Crushed (p)

876 19 17

Thanks to @FDwalker

I haven't really done any Peter chapters but I'm open to all requests except smut cause someone from my church might read this and umm...that's would be awkward. Hi if your reading this. Um...yeah.

⚠️mentions of chocking/ not being able to breath. At this time this subject may be triggering.⚠️

Peters pov
I can't sleep anymore. In fact I haven't slept in a about 78 hours. It's the nightmares as soon as I drift of and the panic attacks as I feel I'm being crushed over and over again. It happens a months ago during my own stupid personal mission. I shouldn't have run off to fight the vulture but I wanted to be the hero. I wanted to prove to mr stark that I am worthy of being an avenger but I'm not. I'm not ready. I couldn't even fight the vulture.

But just because I know that I failed doesn't mean that everyone else has to know. Mr stark can still be impressed with me I just have to make it up to him. And everyone else. You see today everyone's come round just to chill. We're celebrating a victory against the kree. It wasn't to hard because the army of them was small but it was a victory anyway. Even Loki came round. Sure he isn't the most trusted guy but he promised he wouldn't kill or steal anyone. He's funny anyway.

I splash cold water on my face and put on another one if my punny t-shirts. It feel all the way down to my thighs. I could hear Thor and Hawkeye fighting in the kitchen about pop tarts. I do have to say, sometimes being able to hear everything is a pain. Don't get me started on sensory overloads. Sometimes I can hear someone breathing from down the road. With great power comes great fucking pain.

"Peter! Come on it's your turn to pick the movie!" You don't need to yell I can here you whisper through this wall. I walk into the lounge and squeeze next to nat and Loki. They both give me warm smiles which is weird considering it's Loki but I've been told he has a soft spot for me.

"So Pete, how are you doing this fine evening?" I'm okay. I'm fine. I'm good. No they all sound to generic. Yeah I'm drowning in fears and flashbacks of being crushed by a building to the point where I can't breath and I'm going to die. Okay I need to calm my breathing I can't have a panic attack in front of everyone.

"Umm, yeah I'm alright you?" I couldn't sound more unsure if I tried. No one seemed to notice the pain in my voice as Loki just hums and nods. The tv screen is black so far seeing as I haven't chosen a movie today. What would be a good choice? I like Disney but I'm around a load of adults and gods so maybe notZ I don't want you I watch anything horror related because I'll get scared. Yes I know big scary spider man is scared of ghosts. Let's just do an old classic...grease? Nah to boring. Pirates of the Caribbean... yes I like that! Now which one? Ugh this is hard.

"Tom, have you decided on a movie yet?" Soon Clint, Steve, tony, Thor, Bruce, pepper, vision, Stephen and Sam all sit down around or on the couch. This is cozy and a little cramped but cozy all the same.

"Pirates of the Caribbean, at worlds end? If that's okay..." almost immediately after I say that F.R.I.D.A.Y's voice echoes throughout the floor.

"There is a disturbance of a larger group of kree. Approximately 57 of them 3 miles south of the building." I jump up and rush to my room. I'm going to tell you this, time seems to slow down a lot when your in a rush. I fumble around with my suit and clip on my web shooters. I decide to take the short cut of jumping out the window instead of taking the door.

I quickly find the other avengers and swing above them. I have a great view of everything ahead which includes two different groups of kree. The group on the right is huge like 30 odd and the one to the left only have 6ish. The 30 kree just seem to be running through the city but the ones in the left are going slower and there jumping upon rooftops. Suddenly they take a hard left and begin to disappear.

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