Jokes to you aren't jokes to me

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Toms pov
This is amazing. Like actually amazing. I've always been a huge nerd. I love and know everything about marvel. I've also always been a drama nerd so when I heard that they wanted a new spiderman I thought why not. I hardly expected to get the role I mean there are so many talented people out there it would be amazing if I ever even got considered. I had a 0.5% chance of actually getting the offer. However, over Instagram of all things, I managed to get the part.
I can remember the day so clearly. I was over the moon. I mean I am SPIDERMAN!!! So today is my first day. I'm working on civil war with loads of super actors. Like RDJ. It's more than a dream come true. A dream would be to see them and get an autograph not to work on a set with them. To get to know them. I mean I still don't know if this is a dream. However I've pinched myself to much already if I do it any more my hand will turn purple.
I was offered to go on a limo but I've never really liked the idea of showing off so I decided to go in a taxi seeing as I didn't take my car here from England. The taxi driver didn't seem to notice who I was but was still very nice. When I told him were I was going he said
"Hah, you know you can't break in there, trust me I've tried."
"Uuuum, no sir, I'm the new spiderman so no breaking in for me."
With that it was silence until we reached my destination. "Thank you"
"It's my job kid, good luck out there. Some actors aren't as nice as they seem" I was slightly taken aback by that. Surly no ones horrible. I mean there all people just like me. I'll be fine.
This place is huge. It's like a where house except really fancy. You could fit 3 of my old schools in this place. You can see trailers lining the outside of the building. I guess one of those is going to be mine. Wow.
I approach the gate.

"Hey kid what do you want?"
"I-I'm the new s-spiderm-an." I only ever stutter when I'm nervous or scared so this is a great start.
"You don't seem to sure about that"
"N-no I swear it's true sir. I'm here to work on the civil war set" oaky we got rid of the stutter
"I can't let you in without proof sir. We're your pass"
"Well I haven't got my pass yet I have to be in there," I gesture to the building, "in order to get it" I am mildly pissed by this point. Just let me In so I get get you the damn proof
"Well then I can't let you in. Go continue with your day I'm sorry your little plan didn't work out"
"No sir I have to be in there I can't be late for my first day! Please I know you can't let me in but can you get someone so you can let me in"
"Listen kid drop it and go home!" He started leveling what looked like a taser at me. Shit.

I back away and get my phone out
"Hey Tom."
"Hello Joe. I'm running into some trouble at the gate. The guard won't let me in because I don't have any ID tying me into the spiderman role because it's inside the building he won't let me into so can you please help me"
"I'll send someone down there straight away"
"Thank you so much"

I'm standing awkwardly by the gate and as the guard started talking again I heard a familiar voice tell him to shut it. I look up and there standing on front of me is Antony Makie. Holy shit.
"Aaaawww has new kid got a stutter. C'mon grow up I'm just a guy"
"Sorry" and with that awkward greeting he guided me inside and proceeded to yell to the whole building: "Hey guys, this is the newbie Tom" I here a lot of hellos and one
"Aaawww look he's just a baby. I bet we'll have to spoon feed him" that was probably from Sebastian Stan. Bucky is one of my favorite characters and here I am basically being mocked my him. Bloody hell maybe the taxi driver was right.
To the left of my an unfamiliar face came up to me and placed out her hand.
"Hello. I will be your assistant, Clair" Clair was very pretty, with ginger hair and rosy skin. She had a very calm look in her eyes. I think I'm going to like Clair.
"It's very nice to meet you. I'm guessing you already now who I am" I hear Antony behind me say
"He's acting like a proper English gentleman." (I'm English and i do not mean to offend by this term.) I blush slightly.
"Don't let those boys bet to you. It's all banter you'll get use to it. They don't mean a word they say"

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