Actually bitten (2)

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The lizards aren't nearly as interesting as the monkeys. Sure some of them have three heads and one of them doesn't have a head at all but other than That they seem very dull. I can't help but to scratch my hand as it begins to itch like a few flies had bitten it. I know I'm not supposed to scratch wounds but it's below a bandage so I should be good. Almost the whole cast had introduced them selfs to me and Chris Hemsworth has stuck around with me. He's surprisingly funny, not that I didn't think he was funny just that he's a laugh. Not that I'm laughing at him or know what I think I'm just digging this hole deeper.

"Hey spidey, I'd suggest not scratching the cut you'll only make it worse." Ow! Why was she being so loud? Now that I think about it, everything's really loud. Okay I just need to breath and calm down, this might be a panic attack although I have no idea why I'd be having one. Liz is looking at me slightly worried, wow these people are nice. I've known them for, what, an hour? And there already actually caring.

"Yeah sorry" I faintly make out that we where going to see birds next but at this point I'm trying to zone out as to not get overwhelmed by all the noise. I guess I started this of okay but I'm ending it not so well. I have many years to make this better but right now I need to not panic.

As I walk through into the boiling room full of loud chirping birds I felt myself almost collapse. My knees go weak and my eyes gloss over. I feel a tingling sensation which ripples throughout my whole body but this whole sensation lasted but as second. As if by routine my legs had kept moving and no one noticed my sudden blacked out state. Okay how about I try just to focus, really hard on the instructor. Block out everything else.

"You could say the people here are comic fanatics, quite a few of these animals are going through a process to fit into the marvel cinematic universe and the other one. Of course they are smart enough to contain them and not let them bite anyone. We actually have the hulk bird, don't anger her or she will turn green. Not her feathers of course but her skin. She will also become extremely aggressive but not stronger, there still working on that. I forgot to mention the widow monkey who can throw toy knifes and do acrobatics. Another monkey, hawkey, can use a bow and arrow and we have a radioactive spider just coming up. You will not be able to hold this spider however as we are not having a real Spider-Man/woman." I feel a bit like my heads is spinning in my skull and I'm not really here. I feel like I'm half asleep but also wanting to throw up. This is a really bad place to do this.

"Hey spider boy, are you okay?" This is Antony who somehow ended up at the back with me. I don't really know how to reply because as I start to focus on him, my hand begins to throb and everything begins to get louder and it all smells putrid as I feel all my nerve jolt. This is not fun and this is not fair.

"I feel a bit ill that's all." Why am I telling him the truth? Is it that hard to just say that your fine? It's like I've lost all filter. Well that's what happens when your tired.

"Do you know why?" Why might this be happening? Could it have been just a sudden illness? Maybe the cut on my hand got infected or something and that would explain the throbbing and itching. "Do you need to go outside?"

"I'm not sure, sorry this is a really bad first impression" I have three options: keep walking and collapse inside, go outside and collapse or keep walking and stick it through all this. We only have the spiders left and then you can go home or stay and eat. I think I'll go back to my hotel room. But not now I'll just see the spiders first and then I can get this checked out. Yeah.

"Actually no I'm fine, it's probably just a cold." I straitened up and tried my best to look happy. I feel quite a bit better now that we've left the boiling bird room. Sure I still feel like shit but I will survive. Anthony puts his arms around my shoulder and nod his head slowly. I almost flinch when his arm hits my shoulder, it feels so much heavier and painful but I'm not going to complain.

Suddenly a loud voice begins talking over the speakers which are littered around the building.
"We regret to inform you that we will be cutting your visit short. For legal reasons we cannot explain why but we hope you enjoyed your visit." Quickly we where rushed out of a side door and left with a different person who lead us back to our cars. Well that was interesting and i personally am just happy that i get to go home.

Many people came by to tell me that it was nice to meet you and that there exited to work With me in two months. It was really nice but I really have to go. I didn't drive here due to my brother having to use the car so instead I took a cab, which it looks like I'll be doing again. I wait for 6 minutes before my cab finally came and I got in.

"Tom?" Whatever I do I mustn't throw up in here, that would be very awkward and I'm not one for awkward situations. Normally I'm a very talkative passenger but I only nod in response to his question and give him the money needed. Not a word is said throughout the drive except for a short 'thank you' when I arrive at my hotel.

I quickly rush through the front desk and get into the lift. I'm only on the second floor so within thirty seconds I'm inside my room. It's quite cool in here and I collapse onto my bed as I feel my head start spinning. It's weird because I don't want to throw up but everything else feels horrible. All my senses are heightened and my head is throbbing and spinning and my hand is throbbing. Finally my body gives in and I loose contact with the world.

I will keep adding to this particular story if people keep asking for it because it's slightly different to the usual oneshots. Fun fact my brother actually suggested this one for me EnderpixeImon
Anyway I hope you all have a good day

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