mark with Tom  hiddleston sat across from me as well as Scarlett Johansson. Tom Holland's phone is laying on the table and it's takin every ounce of self control not to try to guess his password and mess with him.

"Has anyone got any scenes today?" Occasionally we'll have casual conversation but I think we all think it's to early in the morning to fully care. It's nice to just sit and chill to be honest.

"Nope" my remark was repeated by many people except a few. Is a very boring Wednesday and most of the cast are actually just asleep which is fair enough. Tomorrow is a free day due to many cast members having interviews so I guess it isn't exactly a 'free' day but we're not acting none the less.

Just as I began to focus back on my phone I notice Toms phone start ringing, it was his girlfriend. Now don't get me wrong I don't usually answer other people's phone calls but Issy knows when Toms working and has always made sure to text before calling, Issy is a very friendly girl and open about everything so I kinda got the feeling somethings wrong. I pick up the phone and put it on speaker...

"Hey Issy, Toms working right now are you..." her breathing is labored and she's sobbing through what sounds like chocking.

"Tom please. I love you and I couldn't get through to anyone else but I'm going to die. I don't want to go. I want to see you again please. Please I don't want to die" on my god she's dying! I can here it in her voice everything sounds horrible. I need to talk to interrupt. I'm not the right Tom and I'm literally taking away her dying wish to speak with him. I can't talk. Im fucking frozen why can't I move! I need to move this is wrong.

I am aware of people moving all around my and suddenly the phone leaves my hand. I feel like I'm going to pass out.

Tom Holland's pov
This scene isn't that hard but I seem to be struggling. I know all the lines and where I'm supposed to stand but for some reason it still isn't working well. No one else is on set with me right now seeing as I'm only saying a few lines while standing on a van, no one else is in shot.

I'm about to finish what I believe is the best shot until I hear screamed of my name. Why I'm all of hell, are people screaming. I look over and see about 10 panicked faces and Tom stuck to his place with my phone in hand. I love these guys but they really do confuse me. Suddenly everyone stops and my phone is put down. What's just happened?

Someone puts their shoulder around me, I look up to see mark With tears down his face. What's just happened? I'm so confused.

"Tom, that was Issy. I think someone recorded what just happened but, um, brace yourself. We're all here for you." Another phone is passed towards me and I hear the start of Issy crying into the phone. What the hell is this?

"Tom please. I love you and I couldn't get through to anyone else but I'm going to die. I don't want to go. I want to see you again please. Please I don't want to die" die? Why is she going to die? What's happened? Why did she hang up at the end? Is she alright? I can hear her breathing hitch and she takes a shaky breath.

"Tom, my mental state declined quickly and I just ended up giving in to it" i move away from the crowd of people and try to control my breathing. I can't panic if I don't know about everything. She might be overreacting. I hope she's overreacting. I realize that my eyes have failed me and water is streaming down my cheeks.

"Why is this happening to me?" My Voice is breaking on every letter and I'm almost sobbing. I don't want to loose her, she's amazing in every way. What am I going to do if I never see her again? I want to see her laugh again and I want to hug her again. What if I never get to hug her again?

" I probably won't make it through the night." The night? Does that mean she's okay? Like now? Can I go see her? Why did she hang up?

"I'm sorry I never told you what was going on. I've been hurting for ages and I knew it was gonna get to this point but I just didn't realize how much I'd regret it. I love you tommo, I love our walk on the beaches and then you splash me with water. I'd act annoyed but it was really fun. And when we where walking in the woods and you somehow convinced me to climb a tree, I nearly fell but you caught me. I'm sorry that I've ruined everything like usual. I love you." Silence. I wasn't there for her. I wasn't there for my best friend, my girlfriend, my family. She suddenly starts to choke and sob and cough all at once. Please be happy. Stop crying please. Why couldn't I make you happy?

The recording stops. Is she okay? What happened? I rush to my phone and call her.

It rings, and rings, and rings. Why isn't she picking up?

I call again

And again

And again

I call again until it goes straight to voicemail. Someone takes the phone from me and then hugs me. I can't hug back. I've just lost one of the most important people in my life. And I'm never going to see her again.

Hello, i may or may not have forgotten the prompt half way through and had to err-wrote half of it but I hope it's alright.

This is me after writing that and realizing that I messed up again...yeah third times the charm

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