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Toms pov
I love all of my fans. There always so caring except when there to caught up in me and then start becoming a danger to me, themselves and the other fans. For example today a girl was being crushed by all my fans. I ended up swearing a lot and threatening but everything ended up fine.
What I love is doing things like walk around the park with Tessa and go on a jog but the amount of people who now know me and would literally kill to have a photo with me Really restricts both of those things. I wish I could walk around my beautiful without being chased back home.
I've finished another day at the infinity war set and I decide to walk home because maybe it's my lucky day. Maybe I'm finally going to enjoy my surroundings.
Everything is really nice so far. I am taking a rather remote way home, through a few small forests and wild paths. Thank god for living somewhat close to nature. As I said it's quite. I love it. All of the beautiful trees and the wonderful birds and the cattle I pass. The breeze gently pushing my hair back. The smell isn't all that appealing: cow shit and rotting meat, but otherwise it's amazing.
I passed an elderly woman walking her dog, she smiled at me, there was a guy who pulled me over for a picture and that was it. I'm about 3 minutes away from my house. I hate to leave this beautiful world. Maybe I'll bring Tessa round here later. I mean I'm not in a rush to get home. I'll go get Tessa and carry on enjoying the beautiful surroundings
As I said it was only 3 minutes until I was home. Tessa immediately started jumping up and licking me
"Hey buddy. How are you? I know I've been a long time. We're gonna go for a walk" I change into my doggo voice very similar to my baby voice.
Tessa doesn't need a lead but when there are exited fans around I don't want her getting scared so I keep her on a lead anyway. It took 2 minutes to get back to the countryside. Somehow every time I come back it gets more beautiful. The sky is now becoming a crystal blue color and the air is getting a slight bit cooler. Tessa was enjoying all the new smells and nearly tripping me up as she weaves between my legs. There's no one on this path. It's so peaceful wish is something I've not had in a long long time.
Tessa stops sniffing to hear listen. At first it seems she thinks it's a squirrel as she's getting ready to play. But then I start hearing it.
"Okay Tessa come over here and let the person pass" she obliges and follows me onto the right side of the path. The person in question was dressed in all black except for his blue shoes. Good way to dress if you want to get hit by a car when crossing a road. It seemed we'd moved over a little to early as he was still moving towards us however wasn't making any showing of moving quickly. I was trying not to stare but he was so clearly staring directly at me that I was unnerved. It wasn't an exited stare it was a horror worthy stare. Maybe he always looks like that. I'm probably overreacting. I get paranoid due to the danger which I've seen people cause.
As the gay drew closer he slowed down even more still staring at me. What does this creep want? Tessa could sense my fear and curled up against me.
"It's okay Tes"
"Hey Tom" at first I thought Tessa had replied until I noticed that the man had stopped just to the side of me. He was holding something. Okay this is not good news.
"Hey. Umm what do you want?"
"Just a picture that's all" with each second I was moving backwards. However he kept moving forward. I dug out a dog treat and chucked it as far forward as I could. Then I ran after the treat with Tessa behind me. This guy didn't want a photo. He didn't have a phone. However he did have a knife.
It sucks in movies when someone's chasing them and the person falls over. You think "that would never happen" well I hate tree roots. Before I even have a chance to get in my knees something dug into my right side and twisted.

3rd pov
Tom crumpled as the knife twisted in his back. Tessa went mad attacking the man with all her strength. Her teeth bit into the mans legs and torso. The man screamed in agony as Tessa big down on his foot.
The man crawled away still screaming and crying for help. The man who had attacked Tom had tried out for the role of spiderman but hadn't got past the first round. His acting was terrible and emotionless so he was driven by Rage so much that he wanted to kill spiderman and that's what he did.
Tessa ran and ran and ran for miles. She ran up to the fence of the infinity war set and started wildly barking. Some people were sleeping in the trailers outside of the building and about 7 people flooded out of the different mini houses.
"Will someone shut that dog up please?"
"Shoo shoo"
"Wait wait, that's Toms dog I don't know her name" Chris ran up to the gate and Tessa started to turn around and run back and forth
"I think it wants us to follow it"
"We're not in a movie Chris she's probably lost"
"Then let's take her home" Chris ran round to his car and started driving. Tessa started sprinting as soon as she saw she was being followed and Chris followed her all the way up to a point where cars couldn't follow. He jumped out of his car

Chris's pov
I'm getting worried for Toms safety now. He would have called us if he new Tessa was missing and Tessa wouldn't be this determined unless something was seriously wrong. Maybe Toms hurt.
My legs started to feel like they were being ripped as I try and run with this stupidly fast dog. Something must really be wrong.
I am in a beautiful forest area with amazing plants but about half a mile In front there was flashing yellow lights. Shit.
As we got closer an ambulance came into view with police officers and a crowd of people. Tessa started going mad whimpering and barking while running around in circles.
"Hello? Listen is Tom alright? We're Tom?!"
"Sir tom is in critical condition he's being taken to the hospital. How did you get here?"
"The dog came and got me" behind me I heard an array of voices
"Chris why are we all the way out here"
"Guys it's Tom. He's been hurt. I told you the dog wanted us to follow her"
"Wait is Tom okay" we were still yelling at each other at this point"
"No!" 6 other people rounded the corner: Chris Hemsworth, Robert, Benedict, the other Tom, Pom and Zoe. Just then from inside the ambulance we heard a long beep as a heart monitor flatlined

I've forgotten who suggested this so if it was you please tell me🧡

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