Five days of the holiday

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day one

Toms pov
One of the best things about being in pinewood Atlanta was all of the countryside but the bad thing was, no beach. I haven't seen the sea ever since we started filming infinity war. I miss it. Sure in London there isn't very many beaches but it's only a 2 hour drive to one. From the studio we have to drive for 5.
It's a fun drive anyway with 5 people in this car and another 12 cars behind us and 3 in front. In our car 3 people are asleep and and just me and Chris (Hemsworth) are awake. We're playing music, I don't really know the name to, so we're lot making much conversation. With three hours left and it being 2 in the morning he looks about ready to pass out.
"Chris, if you want you can pull over and I'll take over. You look like your a bout to fall asleep and I'd prefer not to die."

"Okay thanks Tom. I normally wouldn't accept but you drank 3 cups of coffee before we left and I think your probably in a better place"

"Well caffeine works wonders. I'm gonna call someone and tell them why we're pulling over"

To Robo
Hello, in about 25 minutes our cars gonna pull over so Chris can have a break.

From robo
Ok, everyone in our car had a load of coffee before hand so we're all awake

To robo
That sounds like your gonna have a very loud 3 hours

From robo

Okay so we have the quietist car I think. Well those lot are gonna be tired tomorrow while we're all gonna be having a blast

Driving wasn't so hard until the 5th hour. I was having a coffee crash. Maybe having 3 cups of coffee wasn't so great. I don't even like coffee. Well o have one hour left and it shouldn't be to hard. I'm at the back of the car trail now so if I fall asleep then it gonna be like a domino effect and we'll all die. This sucks.

I felt myself slowly watch as we all take a right and then follow lazily. Not that far away from hotel. Suddenly I get a call on the screen thing in the middle of the it says RBJ

"Hello rob? Umm kinda in the middle of trying to stay awake here"

"Don't take the next left, we all have but it's wrong go strait and then follow the satnav"

"Ok" I do as he says and ignore the left as everyone goes left

"Hah got you!!"

"Rob are you drunk? You are insane"

"Haha sorry, just a mix of tired and caffeine and maybe a tired"

"Okay your not driving right"

"Nah, Dave's driving"

"Okay then go to sleep. Get some rest...rob? Robbie? Robo? Okay goodnight" I hung up. So now I've gone the wrong way, I'm gonna be here for another...hour and a half!!! What the hell! How is that possible? How the hell is that possible.

Okay well I guess I have to tell someone who's actually awake and not on the verge of passing out. How about Ben I know his car is taking turns each hour so he will be wide awake.

"Hey chris how ya doing"

"Hi, Tom here. I switched because he was tired. Rob just played a trick on me so I'll be another 1 and a half hours late. Make that 2 there's been a crash. Maybe more."

"Okay stay safe. Remember we're here 4 days so if you sleep through the first we won't mind."

"Thx, see you at like 7"

"Hang in there"

"Will do. Bye"

"Bye" I'm gonna die. I'm actually gonna die. I shouldn't wake anyone else up tho. That would be unfair. After spending the whole night driving with hardly any other cars I'm now stuck in traffic with like 50 other cars. I need coffee. Or tea. Or maybe just strait up caffeine. Yea that would be nice. I'm pretty sure we have beed somewhere but that's illegal so I'll just suffer.

1 and a half hours. Okay I can survive. Although all this snoring is driving me mad. Thank god our gas lasts so long

An hour. Okay gas is going down. Crap I'm gonna have to get gas. Maybe I can get coffee there. Yea let's go get gas

An hour, okay gas was further away than I thought. I've had coffee tho. It hasn't helped. At all. Come on caffeine.

Half an hour, okay not that far left. You can sleep all day in like another hour. It's half 6 in the morning. I'm never gonna make it.

Finally I've arrived. We're staying at a nice hotel but I can't really respect is beauty right now.

"Okay guys we're here. Wake up"

"Tom? What's the time? The sun is up. Did you leave us in the car?"

"Rob played a trick on me and we were delayed another two hours. Can one of you sign in I'm gonna sleep here. I don't wanna move"

"Okay Tom."

Chris's pov
"Okay guys we're here. Wake up" what? Oh I'm in a car. And that's Tom. And it's light outside.

"Tom? What's the time? The sun is up. Did you leave us in the car?" Was I here all night. Maybe he was just being nice and leaving us asleep.

He looks exhausted. He has huge bags under his eyes and he's pale. Even paler than usual.

"Rob played a trick on me and we were delayed another two hours. Can one of you sign in I'm gonna sleep here. I don't wanna move" oh no. How early is it. Like 8. Poor Tom.

"Okay Tom" within a second he was out. "Alright guys, someone sign in I'm carrying Tom inside." The other cris and the other Tom walk inside. They thought it would be funny to dump us all in the same car. And chad but that's just because he wanted to be in a quite car.

"Are you sure you don't want me to carry him. We've had more sleep than you" Chad whispered

"Yea sure" Well Tom isn't waking up in months. I watch as chad lifts him up and carries him inside. I follow all of them locking up the car behind me.

No one else is using this hotel so we won't be bombarded with People. As I walk inside I notice the Cast up except for all of robs car and a few more. Some of them give us confused looks and ben looks sympathetic.

"Hey guys, you only just got in? What happened?"

"Rob happened. Poor Tom has been awake for 54 hours."


"Remember he flew by from England, ended up with jet lag and couldn't sleep so he won't be up today."

"That sucks"

I'm going to try and do five chapters all related to each other so this is day one, I'll work on day two.

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