Blood sugar (2)

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Toms pov
As I leant back in my chair the world began spinning around me. I finish off the last of my drink and try to focus as much as I can on the conversation at hand. I think we are talking about how people never indicate. Bleeding hell we have weird conversations. No one seems to notice my withdrawal from the conversation and my ever growing painful expression. I'm too tired and I'm beginning to get a headache. Te colours behind bens head begin so merge into a horrible brown. Slowly I become aware of Tessa's whining and nudging if my leg. I don't want to go to the toilet again though people will think I'm insane. From my pocket I take another few sweets and try to eat them without anyone noticing but I see Ben look at me worried. Suddenly I stiffen and look away.

He looked worried for just a moment before a flash of understanding passes over his face. "Tom, can I just talk to you outside for a moment?" Words struggled out of my mouth. He hasn't just figured it out has he? No no no, no one was meant to know. I try to keep my act together as everyone looks between Ben and I.

"Yea. Yea sure" I slowly get up to my feet as Tes becomes restless. My legs begin to cripple under the weight of the rest of my body as my head begins spinning ten times faster. Ben seems to sense my discomfort as he grabs onto my arm and helps me outside. The fresh air does nothing to help my dizziness and I immediately sit down on one of the plant pots.

"Tom, I'm going to ask you something and please answer me seriously. I'm not going to judge you." I nodded. If I don't check my glucose levels soon I might as well just die on the floor. Everything seems to become a blur. I'm not really aware of anything . "Do you have diabetes?" Is at there still as can be staring into space. He knew. How long can I avoid this? If I die do you recon That would hold him off for a while? My mind is so clouded and I almost forget what question Ben asked anyway. I can't concentrate my even on the wildly spinning floor.

Bens pov
As Tom took out something from his pocket and ate them i finally figured out what's wrong. He's looked very nauseated for the past few minutes and Tessa hasn't stopped nagging him until he took the food from his pocket. Where in a food place so he knows it's not acceptable to eat outside food so clearly he needs it. He's being drinking a hell of a lot today and hasn't stopped going to the toilet so I'm pretty sure he's diabetic but I'll have to ask to be sure. That's probably what Tessa's here for.

"Tom, can I just talk to you outside for a moment?" A look of discomfort and shock passed across his face. He then looks slightly ill as he considered the answer. Something is clearly wrong, I've never seen Tom so secluded and in pain.

"Yea, Yea sure" I notice him wobbling a bit and not looking around almost as if he's scared to look up. I quickly grab his arm and help him to the door. We're both ignoring the guys watching from behind. Tessa follows closely next to Tom. As soon as we're out side he collapses onto the nearest seat he could find before staring at the floor. If he is diabetic then I can't talk to him too long and he needs to help.

"Tom, I'm going to ask you something and please answer me seriously. I'm not going to judge you." He looked scared and like he wanted to get out of the situation. In fact I've never seen him so venerable. He's always got 200% energy and now he looks like he's dead in his feet. He looks so tired and scared. He nods.

"Do you have diabetes?" A flash off horror crosses his face as he looks like he's going to cry. Shit this is not good. Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry. So I'm taking that as a yes. I guess being Sherlock Holmes really does help with my detective skills.

I notice Tessa pawing at his leg and whining. Then all of a sudden she barks. Both I and Tom jump at this. "Yes I have diabetes type one but I really need to check on my blood pressure because I don't feel well and Tessa's warning me but I don't want to do it in public" his whole face is just full of pure terror meanwhile Tessa was still going at it. People start to stare as Tessa gets louder and Tom gets more panicked.

"Okay well why don't you go to the car for a second and I'll wait here. That good?" He nods and tries to rush off to the car but he stops and leans against a pole. Then Tessa starts going insane and barking before Tom crumples to the floor. Shit. He's fainted.

I run up to him and stat slapping him. That's not helping. Crap. I jump up and run to his car. It's bloody locked. I run back, grab his car keys and go back to the car. I'm wasting too much time. Way to much time. After about 30 seconds of searching I find the kit. A group of people was surrounding him now, mainly filming instead of helping. Tessa is getting really defensive and barking at people. Most remain unfazed clearly loud of the film there getting. Tom is still conscious and clearly terrified. His kit looks weird. There's a pump in there and a bunch of needles labeled insulin. I have no idea what to do with this stuff.

"Tom what to I do? Where do I put the needle?" There's also like a metal clip and more needles. I thought Tom was scared of needles.

"Amm" I think he said arm but I'm not sure. I grab the needle and jab it into his arm anyway. He just lays there but he doesn't seem as panicked anymore and Tessa lays down on his leg. (No idea if that's right. If it's not the arm then it's somewhere"

"Did anyone call the ambulance? And please get the cameras out of his face!" The ambulance had been called and a few people stopped recording. Tom began to try and sit up but I lay him back down.

"Woah woah, just relax okay. Your going to be alright. Your going to be fine" the sirens grow closer but Tom begins to close his eyes. "No dont. You have to stay awake Tom please. Don't close your eyes okay. Just stay with me" the people part as ambulance responders plow through the crowd. I watch as he's lifted onto a stretcher and carried onto the ambulance. Then the vehicle is gone and I'm left staring into space.

"Ben! What happened to Tom?!" Paul seems to actually be worried despite there previous argument.

"He's fucking diabetic Paul! Diabetic! His glucose leveled where down really low and then he passed out now he's in hospital." The look on his face said it all. Just regret and guilt and a small amount of anger.

This wasn't a great ending but I hope it was good.

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