Actually bitten

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Suggested by my brother EnderpixeImon

As almost an ice breaker between the cast, the directors thought it great to go to a high tech zoo with radioactive things. This was clearly a laugh because that it how the whole spiderman thing happened and well it's the best start to any superhero characters but I am genuinely scared of spiders and there going to get us to hold them. Spiders creep me out waaay to much and I know I'm spiderman but that doesn't mean I'm not fearless. Maybe they won't make me hold them.

Right now we're all waiting at the entrance. It's an open courtyard thing and I can see every superhero. This is insane. A lot of the cast are talking but I'm the new guys, I'm the youngest and it's very early in the morning they probably can't be bothered at this moment in time. I'm just gonna sit alone waiting to dive into the fear of this whole situation. There's a lot more than just spiders but because it's mainly scientists doing experiments on them. Animal cruelty? Yes. Am I convincing myself I'm going to die in here? Yes.

"Okay superhero's, time to come in and have the experience of a life time" sucking looking man came through two big metal doors. We al stood up and followed his lead. I was near the back and the surrounding area was not too bad. There weren't any animals just more metal and doors and metal doors. I need to relax before I have an attack. Subconsciously I feel spiders rubbing all around my body and on my hands and back and head. This is horrible. I flick my hands and scratch my head. Nothing there's. Just relax. Just relax.

"Hey. Tom right? This is so cool" oh my gosh Chris Hemsworth is talking to me. This is like so many dreams come true. No ones actually spoken to me yet. What do I say. Do I completely fanboy? No that would be stupid. I don't want to look stupid in front of Chris Hemsworth. What if we could actually become friends? Oh my gosh that would be amazing! Being friends with the avengers!

"Yeah. I'm not the biggest fan of spiders though" even my voice sounds shaky. I mean your hanging around with your biggest idols and your admitting your great fear of spiders. Ahh there all going to treat me like the child which I basically am. I feel his arm wrap around me.

"Well don't worry cause we're all superhero's here. We'll protect you from any spiders here." He proceeds do some ninja moves fighting the air. I start laughing therefore bringing attentions to myself. Shit now people are noticing me. Maybe it's not so bad. Maybe they'll like me. I'm not a terrible person. Am I? I'm scared of spiders and admitting that infrint of Thor.

"Okay, this is our first exhibit...the apes and monkeys" Okay I like monkeys there cute. I feel kinda bad that there being used for experiments though. Is this legal? It definitely isnt in Britain. Or is it? Maybe I should look that up. The chimps are really cute although some of them are really small or have no hair or one of them almost seems to fly when it swings between trees.

"Hi, I'm Tessa. You must be the new spiderman right?"(valkrye) oh she's so pretty in person. And on the screen of course. Okay she's just really pretty. Anyway at least people are noticing me. Maybe we will be friends.

"Hi, yeah that's me. These monkeys are so awsome. Look that one has two heads" I really am like a child but it's a cute monkey. And she seems to agree as she point to another one with a huge tail. One of them wearing glasses. Is that a lizard? Why is there a lizard in here? Oh shiiii...a monkey just ate a lizard. And now it's walking over here. Why.

"Psssst...psssst. Hey, come over here." The monkeys mouth moved and made human language noises. Either way its a talking monkey and I'm not going to disobey the soon to be rulers of the earth. It's a talking monkey for hods sake we're not gonna be here much longer. "Your paws bleeding." It's really talking? This is seriously a talking monkey who knows English, understands what bleeding is and is self aware. I mean...shit my hands bleeding.

"Thank you." Everybody's looking at me and I can feel there eyes scratching into my back. The monkey walks away and I'm just shocked. I mean this is ridiculous. I just had a small conversation with a monkey. And my hands bleeding and kind of swelling. Okay let's deal with that first.

"Hi, my names Chadwick and did you really just have a conversation with a monkey?" Well that was strait forward. Oh it's black panther! I did just have a conversation with a monkey. I dont think I'll ever get over that. Like ever. This is the biggest thing to ever happen in to me.

"Yeah....yeah I think I did...just have a conversation with a..monkey. Hi I'm tom by the way, the new spiderman." I repeated under my breath 'conversation with a monkey' he chuckles a bit but you can tell everyone's a bit shook. Well everyone's very shook. A CONVERSATION WITH A MONKEY!!!

"Hey do you want a bandage for that?" I recognize that voice. It's iron man. Robert Downey junior! Holy cow he's offering me a bandage! This is even better than talking to a monkey. Or is it? Either way answer him!

"Umm, yes please." I look closer at the cut on my hand. The area around it is swelling but its not bleeding a lot. There is a few drips of pus. I feel kinda bad about whoever has to clean this up. (It dripped onto the floor) I feel just a tad lightheaded but I'm sure it's fine. Robby came over with a role of bandage...first of all where did he get that and second of all I can dress it myself. Nope okay iron man is going to do it. Okay.

"They put me in charge of the first aid kid because, well I usually injure myself. How did you do this to your hand?"

"I-I'm not sure. The monkey...told me it was bleeding. It's numb" he looks at me concerned but finishes wrapping my hand anyway. People had stopped staring at me which was nice. I mean this wasn't the best first impression and it's in front of celebrities! I could not have ducked this up more.

"Thank you." The tour guide then continued the tour. I hope there aren't anymore talking things. I don't think I can deal with it. This has already been slightly to overwhelming and I kind of want to talk to my mum.

"Okay here are the amphibians including lizards, snakes and the lizarkes which is the breed of both. Don't worry none of them talk." Okay this shouldn't be to bad. Maybe I can meet new people under...better surcumstances. Yeah that's would be nice.

I can't help but itch my weird cut and my head is developing a pretty mild headache but again I'm sure it's fine. I'm not messing this up more than I already have.

Sorry, this one might be a bit weird but my bro suggested it so why not

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