Injured during stunt (4)

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I have been asked to do a four part to this so here you go

Harry's pov
Tom was very normal for the first few days of recovering. He stayed at home and ate ice cream. He was making jokes and laughing. He was happy and energetic. Of course he couldn't do much with his energy seeing as he was on bedrest. The problem was, he's started feeling dizzy all the time and just collapsing for no reason. He's now scared of doing anything. He hates collapsing. I mean who wouldn't. He's worried he won't be allowed back on set. Tom lives in his own bubble.
We've called mum and dad and they are coming in half an hour. We haven't told the say yet though. They've all wanted to visit but have  to go to interviews and things like that. Tom doesn't want them to see them like this so we've been giving them false information like "he's doing so much better. There's no need for you to come over he doesn't want to bother you" I miss my brother. I want my big brother back.
"Harry!! HARRY!! In the kitchen!" Sams desperate voice flooded through the house
"Coming" as I run into the room I can see him on the ground eyes closed. His face is as pale and ghostly. I lean down and put his head in my lap. There's not much we can do. He doesn't wake up. Is not like when he spoke about being in a coma when he could hear everything. This time he's asleep. All he sees is blackness. All he hears is silence. He can sometimes feel us moving him and that freaks him out.
The doorbell rings and Sam whose in tears rushes to let our parents in. You can hear Sam crying. He's probably hugging mum. Dad steps into the kitchen and takes over from my position, I can finally start crying.
Will Tom ever be the same. Will he ever be able to go a day without collapsing onto the floor. These aren't questions because I know the answer. Toms never going to be the same. He's not going to be able to be spiderman, or go out or even live his life anymore. Toms gone. My Toms gone

Benedict's pov
We hadn't heard much from the Holland's. Apparently Toms is doing great and doesn't want to disturb us from our daily lives. So I'm getting some of the crew together to go surprise him at his house. I have to confirm with his brothers first so that's who I'm calling.
"Hey Sam it's Benedict here. I was just wondering if we could come over to surprise Tom like tomorrow at 6?"
"I...he...we......we can't tom...Tom has a....okay! Tom isn't fine," you could here him burst into tears, "he's been collapsing for the past 5 days and doesn't want to tell anyone because he thinks he'll lose everything and then he's be alone and not have a reason to live. He can't go a day without collapsing at least 2 times!"
"Wait what? Is h-he okay?"
"No he's not okay! He's out cold right now. It's horrible. He won't get out of his little bubble. He's constantly in pain"
"Im coming over."
"No! No, my parents are already here and he thinks you'll fire him if you know. I shouldn't have told you!"
"No it's fine. I won't come over but take care of him. I promise you I won't let him get fired if you help him to the best of his abilities."
"Take good care of him"

Harry's pov
—2days later—
We have to take him to the hospital. He's shaking a lot. He's somehow even paler than before. I don't think he fully knows where he is. He's scared into shock. Luckily the route to the hospital was a short one and we arrive in no time.
"Okay Tom you've got to walk with us. We're going to make everything better. We'll make you not scared anymore.
"Harry? What if there is no fixing me?"
"We wouldn't be here if the was no way to make you better. I promise" I shouldn't make promises I can't control but it's not like telling him the truth would make this any better.
He walked slowly into the hospital and we sign him in. We're shown to a room with doctor Carter. He better fix my big brother.
"Hello boys. Would you like to explain what's been happening with Tom here?"
"Well he's been collapsing pit of no we're. Just around the house at random times he just falls down and doesn't wake up from between 5 minutes to 45."
"Okay well, I have a theory but I'm flung to have to double check. Tom were going to have to scan your brain again okay?"
We did all of the boring paper work and watch Tom being wheeled into the room. What if his accident was much worse than we thought? What if he has brain damage. Poor Tom.
It's been half an hour and Toms waiting in the doctors office leaning against Sam as we wait for the results.
"Hello again boys. Well my hypothesis was correct and the good news is, it isn't life threatening however there ain't a cure. But before you all get down in the dumps there are pills which will help with this. I'm not going to tell you the long name but basically when he hit his head a few weeks ago, he hit a part of his brain which helps you to stay conscious. He's not narcoleptic however he will be finding himself gong into a sleep like state of mind. With these pills it should illiminate his need to sleep but sometimes he may still fall unconscious"
"Thank you doctor" he couldn't hand us the pills we had to get them at the farmicy. So that's where we're heading
After going out to get the pills we're back home. Toms gone to bed seeing as it is pretty late. I hear Sam on the phone

Benedict's pov
It's been two days and I haven't bothered Tom or told anyone here but it's killing me. Finally though at 11pm Sam calls me back
"Hello. How's Tom"
"We took him to the doctor and he now has pills to help. He said Tom will be good to carry on living as soon as his cast is of and his head has healed"
"That's great. And you guys as a family, I'm proud of you."
"Our parents had to go but we took him"
"You did a great job, ill see you soon"

3 updates in a day...I got really bored and I have enough requests to do something with my Boredom.

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