Abused secret (3)

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Toms pov
I push through the cast who seemingly have frozen in confusion. Have they noticed she's drunk? I mean who wouldn't. This sucks so much. I can see here hanging out of her car door, her face almost seems like it's melting. Why why me. She looks so old. Surely she's not that old. Then I see dad gulping down some whisky as he parks the car.

I jump the fence and close the door. The amount of attention im getting right now is horrible. Just ignore this please. Please.

"You know it's illegal to drink and drive. Why are you here? Have you killed anyone along the way? Did you crash?" I notice the huge dent in the front of there car.

"Nooo. And we're just having a lil fuuun. Loosen up a lil. Here have some" she was slurring her every word and waving her arms around looking for a bottle. When she finds one I see saliva dripping of it. "Here you go" I take it away only to prevent them from drinking anymore. I can't allow them in the field. I just can't.

"Look. Can you guys act a little more professional. I know you've had some training seeing as all you ever are is drunk so please. If your going int there act normal." Immediately my mum straitened out and with one bottle in hand started walking safely without stumbling to the gate. Dad follows soon after. I am not leaving them alone.

Luckily both my parents didn't split up so watching them wasn't to hard. Everyone had re-started there conversation but I don't think it was about the same things. I noticed a lot of people looking at me and my parents. Sam has managed to make paddy and Harry leave us alone. Mum and dad are doing surprisingly well at not acting drunk. Hell they should be actors.

I see Chris evens making his easy over to me with a questioning look on his face. He moved strait past mum and dad and moved strait to me.

"Hey tommo, what's up. Umm, what's with the parents are they drunk? I thought you said they were sleeping" I continue to follow my parents inviting Chris to follow me.

"Yea there drunk but it's fine. There great at hiding it and there not going to cause any trouble. I can't send them away because there drunk and can't drive. I'm so sorry"

"No it's fine. Just so long as there okay. And your okay" I follow my parents to the drunk stand. I jump into action and stand in front of them.

"No more drinks. Seriously do you what to go to jail. It's seriously ridiculously" I can see Chris observing from behind them.

"Get out of the way you small bastard. Let me get my drink you little twat"

"N-no. Not around here. I don't care what you do at home but not here" mum roles her eyes and dad follows suit. They move away from me and I return to following. "Sorry. They can be very annoying sometimes. That's just one if there nicknames for me 'bastard' and 'twerp'"

"Tom That isn't right. No ones parents should do that. It's horrible. How did you live with Them for so long?"

"I didn't. We moved out when I was 16. I had saved up enough money. Haven't seen them since and seeing as I'm 22 I haven't seen them in 6 years. It came as a surprise that they showed up to be honest"

"Tom...I had no idea. I'm so sorry." Before Chris could continue I heard robs voice scream from a microphone,

"If you'll look to your left, you'll see another field with an extremely long table and another half size table. If you could make your way over and if your an adult sit at the long table and if your a child, that includes you Tom, go and sit on the smaller table" Dom and Nicola don't seem to notice to I guide them a bit like a sheep down round to the other field.

It is huge. The big table seems to fit at least 600 people. I'm actually considering sitting on the kid table to watch paddy. Then again the boys will do that while I take care of mum and dad. I make sure to sit between to Nicola and Dom while I watch Harry sit next to paddy as Sam sits next to Roberts wife. I watch my parents closely as I hear speakers starts abounding something

"Hello everyone. As you know I won't be working on anymore marvel movies with you however, I'll always be your mate. I have loved working with every single one of you. But let's not make this about sad things. Let's eat!"  I had hardly noticed the food on the table, I was so busy observing Dom and Nicola. But it looked like party food; there are small sandwiches and pop as well as chicken wings, small peace's of fruit such as grapes and cucumber. It looks amazing.

Conversation started back up. I can hear laughter and yelling. Being here is just so amazing. It would be so much better without Dom and Nicola here. Ugh I hate them. I shouldn't let it ruin this amazing party but I can't help it. The constant worry of them hurting someone is almost painful.

Chris (e) pov
I've noticed Tom being rather jumpy today. I saw him first when his little brother paddy came up to me, such a sweet lad, and then I saw his parents. The Tom looks at them. It's disturbing. There's no love or care but fear and anxiety. And pain. I don't know what the hell those guys did to him but I'm keeping an eye out.

I followed around for a while until rob invited us to go eat. The table is beautiful and the food reminds me a bit of my childhood party's but still good. I notice Tom seem to be completely focused on his mum and dad not his food. Then again, why am I observing Tom observing his parents an not observing his parents. Surely that would make me less confused.

I look over. I have to admit the two of them are not good looking; the woman looks like an old lady, her wrinkles dripping if her face and eyes deep in her head almost like there going to disappear. Her puffy red lips stick out of her face and her head is nearly balding.

The mans wrinkles are rather sophisticated, rather than drooping down they are planed on his head and they stick, his eyes bulge out of his skull red shot and dark, the hair on his skull is nonexistent and he looks strong yet brittle.

They both walk wonky and talk with a slur. I think there probably brain-dead alcoholics.

After looking at the disturbing portraits before me I try to ignore my imagination creating all types of different fantasy's and enjoy my food glancing up at Tom once in a while.

Toms pov
After roughly 3 hours of talking, eating and some of the kids sleeping we decided to say our goodbyes as leave. Paddy is still wide awake as is Harry but me and Sam are exhausted. I've insisted on driving despise Harry's objections. I'm not having him getting tired and causing a crash. Wait! No I need to drive mum and dad back, there double as tired as me and drunk out of there nonexistent minds.

"Hey Harry? Can you drive actually I'm going to take mum and dad back. If you get tired make Sam drive. In fact Harry you do half an sam you do the other you understand."

"Is a half hour drive chill. It's 6 in the afternoon I don't know why you two are so tired"

"I woke up at 5 and Sam woke up at half five."

"You slept for 6 hours after."

"It was a tiring 2 hours and a bit okay. Just drive safe. I love you"

Harry he's in the car on the wrong side. I do that so often. Being in Maseru a really does throw me off. Why do Americans have to drive on the left anyway? They confuse me.

"Hey Nicola, Dom. I'm going to drive you home alright?"

"Do not take that tone with me you little bastard"

"I-I'm just staying your overly drunk. It's not safe for y-"

"What did I tell you about that TONE!! I am fine" he says staggering over reaching his arm out almost like he's gonna slap me.

"Woah woah. I'm sorry. But seriously I can't have you drive home when your this drunk" I hear a click and then I see a black object pointed at me. Another fault of America, you can buy guns in Walmart. He's actually gonna shoot me. I don't know what to do. He's gonna shoot me. He doesn't care. He's gonna shoot me. I'm gonna die. Oh my god he's actually gonna kill me.

"I shaid don't takethat tooone with meee" my arms tend stiff above my head. I don't know what to say. Me being quite is gonna anger him and me talking is gonna anger him.

"I-I-I...p-please p-p-put-t" I gave up. Tears fell down my cheeks as I close my eyes. My arms are starting to ache. "I didn't mean any trouble. Please put the gun down" the reality of the situation was coming crashing down on me.

"Weeel you make a gooOood argument buuut, I kinda wanna have a bit of fuuun" a gunshot rang through the air.


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