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Thanks to @Carlyamazingthedog

Toms pov
It's really hard to keep a happy face throughout the stress of working through ungodly hours of the night, dieting and working out like there's no tomorrow and never seeing fanily. And I mean like never. I'm not as happy as I always seem and I guess it's because I don't express anything other than happiness and enjoyment. It was real at first but now I just s feel drained and empty like I'm not happy or sad or angry or bored I just am. It makes me feel helpless and I know I just need someone to talk to before I just breakdown.

I'm working on the set of infinity war and we're about halfway through this movie. I'm nearing the scene of first arriving on the big flying donut in the sky along with dr strange and iron man. God I'm so lucky to work in this job. It's currently 3:17 in the morning and I'm awake. I haven't really slept lately and I have nothing to do so I'm chilling inside the main filming building and just observing some actors doing there scenes. Yes some people have to do scenes all throughout the night but it's only because we've fallen a little behind schedule due to deciding on what to do about corona virus.

If your wondering were all self isolating inside of this huge filming center. No one comes in or out and we have loads of food. No one has gotten sick yet but this does mean we can continue filming. The real bummer is I was meant to see my family three days ago and it's been nearly 6 months since I've seen them because I was so busy and then the corona virus and now it looks like I'm gonna have to wait another 3 months. And the signal to this whole area got cut either by a prankster or it was just a faulty wire but we can't get an electrician in because of all this self distancing. I really miss them.

Right now I'm sitting on a leather couch with a cup of coffee. I'm just waiting until I get too tired and go back to my trailer. I think I've been awake now for 49 hours. There's a few people hanging around, I think I've counted 27, mark and Lizzy came and sat with me for about 10 minutes. We didn't talk much but it was nice to have company. Come to think of it I'm really touch starved. I want a hug. I really want a hug.

"Hey Tom, don't you think it's time for you to go to bed? your not shooting any scenes until tomorrow afternoon" its one of the directors. Maybe he's right. Maybe all I need is sleep. Maybe I need more.

"Mmm. Yeah sure. See you tomorrow." I cleaned my coffee mug and walked out of the building. It's so dark and a little chilly but I don't care. I just want to cry. This emptiness in my chest is so deep and it just makes me brake. I want a hug. I want someone to give me a hug and I want to see my family.

I press my back against the back of the wall of the huge building and start sobbing uncontrollably. It hurts. What's wrong with me? Why am I in so much pain?its almost physical and I feel alone. So so alone.

Tears stream out of my face until I'm just checking on my own sobs. My head is developing a pain so bad it hurts to open my eyes.

"Tom? Tom hey buddy what's wrong" I feel someone sit down next to me. This sends another wave of tears and sobs break out from me. This is so uncontrollable but I don't care. I'm not embarrassed I just have to get this all out. I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I melt into the much needed embrace. I grip onto the persons shirt and feel it feet wetter and wetter with my continuous tears.

"Hey hey hey. Sssshhh it's okay it's going to be okay." I heard more feet come closer to where I was positioned and voices quietly question this scene in front of them. My sobbing had calmed down and now I just felt more tears fall neon my eyes and frequent sniffling. More arms wrapped around me as I sat there.

Tom (Loki)
I yawn and stretch. It's so warm I must have only slept for less than an hour. It's 3:20 in the morning currently. Well I'm not getting back to sleep so I may as well go get a cup of coffee.

The past few weeks have been very hard on the crew. We haven't got to see our families or gone out for a long time. When this first started a lot of us when home for a day just to say goodbye but for everyone who was from another country didn't really get that chance. Being cooped up in this place hasn't been so bad for a lot of the crew and cast but you could tell some people where struggling a bit: Chris Hemsworth was very upset for a few days because he really wanted to say goodbye to his mum but of course she's in Australia, he eventually face times her and felt much better afterwards; Mark was very upset because his car had just passed away but he moved on pretty quick, Tom Holland was taking this rather bad, he's the youngest of us all and he was very homesick before this quarantine and he is clearly taking this badly, he hadn't talked to his family is months and his dog Tessa is stuck with his neighbor for a long time. Poor kid.

As I step out into the brisk morning air I nearly do a double take as I hear sobbing. My trailer is located very close to the main building and I can't see anyone. As I got.closer the sobs became painful sounding and desperate. As I came a few meters from the door I notice a small figure curled into a ball on the other side of the wall.

"Tom? Tom hey buddy what's wrong" he didn't respond or even seem to notice my presence except for his crying getting more desperate. What do I do? Hug him? Get someone? He probably really needs a hug. Yeah Tom loves hugs.

I sit next to him and close my arms around him. Damn he's cold. Almost immediately he almost falls into my embrace and gripped onto my shirt almost like he's trying to find something to ground him. Quickly my shirt dampens.

"Hey hey hey. Sssshhh it's okay it's going to be okay." I begin to hear more people getting closer. As I look up I see Chris, Robert and Chris walk up to us. They all look tired and confused.

"Tom? What's up with Tom?" Chris whispered but sounded very concerned and worried.

"I don't know. He won't say anything he's just crying. I don't know what to do!" Roberts looked sympathetic.

"Maybe this whole situation has just got too overwhelming. I bet we could all feel like a good cry right about now." I nod. This does all kinda suck.

I watch as all three approach and hug Tom also. Tom almost immediately relaxes even more and the tears stop completely. You would almost think he's fallen asleep. Oh I think he has. Yep he's snoring.

Jay. 🦊🧡

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