Kidnapped (2)

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^^ these are 4 of the 6 chapters I'm working on right now. If you have any requests just let me know XX

Toms pov
I've been alone for a long time now. I have no concept of time, there's no light in this room, but I do know that if I don't get a drink soon then I won't be here tomorrow. Whenever tomorrow is. The only noises I've heard for a while is the creaking of the building and water running through pipes. I've stopped crying but I'm still in pain, everything is sharply stinging and my head is throbbing violently. My left wrist is in the most pain and my knees are slowly going numb. My face however hasn't been touched.

Suddenly, the small tv in front of me turns on and I see my face on the screen. It's a nice picture with my brothers, oh god I want to see them. I feel a lump running up my throat and I begin sobbing violently. I'm never going to see them again. This is where I'm going to die and it's going to be painful. I don't want to die. A loud screech interrupted my thoughts as volume is turned on.

"The investigation on the disappearance of the famous actor, Tom Holland, continues. The 22 year old has been missing for 83 hours, and is believed to be kidnapped." I focus on the tv and see the creepy woman's face suddenly appear on screen. They found her? No. They know who she is?

"This is the person believed to have taken Tom, Katie Smith is known to be an avid drug user. If you have any information about this please call the local authorities." Katie? Okay we'll surely someone has to know something. Maybe I will get to see my brothers again. After a few seconds the tv turns to mute and I hear screaming down the corridor next to me. It's Katie. Her screaming turned to laughter and my door burst open. She stopped laughing and just stared at me. She is really insane. Actually she might just kill me now. I close my eyes and wait for impact. I hear her heavy footsteps come closer and then something sharp hit my teeth. Before I could figure out what it is water spilt into my mouth. I almost choked and I felt some spill out my nose along with some blood. At least she's keeping me alive right?

The water tasted metallic and it was warm but I feel slightly refreshed. Hungry, in pain, sacred but I'm not as thirsty. Okay maybe there isn't a positive in this situation. Maybe I'm never going home and maybe her crazy face is the last thing I'm ever going to see. Maybe I should just give up maybe I have given up.

"Open your fucking eyes!" God her cackle is almost deafening. I boat and slowly open my eyes only for them to rest on Katie in the middle of the room holding a gun. The gun however, isn't pointed at me but at her skull. What is she doing? I thought I was meant to die not her? Isn't that how this works? I look her dead in the eye and I see she's crying. She looks sad and almost human. This isn't how this is supposed to go.

"I just wanted to be happy. Why did no one help me?" That wasn't her cackle. It was a normal voice, it almost sounds young. I guess she does look young. As I'm pondering on what she just said, a gunshot rings through my ears. Katie's body falls limp and blood pools below her head.

RDJ's pov
The cops just called telling a few of us (the cast members) telling us there is a possible place where Tom May be hanging, however a gunshot was heard from the building 10 minutes ago. I'm not crying. In fact my brain seems to have shit down. I'm not sad, not happy just here. No memories of Tom are flashing in my mind. I know I should be upset but I'm not. Maybe it hasn't quite hit me yet, the reality of this situation. Maybe I'm trying to be strong for everyone else. Maybe I just don't care.

"Robert? The police need to do a second round of questioning" Benedict is sobbing into his hands and hardly able to make full sentences. Everyone handles this differently I guess. I nod my head and let out a huge sigh. I'm tired. I guess that's what I'm feeling. Exhausted.

Just as I got up and walked out of the trailer I saw all police men's faces change as they started cheering. That's good right? Toms alright? One of them becomes me over with a big smile on their face. If Tom isn't okay then this is some sick joke. I see Anthony in hand cuffs looking angry as well as someone yelling at a cop. We really are a mess and i hope for the sake of the cops that there's a perfectly good reason for Anthony to be in cuffs.

"While I will continue to question you we have some good news, Tom has been found as well as Katie dead. Tom has sustained many injuries but it is looking like he will make it." I sort of zoned out, casually answering with yes and no. Tom is okay. Well maybe not okay but he is safe.

"Sorry to interrupt, umm Tim, but why is Anthony in cuffs." I saw his expression change into a sheepish frown. Brilliant, fucking racists I have to deal with now

Toms pov
I'm safe. And I'm going to survive. I'm going to see my family again.

I'm gonna admit, this isn't the best chapter ever but I tried

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