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Many of you know what's going around in the world right now but please just stop to read. It's important and there's a high chance your being misinformed.

⚠️do not attend the San ⚠️Diego, Cali protest! It is⚠️ ⚠️a set up and cops will⚠️
⚠️be ready to shoot and⚠️ ⚠️black youth on sight⚠️

What the news isn't showing you is cops are starting the violence. They are attacking the peaceful protesters and even staging fights. There are under cover cops at almost every event and they will blame you for any crime committed. You aren't safe and your not being protected.

The protesters are not looting. The looters are taking advantage of the protests and looting during that time. Protesters beg them to stop it is not there fault. If they become violent it's because it is self defense or anger. Cops have no right to be angry for one if there own has not been killed for no good reason.

British police are no better. If you gave us guns and an mr child rapist to run our country we'd be just as bad. Police brutality, racism and corruptness is still around.

You don't have to be American to protest. Do it from home with signs. Let you street know what's going on. Share with friends. Do research help spread the truth. Sign protests online, I've signed many and there not hard to find just look up black lives matter petition and you should find many. If you stay silent you are a part of the problem. Your no better than the cops.

First of all the riots:
If you are planning on attending any please
Wear a mask
Cover your hair
Take out piercings
Cover tattoos
Don't go back to your own house

Don't forget if you are white you have privilege and power. Stand in front of the black people for it is less likely for cops to attack you.
Tear gas and rubber bullets while classed as 'none lethal' have caused fatalities before. Be carful they are dangerous and painful.

Also white folk, this is not your time to shine! Yes you are there and yes you are needed but do not run the protest. Let the oppressed speak for you don't know what they feel. This is there time to become fully equal, let them shine.

If you do not believe have bad the cops are behaving, just look up cop brutality during rioting. It is ridiculous and in the hundreds children are being pepper sprayed, in the hundreds black teenagers are being beaten, in the hundreds adults are being tear gassed. Wake up. This is a revolution. Fight with us.

I only have a small following and I know only a few people read what I wrote but I beg of you, this is of the greatest importance If you are reading this, tell your friends to do something. This ain't an American thing, this is a world thing.

This is not only about black people any more

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This is not only about black people any more. I need to bring your attention to the Muslims. Listen.

The Muslims in China are being killed in concentration camps. Yes the same thing people thought where so horrible under the rule of hitler! So what changed? Fight for there freedom.

Indian Muslims are being killed because they are Muslims. Yes the same reason cities are burning in what changed? Fight for their lives!

in kashmir the Indian military has them in lockdown since last year no internet they have no idea about anything. You think quarantine is bad? This is torture. Fight for their rights!

in Afghanistan isis killed mothers and children in a hospital. Yes being brutally murdered in the thousands!why aren't you fighting for there lives? Fight for their freedom!

Syria has been a war zone because of their evil government. Yes like during world war 1 or 2 or during your civil wars. WHATS CHANGED? Fight for their safety!

Russia is bombing Syria. Why is this any less important than when the blitz happened. Fight for their sanity.

  isRaEl have been occupying Palestine and killing their people like when The British overthrew America. Why fight so hard for your flag and not for this? What changed? Fight for their country!

Yemen is facing the worst humanitarian crisis ever and everyone there is dying out of hunger in Burma Buddhists are burning the people and murdering them. Yes like during the Great Depression when no one could survive. So what changed?

Fight for their lives
Fight for their freedom
Fight for their country
Fight for their rights
Fight for there safety
Fight for their sanity
Fight for the dying children
Fight for the heartbroken mums
Fight for the stolen fathers

We are all equal. Do something to change this world. Don't sit in silence.

Black people
Hispanic people
LGBTQ+ people
Muslims people
We are all people.

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