Car crash (3)

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Liz's pov
Toms face is paler that usual and the left side of his head is covered in bandage. Then his right hand is in a bright red cast and right leg bandaged. His chest Is in a cast. He's basically a walking cast.

"We have the results back. Bad news first, he has broken 3 ribs, fractured 2 ribs, dislocated and cut his right leg, broken left hand and wrist, concussion. Good news there's no visible brain damage and he should wake up soon however he is on a lot of pain killers so he will be very tired when he wakes up."

Wow. It's a miracle hes even alive. He looks so much smaller in the clearly uncomfortable bed and his face is scrunched up in pain. He's asleep yet in pain. This sucks.

"I'll leave you guys too it. Call me when he wakes up," I hope that's soon. I don't know how much Longer I can just wait here looking at him half dead in a hospital.

"Wait! Do you know what happened to the other guy? The one who crashed into us?" Wow I wasn't even thinking about that. I guess Chris always thinks about everyone in the situation.

"Sadly he passed away half an hour ago." Oh. Three out of four survived right? That's still good. Oh god someone still died though.

We all decided to get as comfortable as we could and each the mini tv hanging from the ceiling. This is going to be a long night.

Toms pov
Bright dots began swarming my vision as my senses began coming back to life. It's cold in here very cold and uncomfortable too. I can hear a tv playing some old and unrecognizable show and a clock. I can smell cleaning products and air freshener. It's sickening that smell bloody hell can someone open a window?

Where am I? My eyes don't fully open in fear of being blinded but I start trying to move my arms or legs. Nothings worked. I think I'm just very slowly waking up. Like very slowly. It's hard to figure out where you are when you can't see or move so maybe I can remember the last place I was before I fell asleep?

The cast and I where going to have a movie night, I went out for food...we never had the movie night did we? I don't remember it. Idk maybe I'm just really tired. Maybe this is just a hangover but a really bad one.

"Tom? Tom are you waking up? Can you hear me?" I let out a small moan and once again tried to move. Not even a twitch.

"Cnn youuuu hlp meh sssst up?" Wow I cant even speak. My mind seems to be working fine other that how tired I was but my body just hasn't caught up. I hear moving and almost light a light switch being turned off. Did she leave me? How could she do that to me?

"Okay Tom, we've called for the doctor he's going to come and help you but try not to move Okay?" Doctor? Oh I'm in a hospital. No I hate hospitals! No I want out, someone get me out please.

My muscles begin actually moving for once and my eyes dart open before immediately closing again as I feel a firm hand on my chest keeping me down. "Nooo, cnt bee at de hosptl" fuck this. the longer I stay here the worse I feel. I need to get out and i need to get out now!

"Shhh it's okay Tom, no ones going to hurt you okay just stay down a moment." Letitia's normally calming voice didn't seem to do anything to my state of mind. I seriously want out. The bed is becoming more and more uncomfortable and the smells to overpowering and the lights even with my eyes closed too bright. I can't do this please take me home!

"No no no. I cnt bee hr. Pls tke meh hoome" stupid souring I'm surprised they can even understand me. The I heard a door open and close again as a new pair of footsteps approached me. Please turn of these stupid lights so I can actually look around the room. I have a huge headache which was only getting worse and now I think about it my whole body kinda hurts.

"Hello Tom. I'm just going to ask you a few questions. Okay?"

"Cn I go hme?"

"No sir I'm sorry."

Letitia's pov
Toms words are severely slurred and he seems to be struggling. What on I don't know. Maybe he's still so tired he's not really comprehending what's happening? Or when I told him that he was in a hospital, that was a mistake. He's been scared of hospitals ever since that deal with one in another country where no one understood him or his injury. We probably shouldn't have sent him there alone. Either way the doctors trained, he should help Tom. Tom is in good hands but not good enough hands for me too leave him here alone.

"Cn I go hme?" It's almost painful hearing his voice alone so weak. His outburst from before scared us enough. It's just a miracle he's alive. I wish he never had to go through this but at least he's alive now.

"No sir I'm sorry." I watch as Toms face drops and he relaxed in defeat. Poor kid. Liz, Chris and I just sat there and watched. I certainly have no idea what to do. Maybe he doesn't want any comfort or maybe he needs it. I dont know but I feel like I'm doing something wrong by sitting here. I should get him a drink or some food, maybe I should go hold his hand and let him know where still here. Maybe we should leave him in peace? I don't know I just wish someone would tell me what to do.

"Okay. What's your name?" He must be checking for any memory loss. Oh I hope he hasn't forgotten anything important.

"Tom Holland." Well at least he knows his name so it can't be that bad can it?

"Good. How many siblings do you have?"

"3: Sammy, Harry nd paddy. Where are they I want to see them?" Shut we should've called them.

"There not here right now but I'll let you call them after this. How old are you?"


"Good. Do you remember why your in hospital?" There was a thirty second silence before Tom answered,

"No. Did we ever do that movie night? I can't remember anywhere past leaving the house." I heard soft crying come from My left and I look over to see Liz in tears. We never got to do the movie night. Hell if this was any worse we never would have done the movie night. Fuck now I'm crying.

"Tom, I'm going to leave you with your friends now. Do you want me to turn the lights off so you can see better?" Tom simply nodded clearly hearing the quite sobs in the background. The lights flick of and the doctor leaves the room.

"Hello? Who's crying" his eyes are open now but adjusting to the light. Suck it up c'mon stop crying. "Guys?" From here I could see his concern and fear.

"Ssshhh Tom. It's okay. How are you feeling?" I hug him as tightly as I can with my right arm in a cast.

"What happened? I can't remember anything after leaving the house to get popcorn. Did we ever watch the movies?"

"No tom. You three never made it back from the shop; a drunk driver crashed into you and you got really messed up the three of you." Chris sounded like he was speaking from another room. I think we where all to scared to be to loud.

"Is the driver okay?" Of course! Of course Tom would think about the wellbeing of the person who nearly killed him! Bloody hell this kid will be the death of me.

"He passed away shortly after the crash." Silence. Utter silence. Shit that was the wrong thing to tell Tom. "Tom? You okay?"

"Jst tired s'all."

"Alright well you can sleep now." Roughly 5 seconds later, soft snores could be heard from the bed.

Have a great Christmas and a happy new year.

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