Cant see (2)

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Toms pov
My eyes slowly force themselves open as shooting pain ripples throughout my skull. I let out small whimpers and I hear a few unfamiliar voices try to console me. What is happening? My vision is too blurry to make out my surroundings and a loud ringing noise almost defends  me. Why does my head hurt so much? The pain had mildly subsided within the few seconds of first waking up but the throbbing was still prominent.

"Tom. Just breath for us. How many fingers am I holding up?" Everything is becoming less fuzzy and I can hear again. I notice a very warped hand being waved in front of my face. I couldn't really make it out too well. It looks like an alien hand. Was I abducted by aliens!?

"How many fingers Tom?" Who the hell is talking to me? I want to know who they are. Face me like a man and stop waving your weird hand in front of my face!

"Three you weird alien man. Who are you and where am I?" I heard laughter begin to spread somewhere to the side of me. It was too contagious I began laughing two! What is this dark magic! Have they enchanted me with laughing? So there whiches! I knew they weren't human!

RDJ pov
After Tom collapses onto the stage floor we carefully carry him towards a couch. We placed a rag on his head and injected painkillers into his upper arm. We really don't want a trip to the hospital today so where going to do as much as we can with the medics here.

As we place him on the couch he begins to wake up. His eyes don't open anymore than skits and he seems to be in immense  pain as he winces. Poor kid.

"Tom. Just breath for us. How many fingers am I holding up?" I wave 1 of my fingers in front of his face. I watch as his face Morse's into a confused frown and starts counting on his fingers. He's responsive that's good.

"How many fingers Tom?" Yet again he seemed to become even more confused and taken aback. After a further thirty seconds he replies.

"Three you weird alien man. Who are you and where am I?" Oh my god! Weird alien man that is great. I hear every observer begin to uncontrollably laugh as I join in. Then next to me I hear Tom begin a very drunken like laugh. People are now becoming hysterical. This kid is gonna kill us all.

With all of his jerking movements his head began bleeding more ferociously. Maybe we need to take him to the hospital. He does still seem to be in pain and is clearly delusional and suffering from memory loss. Hopefully only temporary.

"Can you tell me your name?" Please answer right.

"My names bob ross who the duck are you?" A true Brit; sweating even when half dead on a couch.

"Right then, bob Ross, my names Chewbacca and you need to go to the hospital to get that head injury checked out.

"What head injury? I don't have a head." He proceeds to move his hand behind his head as if it was proving a point. Okay we need to get him to a hospital ASAP. I watch as one of the medical team calls an ambulance.

"Okay bob, I'm just going to help you sit up now so you can have a drink okay?" He lets out a grunt. I'll take that as a yes. A few people help him into a seated position and hand him a bottle of water. Good I think he's coming round a bit more now.

"The ambulance will be here in 5 minutes. They told us to keep pressure on the wound"

Tom seems to have lived past his delusional state and now just looks like he wants comfort. I start running my hands through his hair knowing he normal likes that. Our only problem right now is Tom can't go to sleep in fear he won't wake back up. Damn this just got really serious.

"Your not really chewy are you?" Toms small and sad sounding voice spoke up. Ah fuck now he's emotional. I can't do this! I'm not good with sad people.

"No I'm not. I'm Robby. Do you remember me?" Tears pool out of his eyes before he can respond. Suddenly the medical responders come rushing into the room, see the distressed actor almost pissing himself and immediately rush him off to hospital. It was so quick none of us really knew what to do. We didn't know which hospital he was going to, no one went with him. I honestly don't know what to do.

Some people had only just recovered from there laughing fit while others looked genuinely concerned. What the hell do we do now.

"Right well, everyone who was due to do any scenes today, without Tom in them, please remain on your sets. We'll make sure Toms okay soon. Don't worry we're taking care of it"  someone yelled through a speakerphone. I don't half believe them but they pay me so I just bloody well hope Tom is okay.

Probably the shortest chapter I've ever done on here so I'm sorry but I hope you enjoyed it. I'm always up so a chat if anyone ever wants to talk. Like anyone. About anything.

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