Hiding illness (2)

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RDJ pov
Tom looked fine this morning wen he came in talking with Jacob about pizza or something. I mean when he ran out of the room suddenly I was a tad concerned but I don't know, he's Tom. I don't question him much seeing as he's usually smarter than me. Okay so after sprinting out to the room he returned looking a bit defeated and had very red cheeks and his scene was very sluggish but again I didn't think it was much. Now I'm on the floor of a toilet stall with an unconscious Tom slumped on my lap. What do I do?

I should tell for help. No that might disrupt Tom what with all the loud noise But he needs to wake up. Not like that though. Okay so I can call the director to get a medic. Then again maybe I should just call a medic. Am I really arguing about who to call? Oh god he's burning up. I don't care what I do just bloody do it fast The stench of vomit is killing me in here.




"Rob, where's Tom? Is he okay?" He sounded panicked although that's fair enough his star has just disappeared.

"No we need a medic in the first toilet to your left. Tom collapses after throwing up and he has a rising temperature." I hope he's okay. He's just lying there in my lap, lifeless.

"Ahh shit. Okay were coming." Less than 30 seconds later 3 medics rush into the room and begin doing a load of weird examinations on Tom still leaving him on my lap. I hope he's okay. Please be okay. I mean it can't be that serious right? He seemed absolutely fine this morning.

"Okay, it seems like he has bad stomach flu and has overworked himself causing his condition to become more extreme however a few antibiotics and rest should have him back to normal soon."

Hallelujah. Jut a bad case of the stomach flu. God he was still trying to work with the flu? I once got a week off because of a bad cold. Okay well no matter what he has he needs to get to bed and off my lap. And new clothes. The ones he has on are stained by vomit and all I can say is I'm very glad he's not in his spider-man suit.

"Okay so he needs rest so let's get him back to his trailer." A few people nodded but didn't move. They really expect me to not only get off the floor from this odd position bot hold onto Tom  while doing it? I'm not paid enough for this. I place one supporting hand under me and try to grip onto Tom as I hold onto him with the other one. This is just about all the exercise I need today. And I am up! Oh god now I can see his vomit. That's not a pretty sight at all.

Slowly I move outside and over to Toms trailer and notice the doors locked. Really? Well I can't split into two. Only one medic had followed me. Maybe they'll have the sense that I'm not god and they will  have to get it for me. Or not. Okay your just gonna stand there and stare at me.

"It's locked. I don't have the key. Do you know where it might be?" Again with this blank expression. I swear this kids gonna kill me.

"Nope. Oh do you want me to go find it?" Yes yes I really do!

"Yes please do. Thank you max." Finally. Okay this is good where getting somewhere. Maybe I need to be a bit nicer though. Loosen up. Toms gonna be fine. Okay breath, in and out. Everything going to be just fine. All good.

Toms pov
It's comfy. I'm back in bed oh that's nice. I had a weird dream. It wasn't nice. I was ill and I ended up vomiting and passing out in front of Robert. Yeah well what's the time?

I force my seemingly glued eyes open to check the time. Holy shit! It's 3 in the afternoon. I'm late. I'm really late! As in hours late! Why didn't anyone wake me up? I'm so dead. Maybe they fired me and waited for me to wake up to tell me. Oh no. I hear footsteps. I'm really out of the job! Oh no.

I watch almost in slow motion as the door opens and Robby enters. Why did they choose him to do it? No don't start crying. Now is not the time. Oh god here I go I'm crying. This is so embarrassing. My Luke is matters im being kicked out anyway. I'm gonna miss this whole place. Please don't.

"Oh Tom why are you crying? What hurts? I can get you more antibiotics if you want." What? Wait what's happening? What hurts? Well now that I think about it my stomach hurts a bit. 

"Sorry I thought I was gonna be fired for being late to work. That sounds stupid now that I've said it out loud. Sorry." He chuckles a bit but smiles.

"It's okay, your on some pain meds so you might have a bit of a messed up mind right now. You have the stomach flu but give it some bed rest and you should be good soon enough." Oh no. That's dream was real. Oh kill me now. This is so embarrassing. Uuuuugggghhh.

"Okay thanks."

I know this is a very late sequel but someone requested the second part so here you go Xxx

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