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RIP Chadwick. You will be remembered.

Tom Holland's pov
I've been short tempered all week, the smallest things will piss me off. I've just been trying to sit alone and ignore everyone so I don't snap at anyone. It's probably just hormones or something despite me being 21. I woke up this morning already annoyed, at what I don't know. Then I got more annoyed at the fact that I'm annoyed. I don't want to snap at anyone but I can tell certain people are also getting short tempered with me.

About two hours later I'm sitting, in my Spider-Man costume sweating my skin off and staring at my phone hoping no one will bother me. Time seems to be going slower and I can't even focus on this dull game. Every five minutes it levels me up! Surely it should be getting harder but no. I look up and notice a few people glancing at me. What the fuck do they want. No, I shouldn't be like that, they've done nothing wrong. Why am I so angry? This makes no sense. Maybe I should go on a walk. I don't have to act for another two hours other than acting like I'm okay.

Deciding I can't sit here for a second longer, I swiftly stand up and walk out. I notice some people silently following me, can't they take a hint? Without turning my head I try to see who it is. There's three of them, Tom (Loki), Chris (Thor) and someone else in the middle. It's fine, just keep walking. There not bothering you, well they kinda are. maybe if I walked faster or go to my own trailer then they'll leave me alone.

I still want to go on a walk so I might as well just ignore them. I speed up slightly and almost completely zone out. I'm aware that I've zoned out but I can't really be bothered to zone back in. As I reach the fence to the compound, the voices of exited screams grow louder, I don't know how fans manage to get this far past security but here the fuck they are. Thankful I'm wearing a hoody, I put the hood over my face and attempt to walk straight past them. Of course, security not being around this area, the people make it too me. It's a mother and small child, two teenage boys, two teenage girls and an old man. Better than some of the other people if I'm
Honest but right now I'd prefer to be alone. I don't want to sign any shirts or take a photo I just need to be left alone. Everyone needs to be left alone at some point in there life and this is mine.

"Can you sign my forehead"
"Can you take a picture"
"I love you"
"Can you sign my picture"
"Do you like this fan art?"
"Can you follow me on Instagram?"
"Do you think tessa could meet my dog"
"Where's the other avengers?"

I push past the wave of annoying voices and attempt to speed walk away, I don't want to get these people in trouble but I don't want to deal with them. My fans aren't a burden and I love them however right now there just giving me a headache. I hear the attention move away from me and move to someone else, I don't look back. Instead I jog towards the security and leave the whole area. Im on the street, just like everyone else, no one knows who I am and no one cares. It's almost calming in this busy atmosphere.

"Tom! What the hell was that? There was a small child back there and you ignored them! Do you know how crushed she is that her favourite superhero ignored her?" He's right. I might have ruined that kids view of Spider-Man, their family probably hate me now and I don't blame them, okay now I need to go back. I didn't even get three minutes of peace! Three! I feel my legs automatically turn round and I head back. I guess I'm just never going to get peace. As I walk past Tom and Chris I feel one of them grab my arm, probably Chris. That's rude. Like who just grabs people?

"Look, I'm going back to the kid just like you said, then if you could please just let me go on my fucking walk that would be highly appreciated" he didn't let go so I looked him in the eye. Maybe I can at least try to be intimidating, although I doubt it will work. I notice a flash of anger in Chris's eyes and flinch out of instinct, brilliant. your never gonna win a fight if you wince before anyone even starts talking. I've never truly talked back t anyone and I know i should feel bad, i should feel bad that I've just yelled at my friends and that I've been basically ignoring everyone for days and that I've ignored my family's calls but I'm not. if anything its a little bit relieving.

"i'm sorry, I just thought that superheroes actually where nice to people who love them. I didn't think that they just ignored people who care about them and then yell at everyone who tries to help." 

"that's just it, your all amazing superheroes because your always happy and always mentally prepared to never get a moment of peace. if that what a superhero is then I'm a human so why don't you let me be a fucking human. for once...for once I don't want to be a superhero, I want to be tom whose felling like shit so that i can just go home and cuddle with my dog."

"don't play it like where the evil guys. of course everyone needs a brake but everyone whose tried to help you, you juts yell at and push away. if you don't like your co-workers just suck it up and move on."

"co-workers? too bad, cause i thought we where friends"

spidytomstories is writing a Tom Holland one shot book just like me. Go check them out. their book is by far better than mine.
I only did this chapter to let you guys know about the new story, I still have to take a broke to focus on my other stories sorry.

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