Were a Family

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While filming homecoming

Toms pov.

29th of November
Dear diary
Today's cousins have gone worse. I couldn't to go backs to england and have a Christmas holiday. I was going to leave just before thanksgiving because we'll, I don't feel that welcome on thanksgiving to day the lease. Americans celebrating "getting rid off us" first of all, the reality was we had bigger things to deal with and America was just not anywhere near the top of that list so we ditched them but sure they won the fight.

Sadly, it started snowing really heavily down in England. 'Climate change isn't real' my ass. It never used to show 24/7 in Britain before and now all of the bloody weather is worse than before (a true Brit complaining about the weather) so I can't go home and see paddy, Sam and Harry until much later.

23rd of December
Dear diary
the snow cleared up December 5th so I was on my way to the airport when I get a phone call, it went something like this...

"Hey Tom...Really Sorry about this but you need to come back. Accidentally we deleted over 1/3 of the movie and the majority where your scenes. We're really sorry."

"😫😩 okay, I'm coming"

bada bing bada boom I'm staying over Christmas. They where going to let me go back to england for 3 days but it started snowing in england! Again! Christmas is already stressful enough and now this. So here I am, 23rd of December, after working yet again on a scene I've already filmed, sitting alone in my trailer. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope we have a happy  new year.

Slowly, I drag my feet to my small shower and turn it on as hot as possible. This is going to be a long few weeks.

Time skip to tomorrow

Christmas Eve. It's snowing heavily and I'm blocked into my small trailer. Apparently there's like 3 feet of snow but I can't see because it's all blocking the window. Some of it has also began melting and sweeping through the floor so not only am I flooded, without WiFi connection and cold I'm stuck in the cold, unconnected and wet place. I called someone and they should be getting me out soon but there's only me left in the compound rn. No one else is at there work on Christmas Eve lucky bastards. My phone started ringing loudly making me jump from my comfortable place on my bed.

Caller ID-Harry


"We're all here. How are you doing?" I don't want to dampen the mood but they asked so...

"I'm stuck in a flooded and cold trailer with no connection and I'm all alone in the whole compound. How about you?"

"I'm good! I just finished school and I can finally play video games!" Paddy's exited voice comes clearly through the phone. I chuckled a bit.

"Which games are you playing?"

"Spiderman. Of course" of course! He's always playing that game.

"You've already played that like 5 times right?"

"Yeah, so? I like imagining it's you." This kids gonna kill me one day I swear. I wish I was there with him.

"Aww that's so sweet. Harry and Sammy, when did you stop treating me like this?"

"You can't stop what you never started." True. Very true. This conversation carried on for an hour and a half. It started hailing heavily and the floor had flooded up to my mattress and it's colder than ever.

"Sorry guys but I might have to go now. I can't hear you very well due to the hail. Thanks for chatting though. Love you lots"

"Bye love you" bloody hell, I called the guy to get me out of heat over two hours ago. He's not getting a tip. I would go on my phone but the hail and snow is still blocking any signal. Could Christmas get any better?

I'm sitting in a huddle of blankets and wearing three hoodies yet I'm still cold and bored. Very bored. I can't cal anyone because I can't hear anything other than ice hitting metal, I can't go for a walk because I'm flooded in, and I can't go to sleep because everything's to loud. I'll never look at work the same.

I could write stuff, that's what I normally do when I'm bored. Oh wait, my diary is...floating in the foot of water. What! Nonononono it's soaked! This day couldn't get any worse.

I try to reach out to grab it but my leg gives out and I fall into the 2 foot deep water. Fuck it's cold. It's very very cold oh my gosh. I need to get out of here.

A sudden nocking at the door shocked me to say the least. Had the guy finally come to get me out? Bout time I need to get into the compound I'm freezing to death.


"Hey. I've cleared your door its safe to come out now." I look down and  notice the water draining through the door. Hallelujah.

"Okay t-t-thanks." I grab my already soaked shoes, slide them on and begin squelching through any remaining flood water. Wet socks really are horrible. I finally reach the door and open it to find a beautiful coating of snow on everything. The main compound and all the trailers as well as all the grass and mud. It would be much prettier if it wasn't so inconvenient.

The man looks at me apologetically clearly noticing how wet I am and apologizes for being late. He couldn't get through the gates so instead he had to go round finding the keys. Poor guy. I would give him a tip but my wallets soaked and everything has basically dissolved.

The snow is still falling heavily and I'm half way to being hypothermic. It's not too far to the compound and this trailer really is the one place I do not want to be now. The guy who got me out started walking towards the compound.

My shivering hands attempt to steady for just a moment so i can get into the compound but it's already unlocked. So this guy just left the whole compound unlocked. Thank a lot. I notice the main lights on but no one inside. Great he left the lights on too. Look I'll stop moaning because I need to get warm ASAP.

As I enter about 10 people jump out and yell "suprize!!!"

"Guys? Wait what are you doing here?" Theres Ben, Rob, Chris, Chris, Chris, Letitia, Mark, Liz and one of the directors. They aren't even in this movie? What are they doing here?

"The man who you called to clean your door had to come to one of us and ask for the key, when he explained what happened we decided to bring the whole cast and there families over for Christmas Eve for you!" Wow. I can't believe they actually did that for me. This is amazing. No don't cry. It's fine breath.

"Thank you guys so much! I thought I'd be spending all holiday alone and cold! Thank you so much" i would give them a hug but I'm still soaked and cold.

"Okay lest get you warmed up, I can feel your cold from here." As I walk through the main set area and see a huge table and thousands of people. This is amazing. Tears really started falling down my cheeks and the lump in my thought broke. I can't believe they'd all do this  for me.

I don't think anyone could see my tears as they blend into the water dripping down my face. I need to get warm before I collapse though.

"Tommy!" Wait. That's...paddy? Paddy's here!

"Paddy?" As I turn around a small figure leaps into my arms and gives me a tight hug. I love this little guy too much. I how did they all get here so soon. I mean everyone else was in America so fair enough but england?! That's like hours and hours away.

"How did you guys get here?"

"We set of 8 hours ago."

"But I only called the guy 3 and a half hours ago."

"We where going to come anyway. Then we got a call saying everyone else was coming too. Isn't this great? I met Thor!" I chuckled but became all to awere of how cold I was and how cold I was making paddy. I need to stop procrastinating and get warm so I can thank everyone.

"So did some of you turn up like hours ago and you just left me in there so everyone else could arrive?"

"Yep" he popped the p. This is going to be a great Christmas.

Merry Christmas
Happy holiday
Good day.
Whichever one you want.
Jay🦊🧡 ❄️

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