Apendix (2)

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Tom's pov
Everything blurry. Very blurry. Where am I? Oww! Oh my gosh it hurts. There's a bright light burning into my eyes. Oh god what is it? My whole stomach, there's something down the thought! I need to scream. What's happening? There's please around me. Why are they wearing masks? Who are they? Oww help stop! It hurts it hurts. What hurts? How does it hurt? Owww help me stop stop it please STOP! This is the worst pain I've ever dealt. I can't say anything. I can't do anything. Kill me! Please end it. End everything. STOP IT!!!!

If feels like my stomachs being stabbed repeatedly while ripping my brains out one by one. That doesn't make sense! I have one brain. Oww oww oww stop it stop it stop it. God stop stabbing me and twisting the knife over and over and over. The only thing I can do is cry all the liquid out my body. What's happening, why aren't I at home doing scenes? Why am I on a table being ripped into peace's. What was the last thing I remember. Eating KFC no don't think about food. Oh god I need to throw up but I can't due to this big plastic tube suffocating me.

"Doc, he's awake." Doc? That's a weird name. Wait I feel weird. What did doc do? Oh I'm passing out. Maybe I won't wake up. What a dream.

RDJ pov
Jacob, Zendaya and I have been waiting on this dull waiting room. The last we heard of Tom was the fact his appendix burst and thy had to do immediate surgery in order to stop the internal bleeding and remove the appendix. It shouldn't be a long surgery only about 3 hours long but we've been here for well over.

I called Toms family half an god after he was taken into surgery. There all very busy right now apparently life is extremely stressful and they can't get a flight out until tomorrow morning. I've told them it's fine and Tom probably will have no sense of time when he's all drugged up.

The clock on the wall is 3 hours and two minutes early and I'm not in the mood for maths so I have no idea what time it is even if the first 30 minutes I was here I figured out how early it was. Okay okay I'm really tired it would seem. Maybe I could just sleep. Nope have to wait for Tom.

"Anyone here for Tom Holland?" Finally! I can't wait to make fun of drugged up Tom. Maybe I should film it. Oh he'd hate me. Ha I'm doing it. Oh right someone needs us.

"Yes, all three of us." I motion to me and the half asleep actors next to me. This young looking man in a stereotypical doctor outfit, stethoscope included, wanders over to us clutching a clipboard.

"Toms surgery went well with only one problem. Tom is one of the very few people who woke up part way through surgery. After a half hour debate on wether to postpone the surgery they decided to continue. While him waking up may have some psychological side effects physically he is well"

Sorry what! He woke up during surgery? I'm that's  not meant to happen. What the hell. No what the fuck. Did it hurt? Oh god poor Tom. Remember no physical pain Toms fine he's completely fine. I'm gonna sue this place so hard.

"Can we see him" did zendaya not hear what he just said?! Tom woke up! Nope these people are crazy. This is not normal. Actually imagine waking up during surgery. Gosh that's terrifying.

"Yes you can. He's not yet awake but he should be within the hour. We'll keep him overnight."

I simply nod and begrudgingly follow. I must of missed the room name because zendaya and calum seem to know where there going. Today was stressful, long and a bit boring but it's all okay if Toms okay. If he's okay. He might not be. What if this traumatizes him? He won't be able to work like normal or sleep. He'll never have surgery again. I know I wouldn't. Okay I need to stop panicking. Your in an elevator not much to panic about.

To many floors. It's floor 4 now and we're stopping! Okay so floor four room 1,2,3,4,5......13,18...21,22,23! Finally. Bleedin' hell this hospital is huge. Tom might've woken up by now.

This door. This is the door. Toms begins the door. Let's open it. Why is no one opening it? Fine I'll do it. But what if Toms really badly hurt? What if he's having a nightmare? Oh so this is why they're not opening the door. Oh zendayas going for it and there he is.

He looks cold. I don't know why but he does. He's pale and has no expression on his face. I mean fair enough he's sleeping and under a high amount of pain killers but it still doesn't feel right. I guess I'm a bit paranoid which is fair. He did wake up during the surgery. Maybe he won't remember it. We shouldn't tell him if he doesn't remember because then he might remember it. Okay my words are becoming a bit muddled maybe I should just meet zendaya and calum who are already in the room. Jeez snap out of it.

Oh he's awake. Okay this is good. Do I say something? His eyes say no? Wait yes? I don't know he looks tired and in pain.

"Hey rob. Whacha doing in the door? Do you not wanna come in? Do I look that bad?"

"No you look fine. So what do you remember from the surgery" he shakes his head slowly and closes his eyes. He must be tired.

"Okay good night. Sleep well"

Sorry it took so long to upstate and the end wasn't too good.

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