Passes out

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Suggested by @Storyteller1003

Toms pov
I woke up coughing into my pillow and sweating an ocean. Great, I'm sick. It's a better day to be ill seeing as I have an interview today rather than filming scenes and it's pretty early in the morning so I have a few hours to relax. I check my phone and see it's 4:32, the interview is at 11:30 so it's seven hours to chill. I bury my head under my pillow and go back to sleep.

I open my eyes for the second time today hearing someone banging on the door. Sun light is now shining through my blinds and I can hear causal chatter outside. My stomach churns and my eyes burn as I try to listen to to whose nocking on the door. 

"Hey Tom? Are you alright? It's 8 and your not up yet? Are you coming to the gym?" Oh yeah, I'm meant to go to the gym. i usually wake up At 6-7 and talk to people, being sociable and all that. Being the responsible boi I am, I don't think I should go today. The interview is enough for today. I identify the worried voice as Robert, I hope he understands.

"I think I'm gonna skip the gym today, I'm not feeling great and We have to do that interview later." The interview is between the Majority of the cast and it's in front of a huge crowd. So basically I have to feel my best so I don't collapse in front of hundreds of people. I re-focus on my surroundings as RDJ starts talking again.

"Okay, have you had enough to drink?" I haven't even gotten up yet so no. I don't recon I'll be able to keep it down but I guess if I throw everything up now then I won't throw up later. Didn't I just call myself responsible? Yeah I guess I take that back. But still I'd prefer not to spew all over strangers and friends.

"No, I'll do that, thanks." I heard footsteps walk away from the caravan thingy. I wait a minute or two and then slowly swivel to put my feet on the floor. My breath hitches as the cold floor hits my feet and I feel my head rush. Bile is felt rushing up to my mouth and I feel my mouth begin to water. Okay so basically if I stand up to get to the toilet I'll faint and if I stay here I throw up on the floor. This is really not my day.

I close my eyes and swallow hard for about thirty seconds. I shiver only now noticing how cold I am. After a second thirty seconds, I feel my head stop spinning and my body has calmed down a bit. I slowly stand up and grab my green fluffy blanket, yes I have a fluffy blanket. I slowly shuffle into my bathroom and sit against the radiator, oh this is nice. I slowly begin to fall asleep again.

I open my eyes as I feel the overwhelming feeling of sickness rush over me. I gag into the toilet bowl and hug it as if it's going to run away. My vision goes blurry as yesterday's food spews out of my mouth. I probably should've drunk some water, it would've made this all a lot less painful.

"Tom, we're going in 20 minutes. How are you feeling?" I take a moment to try and breath and compose myself. Twenty minutes? Had I fallen asleep? Okay well this is annoying but do able. I need to get up, get changed and try not to die.

"Yeah I'll be out in a minute" my voice hardly sounds horse and I actually feel a lot better. Okay I guess it's time to go. I slowly drag myself into a standing position and walk to get some jeans and a respectable hoody. I leave my fluffy blanket behind and open the door.

The air feels nice against my warm face and I feel confident as I walk down the steps. This is okay. It's all going to be okay. I lock eye contact with Chris Hemsworth who looks worried. Maybe I look pale. I always look pale. Oh well.

I walk towards a car with Tom Hiddleston and RDJ inside. This'll be a fun ride. I have this growing feeling of being watched, clearly word of me being ill has spread however I feel a lot better. Sure I'm not one hundred percent but I don't feel like throwing up or passing out.

The car journey was long and hot. We hardly spoke to each other which was odd because usually we'd never shut up. Maybe there pitying me. I started to feel a bit more ill in the heat of the car and lightheaded as loud music began to play. Of course this was going to happen. I still really want to do this interview, it's going to be loads of cast members and loads of fans. Questions are going to be asked and it's overall just going to be fun. I need to suck this up.

The half hour leading up to the interview was fuzzy, all I know is I'm hooked up to a mic and I need to sit close to the exit. As I walk out I realize how weak my hands and feet feel. It's hard to hold on to anything and I suddenly feel a rush to my head. I'm so close to my chair when I feel two strong arms wrap around my shoulders followed by someone talking to me. At this point we're in front of the large crowd and I'm struggling to focus on anything. I really shouldn't have come today.

"Tom, your pale and rocking, are you going to pass out?" Before I could reply I felt my eyes forced into the back of my head and then all strength of my muscles drop as I fall to the ground.

Jay 🧡🦊

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