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Toms pov
I keel over the toilet as I feel another wave of nausea crash over me. Vomit comes shooting from my mouth and onto the once clean porcelain. Why do I have to be ill today? If an actor is ill then we have to delay a while movie. I don't want to be the reason for delaying a movie.

The nausea passed and now all I feel is week and tired. It's 4 in the morning and I haven't slept one bit due to my stomach cramping and doing circus tricks. It still hurts. Why? I've basically thrown up my entire stomach content and more. This is so unfair. At least tell me what's actually happening. I have one more week on set. One week! And this is what my body's doing to me?

I reach my hand for any support to hoist myself up but my body just collapses back down. I can't do this today. I need to get to set. If I cant even stand up then I cant get to set. But I need to. But I can't. Plus if I'm trying to act with my stomach like this I'd be so keeled over I'd become a woodlouse. How many scenes do I have today? Like 1. At what time was it..? 3ish. Maybe I'll be better by then.if not I'll have to tell someone.

I try to get as comfortable as one can on a bathroom floor and rest my eyes. I end up in a lying position next to the radiator. How can just a trailer be so advanced?

It's not working. The pain isn't fucking subsiding and it's way too hot in here. Why is it so warm? It wasn't this warm a minute ago. Or maybe I just didn't notice due to my throwing up spell. Speaking of here we go again.

Benedict's pov
Today where shooting the scene just after Spiderman, Ironman and I meet the guardians of the galaxy. Everyone's ready except Tom who hasn't turned up. Needless to say the directors are extremely pissed so they sent me to go get him. He probably slept in again. God teenagers annoy me. I get to his trailer. The doors locked. Ah shit.

"Tom! Tom open up! Wake up. Your late!" I here nothing. My fist continues mocking on the door until I hear very irregular steps coming towards the door. I hear it unlock but not open. What happening?

Slowly I open the door and see a very pale looking Tom collapsed on the floor. He's still conscious. What's happened? Suddenly he starts crying. What the hell did I do?

"Hey Hey Tom. Tom bud what hurts? C'mon kid talk to me. Do I need to call an ambulance?" I had kneed down by him now. He didn't say anything but simply nodded and began a painful looking coughing fit. Blood began to pool out of his mouth. Shit.

"Hey ben What taking so lo- TOM! Oh my gosh are you okay? What's happening? Ben what the hell? There's blood!" Oh god Roberts here. Okay I need to breath. Let's control this situation.

"Robby, call 999...wait i mean 911. Idk just choose the one which will help." I turn back around to Tom who just looks tired. Not even in pain anymore. God there's blood everywhere. Should I get water?

"Tom? Where does it hurt buddy. You don't even need to talk just point bud." Nothing. Maybe he's dead? No he's breathing. Okay so what the hell is wrong? "Rob when is the ambulance getting here?" No response. Is no one actually Gonna respond to me today? Oh great rob isn't here either.

Toms pov
Everything hurts. The horrible rippling headachy pain shooting through my whole body and lingering for s few moments then completing the cycle. I can't bare it. I just want to die. Honestly if I could just cease to exist and be free from the pain.

The last thing I remember is stumbling over to someone mocking on the door then I just, disconnected from my body. I feel nothing but pain. I don't want to cry, I don't want to scream just to die. God this sounds depressing.

I know there's at least someone in front of me I don't know if there trying to talk to me though? Maybe I'm imagining them but I'm not sure. Ah god there it goes again. It appears to radiate from and towards my right stomach.

I try to close my eyes but I don't have the energy. I need to die. Maybe I could ask them to kill me? I could try.

"Klll m" oww. Oh god it hurts so much. Why can't I pass out? Normally someone gets hit on the head and bang there out but me? No! I have to stay awake in this fiery hell. Oww! No now my ears hurt! What is that horrible screaming sound? And banging? Oh shit. Well now I'm gonna pass out.

Benedict's pov
He's gone. Ahh shit he passed out. This is not good this is not good this is NOT FUCKING GOOD. The ambulance is here so that's a plus. Maybe Tom will be alright. If he won't. I'm not having a kid die in front of me.

"Hello sir? We are going to take him to the hospital now it seems like he has an inflamed stomach on the right side suggesting that his appendix has burst." Ah god. Just nod. That's all you need to do. Just nod.


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