Fire (2)

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Chris evens pov
I'd just been relaxing around the set. I'd finished my last scene and I was just about ready to go home until... fire alarm. Well that's one way to say ' good riddance' so in an orderly fashion we all left the building all pretty sure it was a drill and nothing was actually happening. That was until we all got outside and saw a huge cloud of smoke on the east side of the building.

This is a real fire? The amount of things which are going to be destroyed: all the sets and the kitchen. No the food! Oh well tom will have to starve for a while. Actually what about Tom? He's gonna have to sleep on the streets for like 4 months. Eh I'm sure we'll figure it out.

Okay just like at school the directors began counting heads


14? Where's 14? Who's 14? Tom? Wait where's Tom? Shit this isn't good this isn't a drill which means Toms inside. Okay I'll call him. No one else seems to have noticed. Well they are kinda all staring at the huge puff of smoke so I don't really blame them.

"Guys Tom isn't here. I'm going to call him." All 12 other people turn to me and u can almost here their necks simultaneously crack at the fast movement. I can see worry plastered all over their faces as they glance around in worry. Then the director holds up a phone.

"Tom left it inside. He went to the toilet...13 minutes ago." What the fuck! Are you kidding me? You've got to be kidding me! So the only time a building is actually on fire, Tom is stuck or lost inside the building. Great. That really seems like a normal thing to happen. So Tom might die...Tom might die. Wait no die.

"TOM! IF YOU DONT FUCkInG REPLY IM COMING INSIDE!" Well if Tom turns up fine, I've ruined my vocal cords forever. And it looks like I'm about to ruin everything else cause In I go. As I begin to rush towards the burning building, an arm grabs mine and pulls me back. This is not the time to be responsible this is the time to save Tom before he burns to fucking death.

"Calm down. If you play the hero your gonna end up dead. Wait for the fire department to get here" Brie sound confident and a bit demanding. Okay sure maybe Tom will be fine.

After a few minutes I can hear alarms. Blaring through the streets. Okay this is good, Toms gonna be fine. Where is he anyway? Like shouldn't he have relished the building is burning? Surely that should have made him come out. Unless he tripped and is unconscious or trapped somewhere.

"TOm ITS OkaY. YOuR GonNA bE FiNE!" I hope he can hear me or else this would be a tad awkward. I am telling loud although the fire alarm is also loud. I guess I'm comforting myself more than him. Seeing as we're at the back of the building, i can't see or communicate with any of the fire fighters but I trust they'll do it well. Smoke and flames had now consumed the surrounding trees but doesn't seem to have spread to one of the main filming areas. I can feel the heat radiating of the building and I inhale smoke.

Suddenly from the left side of the house, a woman in a full protective suit walks through the flames towards us. Maybe I can communicate. I forgot they can walk through fire. She looks like she isn't in a hurry which is worrying. Why would you not be in a hurry when Tom is burning in the building.

"Is there anyone inside?" Did someone not specify that over the phone! Why would they not mention that over the phone are you kidding me that is like the most important thing!

"Yes, a kid Tom. Last time we saw him he was going to the toilet" Okay I'm talking loud and fast. Probably not the best way to inform her but she appears to understand and she turns around and walks through the door closest to us. Okay brilliant . I can see more smoke...does that mean there's more fire or fire has been put out? Yet again another fire person walks round the side , which looks almost clear, and beckons us round the side of the building. 3 fire trucks and about 20 fire people are standing on the front lawn, a but hidden by the fire trucks is two ambulances...I didn't think 2020 could get much worse.

I notice a very dirty and pained Tom being wheeled out on a stretcher. He didn't look conscious but he was breathing. A cold rush falls down my spine as I jog over to Tom. As I get closer I can see that despite him not being conscious he was spluttering and coughing, every time he opened his mouth you could see the teeth and tongue plagued in black sut. Suddenly paramedics turned him to his side and I see him start to cough up blood and horrible brown liquid.

"Sir please step back, we will need to question you." The voice made me jump but I obliged. I turned round to see a man standing with a clipboard. All the fire was put out now but the smoke still chocked me and quite a few others, the paramedics and fire-people aren't moving us away though. "Do you know how the fire started?"

"No." Short and simple answers. I can't seem to make myself look him in the eyes. I guess it's only now just hitting me that Tom might be dead.

Toms pov
My eyes sting and I can't figure out where I am although I'm sure I've been moved. The smoke still chokes me and all I can taste is rotten burning cardboard. I feel a scratching feeling like I need to cough but I can't navies of the position I'm in. It seems impossible to even breath. And it's uncomfortable as I can feel the searing pain on my back and arms and legs, I'm living in pain.

Quickly someone moves me onto my side and I want to scream, it hurts it hurts so much. I can't dwell on the pain though because as if I'm queue I begin gagging up thick liquid. Why me? My hearing just becomes a loud screeching and I slowly begin to fall into sleep.

Chris Evans pov
It's been 3 hours and this waiting room is really beginning to bore me. It's only me here seeing as it's Covid-19 and we really shouldn't have a load of people in the waiting room. I'm wearing a mask and gloves but it's no issue, it's common sense really isn't it?

"Family members for Tom Holland?" Finally. I walk up to them and they point me to the first room down the corridor. This is easy. Now that we're out of the set we have to abide by the social distancing regulations. I walk into the room and see a barely awake Tom smiling at the tv.

"Hey tommo, how are you feeling?" I stop a meter away from the bed. He looks at me surprised but happy and looks over. I notice him wince a bit as something clearly hurt him. I stop just for a second and take in how he looks, he has a breathing mask on and his left arm is wrapped around his right arm and there is a burn on his neck only slightly covered by a wet cloth. His face is surprisingly untouched except for a small burn on his left cheek.

"Hi Chris. The burns hurt quite a bit but it's all good." I almost wince at his voice. It's horse and croaky. I can see it also hurts him as he inhales sharply and closes his eyes.

"I'm sorry mate, it'll get better at some point. Just don't talk to much alright. Do you want a drink?" He nods and I gently open a water bottle by the bed and pass it to him. With his left arm he drinks a bit after removing the breathing mask. This might be a long recovery and it's a shame I can't help him through it all.

I'm gonna try to update a bit more but I've said that a lot and I always let you down so don't hold me to it.
Jay 🧡🦊

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