Hiding illness (1)

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Toms pov
I feel like crap. My stomach hurts and my head is pounding. My head pain was a sharp stinging pain right at the back of my skull. its also freezing. I can't help but shiver even underneath these warm covers. I feel like I'm going to throw up my insides at any second. It's the most pain and nausea I've ever felt all at once. I've literally only just got up and everything's gone wrong. Not even out of bed yet and I'm exhausted. Why?We have so many scenes today this is not a good time to get Ill. Although there's never really a good time to get Ill. It's so sudden as well, yesterday I felt amazing. I did an interview with Benedict and it was great fun. So why do I now feel like rubbish. It's horrible. Just horrible.
I can't tell anyone I've already decided that. If I told people they'd make a fuss, we'd have them extend our shooting time, I'd be delaying some people's scenes and it's just overall disruptive. We have so many scenes to do today. We're filming the last few scenes of the movie. I don't even know what my lines are so I really need to stop moping and stop feeling sorry for myself. I'm sure the others have experienced this before and carried on. I mean I think it's terrible but it's probably not that bad compared to other illnesses. It just takes a little perseverance. A lot of perseverance and I can get through the day like I normally would. And if not I'm sure the medics can give me some painkillers and I'll be all fixed up in no time. But first probably the hardest part of the day...getting out of bed.
Leaving the covers behind and the comfort of my bed left me even colder than before. Surly it's not healthy to be this cold. Oh well.
I can't have a shower I've waited to long for that so I'll just chuck some cold water in my face to wake me up. I hate being ill. I have to get to work quickly.
I'm working on the homecoming set today doing a scene we're I'm in the bedroom with calum. I have to do a lot of jumping up and down and I don't know how much of that I can do feeling like this. I don't want to throw up on set that would be an expensive mistake. I should probably get through that fast and then I can go to the interview and then the rest of the day I'm free. This doesn't happen often so I'm glad that I can have it today when I'm ill.
I stumble through the doors and meet Jacob in makeup. We have a small conversation about dogs and pizza and then we're given the script to learn our lines.
It's not that hard of a scene verbally but physically I'm jumping up and down on the beds and wandering around constantly. It's wouldn't usually be that bad but my head already feels like it's going to explode and my stomach the same.
With each breath it feels as if my stomach is being ripped to peace's and my head feels like it's being pummeled with one thousand hammers. Feeling like this, I don't know if I can finish the scene.Or even if I can do this at all.
I feel a growing sensation in my chest and...oh sh- I dart out of the room and to the bathroom. I open the door and stare at the toilet seat. Do I really want to go this? Well no of course I don't want to do it but can I stop it. I'm really busy today I don't know how much I can miss.
It's rising again but it almost feels like an air bubble. I burp up a small amount of liquid and then I start violently gagging. It hurts so much. It's like my throats being ripped. Slowly I start throwing up everything is my stomach. The loud retching sounds echo in the porsilin bowl. I can't do this. But I have to. I start getting a call.
"Hello Tom. We're are you? You just ran out we need you on set"
"Sorry Jacob I just realized I needed the toilet. I'll be there in a second"
"What happens to your voice?"
"I have a cold"
"Oh okay" okay I have to do this no more delaying I can do this scene. I'm practically empty anyway.
I burst through the doors of the set. My throat is really scratchy. Being ill and being an actor does not mix. The director looks at me worriedly and walks over.
"Hey Tom I heard your voice is all messed up?" I cleared my throat the best I could and replied.
"Yea just a little bit it's fine" this actually sounded s lot healthier than it did before.
"Okay. You don't sound to bad let's just run through the lines and then we'll see how you are"
We've run trough the lines and I'm sounding much better but I'm felling much worse. My stomach feels like it's doing summersaults and my head is throbbing so much I can hardly hear. But it's my job this is something I have to do. So I get on the bed ready to start my lines. But I can't. No words come out.
"Cut. Tom wassup?"
"Nothing I'm-" I felt a game on my forehead.
"Tom I'm going to take your temperature your awfully hot"
"No I'm not I'm freezing"
"Tom. I think you're Ill okay. You've clearly got a fever. Any other side effects?"
"No I'm fine trust me, it's just a hot day out that's all." He looked slightly annoyed and defeated.
"Okay fine. Let's role that scene again"
My biggest struggle was me trying to do an American accent and say the lines while doing them in the right place as well. In the end I gave up. I should tell them right? I mean I'm getting no we're this way and it's only holding people back further. But I don't know how long I'll be of Ill. Robbie notices me struggling just as the director yells cut and he walked over to me,
"Hey Tom are you okay? You look distant and you burning"
"Just a bit Ill. You know headache, stomach ache and very cold"
"Your definitely ill let's get you home to sleep okay?" I didn't want to. I really didn't want to but this was probably best. And th-
For the second time today i sprint of to the bathroom only this turn I hear footsteps follow behind me. This time there's no hesitation. I meter what's left of my stomach into the bowl. It hurts so much I can't believe I'm doing this infront of RDJ as well. It's so embarrassing.
"Okay Tom Just breath okay." My skull was being ripped into so many peices. I feel myself go limp and fall into someone's lap and then silence. And pain.

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