Cant see

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Taking place during the filming of endgame

Toms pov
Getting my suit on each day was a pain. Sure iron man and captain americas suits are more impressive and 'bigger' but they come in parts. They can get there's on in a minimum of half an hour. Me?, well first the makeup helpers completely grease my hair back until it's sticking to my scalp, then we have to slowly pull on the tightest peace of spandex you can imagine. Don't forget the thong. Although I have to say I'm very confident with my masculinity now. So mine minimum takes 45 minutes including blending the mask and body suit together.

As many people know spiderman can't just stick to walls and shoot webs he actually has many other super powers e.g

Super strength
Super healing
'Double jumping'
Super speed
Extreme metabolism
Unable to heat up
Sticking to surfaces
His dna changing in order to allow him to swing without the g-force killing him etc etc

He also has senses dialed up to eleven meaning when he built his duty the eye peace's where extremely dark so the light doesn't hurt his eyes. Now when the company made the suit, they also made the eye peace's super dark so I couldn't see. That wasn't the actual reason they just like being accurate I guess. Either way it didn't help with the whole fighting part of the movies.

Adapt and overcome. It wasn't that hard to be honest we just used an extra fighting technique. I've forgotten the name, it's painfully long, but basically we vocalize our movements just before we carry them out. It's pretty funny.

So today, after splashing water on my face to get rid of the grogginess evident on my face. Soon after RDJ is banging down on my door yelling at me to hurry up. Why? I'm to tired to be bothered with this today. Maybe I'm just tired. I need breakfast.

By the time I'm out the door and jogging over to the compound RDJ has already left. At least I get just a little more fresh air. It was nice out here. There was wind but it wasn't harsh and there was a little rain.

I push the door open and warm air flushes over me washing away the cool morning breeze of before. And next came the bubble of many extroverts having loud conversations. Today's gonna be a long long day.

A loud horn is sounded and everyone becomes silent.

"" a few watch as the scene plays out but I need to get into my costume by 11:45 and it's...7:18. I guess I have some time. Maybe I could join the socializing. Naw im not in the mood. Don't get me wrong I'm normally a very extroverted guy and loud but today I just can't be bothered.

I move over to the scene.
Oh this is the scene before black widow dies. I'm not even meant to watch these scenes Incase I spoil it later. Well I'll stop browsing and actually get my thong and suit on. That's a sentence I never thought I'd say. It kinda sounds like I'm a why am I thinking that holy shit. Okay suit time.

I walk over the the makeup area which is closed of from all the sets and actors yet it seems to get. I don't spend too long in makeup seeing as your hardly gonna see my face today. All I need is acne cream and hair gel. God I hate being an old teenager.. despite me being 20 now I still have stupid teenage spots and greasy hair. Maybe I'll just cut it all off one day. Yea that sounds like a plane.

After the short 10 minutes at makeup its time for the suit. Is it bad that I like the thongs? There comfy and breezy. Alright no I'm going to stop there. Slowly but surely the red and black suit is pulled over me and I leave the mask dangling in front of my face. Those eye covers are almost completely blinding.

I have an extra 20 minutes before we begin filming my scenes. What are we doing today again? Oh yea my scene where I jump in to fight thanos with the gauntlet. This scene is awesome. I go over my lines. There not very complicated mainly just "how big is your hand!" Or "c'mon you big grape hand it over" you know spiderman, always joking even in a life or death of half of the universe situation.

"Yo spiderboy! Your scene. Get your ass up here with Josh." You have to love how polite makkie always is. Okay time to go!

As I get onto stage and everyone had strapped me onto the flying jumpy rope things, I put my mask on. God it's dark. I couldn't even see the silhouette josh. Oh god this is exhilarating innit.

Slowly as he slowly  punches and keeps me knowledgeable about his whereabouts I also throw punches. Everything goes very slow when your fighting a blind fight. Not literally though everything is very fast paced and very much so forceful. I can almost sense sets of eyes watching as we execute the dance like fight.

A sudden silence filled the room. Both of my legs where planted on the floor firmly waiting to hear the next sound. 1 second seems like 15. God what's happening? Has time stopped?

A sudden crash and searing pain collided with the right side of my face. Slowly ripples of pain turned into sharp punches and slaps of shooting pain. The stabbing yet constant pain was never ending but for some reason I'm not moving or shocked. Another wave passed over me as two familiar liquids falls down my face. Tears and blood.

"C-cut? Are you okay?" Yet another wave crashed over my whole body as it tenses. The pain is blinding. I hate this please someone help me.

"N-no" the sudden silence turned into mild panic as I heard feet rubbing towards me. Ah shit!

"Okay Tom I'm going to remove the mask is that okay? Tell me if it hurts." It hurts it hurts it hurts! I wanted to nod but that would only intensify the pain so I grunt. I'm now cross legged on the floor holding my head in my hands. Probably not the easiest way for them to remove the mask.

A slow tugging at the bottom of my neck sent sharp needle like pains stabbing all the way to the back of my eyes. I cry out in agony. Please just let me pass out I can't bare this anymore.

"It's okay tommo just breath. In and out." Slowly the mask was peeled of my face. I feel it stuck to the blood pouring down my face. God that such an expensive mistake. Someone offers me water and another come close pressing a cloth against my head. Ah shit. The pain eventually spreads around my whole head also counseling my vision into darkness. I'm either blind or in passed out. I'm too tired to care. Goodnight.

Sorry it's taken so long to update

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