Five days on holiday (2)

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Day two

Toms pov
I open my Eyes and it's dark outside. What time is it? I role over and grab my phone. It's 7:45pm. Great I've slept through the first day. My head hurts and my whole body aches. It's like I'm ill but I'm not. I'm just tired. Very tired but I don't want to sleep. I want to go and see everyone. I wonder if there still out in the beach did I end up in bed? I thought I was sleeping in the car. Maybe they moved me. Well that's very nice. I don't know who I'm sharing a room with though. There's 2 other beds. I'm guessing there probably gonna be men not women. No ones unpacked there stuff so it's basically empty.

I might as well go and see were everyone is. Before I left I went into the bathroom to check my appearance. I'm still wearing my green hoody and jeans from last night but I don't really have to patience to change. My face is pale and sickly and I have huge dark bags under my eyes. Maybe I am ill. Well I can't be ill I'm in holiday.

It took about 3 minutes for me to find my way downstairs We're I see 7 of the cast watching tv in the lobby. None of them notice me do I just lean against the wall and watch I think it was the rugby. I'm not the biggest sport fan.

Zoe, Pom, Dave, Tom, Chris, Chris and Bradley eventually get up to go get some beer and then they see me half dead leaning in the wall.

"Hey Tom. You okay?" Bradley gripped onto my shoulder almost as if he was scared I'd fall over if he didn't.

"Yea I'm okay. Were is everyone?"

"There still at the beach. Maybe you should sleep a little more. No offense but you don't look so great"

"No I'm fine. I'm just a little tired but I'd prefer to have a little fresh air. Thanks tho."

"Okay have fun"

"Will do." I am feeling a bit better after being awake for a while. I'm not going to go swimming today I'm not really in the mood and my swimming stuff is still In The car.

I could see the beach from far away. It was beautiful and blue and I could see the crashing waves. As I approached I could see small ant people swimming in the water and running around on the sand.

It is very cold tho. After a while my jumper doesn't hold much warmth.

I was now close enough to identify faces. Most people were swimming in the water but a few were on the sand. Robert who's on the sand. His face forms into guilt as he rushes up to me.

"Hey Tom, sorry about last night. I don't know how to apologize. You must feel so sick right now. Are you alright?"

"Yea yea I'm fine. Just a little tired. I don't even know how awake you were when you have me directions"

" I wasn't. I only heard about it when Dave told me once we got there. I can't believe my subconscious did that to you"

"It's seriously fine. Stop worrying yourself. All I needed was some sleep which I've gotten."

"You don't look much better"


"No no that's not what I meant it's just you don't look very well. Are you sure your okay?"

"Yes please I'm fine. I'm just gonna sit on the sand for a while. You gonna join me" he nods his head and follows me down the beach more and more people notice me and wave. We come up to the middle of the beach where most most people are hanging out. Some are playing cards some are asleep and some are reading.

As I started to sit down I heard a chorus of "hellos and hi's"

"Hi guys."

"How are you feeling"

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm great. I freaked these guys out by saying 'I forgot my thongs' because that's what auissies say instead of flip flops" I laughed at that. It did freak me out the first time I heard it.

A few looked around and jumped.

"Tom are you ill?"

"No. Why?"

"You don't look very healthy?" Maybe I am sick. I hope not. My stomach does hurt a bit and I have a headache but it's fine.

"No trust me. Tomorrow I'll go swimming and my face will give its self. I'm just tired"

"Whatever you say"

As the night goes on it gets warmer. I eventually take of my hoody. I don't see how as the night goes on, how it gets warmer and warmer. About an hour later I take of my t-shirt to. No one seems to notice. Most of them have gone inside or are asleep.

The swimmers start to migrate in land wrapped in towels and shivering. Why are they shivering it's warm out. There's no sun but the air is still warm. Maybe that's because in england it's normally raining or cold.

"Tom how can you be sitting out here without any shirt on. It's freezing." Tom looked shocked and mildly worried.

"Nah it's decently warm. In england it's normally raining or cold so this is good temperature for me."

He grabs my arms and hisses almost as if he's in pain

"Tommo, your freezing." I feel my arm. It doesn't feel to bad "your shivering" as he's saying this I notice all these things like the shivering and  being extremely tired

"I'm fine just tired. I might sleep on the beach with these guys. It's comfortable" scarlet checks her phone and starts typing.

"Okay Tom. Your hypothermic. Put your jumper on and come with us" hypothermic? What? No you can only ever really be hypothermic after being really cold. It's not really cold.

"What? Are you insane?"

"I looked up feeling warm when actually cold and blue lips. Your hypothermic" okay fine. This holiday sucks. And I'm making it suck for everyone else to.

I grab my shirt and my jumper. Then I stand up and start following the cast back to the hotel. Two of them put there arms around me almost like that's going to give me more warmth.

"When you get inside your gonna have A warm shower and relax. Your so unlucky. First you don't sleep for over 2 days now your ill."

"I'm not ill I'm just cold I guess. I don't feel cold"

"Well you are cold" by this point we had reached the entrance. Everyone was in bed now either on the beach or in bed. Mark took me up to my room we're chad was asleep in the other bed. So these are my roomies not to bad. Although chad snores.

"Right go have a shower and don't come out until your warm"

"I am warm"

"Your ill"

"Fair enough"

—time skip because I'm not making you imagine Tom having a shower—

As I come out I don't really feel any different. Chad is fast asleep while mark is waiting for me to come out.

"Hey Tom. Are you okay now?"

"I don't know I don't feel any different" I do feel very hot though. He feels my forehead worry plastered all over his face.

"Okay get into bed and sleep. Does anything hurt?"

"No. I can't wait for tomorrow the sea is going to awesome. And I am going. You can't stop me. I'm going to be fine by tomorrow."

"Your only gonna be fine tomorrow if you fall asleep now"


"Goodnight" I go to bed and curl up in the covers.

This chapter wasn't that dramatic but we have another 3 days left.

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