Public shooting

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Toms POV
Being 'famous' is great and all but it comes with problems. Unlike many jobs, I have to fear being in public, getting a girlfriend, annoying someone or even just doing interviews. People do bad things and celebrities tend to become a target, I'm not sure if it's sum need to be noticed or if people just want to hurt us but either way it isn't always safe.

Today, for example, I'm at the premiere of infinity, the place is packed with fans and paparazzi but there's also security so I feel a little better. Almost the whole cast for infinity war is here as well as their family's and friends, it's like a target range. And, being based in America, is of no use seeing as you can buy a gun at Walmart. You only need guns to 'protect' your selfs because you have all the murderers guns! Okay if I try to stop overthinking things maybe I can relax a little. Stop worrying if I'm going to die or not. Just live in the moment.

I'm talking to rather friendly paparazzi and some family members when a loud screeching erupted from the speakers placed around the hall. It was an incoherent three second long alarm thing. Then it just stopped but I saw people panicking, some more paparazzi moved closer to me and began asking questions. Well I guess this is there way to make money

"Hello mr. Holland, do you know what that was? Is everything okay" so I can either lie and put people at ease or tell the truth and possibly make the situation worse. I might just do a mix and see what happens. We can't be perfect but we can at least try to be alright. I look once again at the worried and eager faces and compose myself. I am slightly scared but then again it could just have been a mistake.

"Hi, I don't exactly know what that was but I'm sure it's fine. Someone probably by accidentally set of the speakers or something. Nothing to worry about" I saw people visibly relax until the screeching returned only to be replaced with a mans voice. I jumped and began to focus on the voice.

"If everyone could step away from the doors and crouch into a corner, there is an armed intruder in the building and security will show you what to do. Please do not panic, the police have been called" what! Oh okay this is not good. Don't panic. If you panic, they panic and you don't want everyone panicking. Think logically; they probably won't get through a locked door and they probably won't shoot anyone. Then again they can shoot someone and they could get through the locks.

The 'celebritys' are herded into a room just of to the side and then the door is locked behind us. This room is about the size of a normal living room which is a very tight squeeze for us all. It doesn't feel right in here, then again there is an active shooter in the building so that would probably explain it.

Everyone and everything is silent. You could hear a pin drop from the other side of the building. Im sat on the floor by a random piano and after a few minutes I relax a bit and drop my head back. Almost as if I was in a movie I look behind the piano and see a man, with a gun. I froze. I can't scream. Shit I can't move. He's got to be the intruder.

I watch as he pushes his finger up to his lips showing me to keep my gob shut. I nod in response and watcha s he moves towards me now with a gun pointed at my head. He won't shoot me, he's gonna use me for ransom, he has to. If he was gonna kill me surely he would've done it by now.

He motions for me to stand up and as I do I feel the end of a gun placed against my head. I have two options: go along with this and hope for the best or fake collapse and then hit him in the balls and then hope no one gets shot. I'll decide later. By later I mean in like 3 second when he forced me to stand up and oh, here we go.

I'm not crying or shaking or scared really, I feel the blood pumping through my veins and a steady beating of drums in my skull. My vision is blurry and I can't focus on the people around me. I feel disconnected from the world. If I mess up, I and many others die. I notice that I'm now standing up and blankly staring in front of me. I begin to ground myself and shift my weight onto my left leg.

"Don't scream or ill shoot. Actually I'll shoot anyway. I was here for a bit of fu..." I kick backwards as hard as possible and feel the gun fall to the ground. I fall after it and throw it across the ground just before ending up beneath the attacker. My head is lifted on the ground and bashed back down as I feel a fist connect with every part of my body. I try to muster any strength and begin punching back however he has the high ground, and almost nothing can defeat a person with the high ground

lackingknowledge is writing a book similar to mine and it's great. Please go check them out, I know some of you where looking for a book like mine.

Also I've decided to go by they them pronouns and my name is either Jayden or Charlie xx


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