Injured during stunt (3)

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Due to high request (one person) I'm doing a part three

Toms pov
I'm finally getting out of hospital. Everything aches. I haven't moved In a long time my body is not used to it. I've been told I'm going strait home. The rest off the cast don't know I'm up yet but I'm sure they'll be told soon. Meanwhile I'm really struggling to get down these stairs. One step, two step, don't fall, three step, four step. I wonder what mum will do when I'm at home. She'll probably be all fussy and making sure that I'm okay. I love my mum but sometimes over exaggerates.

"Hello, Tom Holland, do you need any help" most of the staff here know my name. There always amazed that there's a "celebrity" at there hospital. I don't really like being called a celebrity. I'm just a nerd acting in the best job ever.

"Umm yes please" the woman moved over and practically carried me down the stairs. "Thx"

"It's my job, honey" as I reached the bottom floor Sam and Harry Walked In

"Tom! What are you doing here! We could have helped you walk down. You shouldn't have moved alone. Are you okay"

"You know i don't like bothering people. Plus I was fine" I say wobbling slightly and gripping onto the wall next to me. Damn my head.
Harry gripped onto my jacket and help me up

"Woah. I thought you were meant to be a good actor"  between my two brothers I was yet again almost carried to the car.

Benedict's pov
I was half way through a scene when Robert yelled across to us all.

"Hey everyone Toms calling!!" The whole place hushed as Robert turned his phone on speaker

(R) Hey Tom
(A) Hey Tom
(H) hey guys it's Harry here. Um Tom doesn't know that I'm calling but he's awake (everyone cheered) however he doesn't want to bother you guys
(R) can we come over?
(H) all off you?!
(R) not all at once
(H) oh yea sure. What! No Tom I'm not talking to anyone! It's mum. Yes mum is someone but that's not what's I meant. Got to go guys.
(A) bye Harry
(H) bye

Okay so I will of course want to see him and so will Robert, Chris E, Tom H and other cris. So we could visit him first and probably FaceTime the rest of the cast. The director yelled

"Okay so Chris x2, Robert, Tom and Benedict you can go after we've finished the scene"

—after the scene—

We're all taking our own way to Toms place and we should all be there by half 6. It's 6 at the minute so we should be fine. I wonder how he's feeling. He got hit in the head pretty hard and his broken wrist. He's gonna be exhausted.

Umbrella started playing and I couldn't stop remembering that dance Tom did for his little crush Zendaya. Toms like a brother to me we know everything about each other. I know he was pumped about that stunt. It's so sad he had to crash. At least they didn't replace him.

I finally arrive at Toms house. He lives with his two brothers. His youngest brother, paddy, lives at home with his mum still. Paddy hasn't seen Tom yet because apparently he's cramming for tests but he'll see Tom soon.

I wait for about 6 minutes until everyone's here. We all
Know how precious Tom is and how gutted he is about the stunt so we care a great deal about them. I'm glad no paparazzi showed up which is nice, finally some privacy.

Chris evens nicks on the door and then one of Sams brothers opens the door. It's kinda hard to tell which.
"Hey guys. Toms in the kitchen because he insisted he's fine but nearly passed out before he got to the tv" he rolled his eyes. Definitely Harry. "But please come in"

We walked through there house. It's a nice house, not like a mansion just normal. It's a tad messy but that all adds to the character. We reach the kitchen and the look on Toms face is priceless.

"Hi guys!!"
"Hey Tom how are you" we all go in for a hug. As we pull away Toms bright red.
"I'm good. You guys didn't have to come all the way out here"
"We wanted to doofus"
"Thanks guys"

Toms pov
I was sitting in the kitchen having Sammy giving me a drink. I hate people fussing over me but it's hard to object when you can't walk

Harry leaves the room and I can hear him talking to someone probably at the door. Well if there isn't anyone at the door then he's just be talking to himself which would be a worry.

Then Harry returns with 5 other people. It was Chris, chris, Tom, Ben, Robbie. What are they doing here? Oh my gosh did they come here to see me? This is so embarrassing there so nice. What should I do?!

"Hey guys" really that's it! You couldn't have thanked them for coming?
"Hey Tom how are you?" Before I even had the chance to say I was fine all 5 of them hugged me. I tried my best to hug back with my one working arm. By the time they billed away I felt my face becoming bright red.
"I'm good. You guys didn't have to come all the way out here " ah no now I sound ungrateful
"We wanted to dufus." That response came from cris Pratt. I could feel myself getting even redder by the second.
"Thx guys" c'mon they drove for half an hour to see you and all you can say is thx!? "Umm do you guys want a drink?"
"Yes but not from you. You wait right there" there so nice. What else should I do!? I can't do anything. Damn my injury's.

I know I keep on saying this but any requests would make my update schedule a lot faster. Thx guys

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