Panic attack(tom)

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During far from home shooting
Tom is 20

Toms pov
I'm tired. So so tired. After vidcon and then heading to set after I'm tired. And I don't know all my lines and no ones happy with me because I was 15 minutes late which wasn't my fault because tragic was heavy and even when I get home I have to stay up and help both of my Ill brothers and I think I might be catching what they have and now I have to perform a scene with one of the most famous actors ever!

"Tom this is the last time I'm going to call your name!! Stop messing up you hair we don't have all day! Makeup go sort Tom out!" They had to say it through a fucking megaphone. My breathing is slowly picking up. Whenever I'm this panicked I have a lot of different ticks, which if you know me well you can tell when to calm me down. For example I know I should calm now but I can't because if I could I would.

I used to have a lot of panic attacks between the ages 7-14 but it died down. I used to have then  twice a eel and now it's more like twice a year. None of the cast know tho only my family, old friends and I know. Tessa also helps a lot. This year I've already had 5. I think it's just a due to stress tho.

"Okay Tom I'm not going to keep doing you hair. Honey stop breathing so heavy your okay. Just calm down me doing your hair isn't that bad. Are you allergic to the hair spray"
"No cristie I'm fine thx" god that was not convincing but I guess that cristie believed it seeing as she didn't press.

"Tom!! Get on set NOW!!" Why is he in such a bad mood. Maybe it's my fault. The directors are normally really nice. Okay don't put your hands in you hair, don't pick your nails and certainly don't have a panic attack. Save it for home. No not at home after this scene go to the toilet and then have it. No! Have it before I get in the house. No umm treat you brothers then do it. Yes I'll do that. Even though suppressing it makes it worse? Yes!

Okay so I'm in set with calum and zendaya during the scene when MJ is telling Ned that she "figured out" that peter was spiderman.

I arrive on the set and zendaya immediately moves over to me.
"Are you alright?" I just nod. I'm not alright of course I'm not. My chest is tight, I feel like I'm drowning, everything's a blur. It's not that I'm struggling to breath but I'm not breathing. The air feels like water.

"To-.  o you w-nt o s—-t down?"
"I asked you if you wanted to sit down"
"Julian has panic attacks I know what one looks like." Just my look. Out of her 4 siblings one of them had to have panic attacks. And he's not even blood related!
"What's wrong with Tom!?"
"He's having a panic attack okay give him space."

Zendayas pov
When I heard the director yelling at Tom I knew he was having a bad day. Tom doesn't often annoy people so the director must be overreacting. But then I see Tom walking up to set pale as a ghost and subconsciously pinching his hands. His breathing was heavy and he looked very dazed. My youngest brother has had panic attacks before so I know what one looks like and what to do.
"Tom, do you want to sit down?" I ask placing a hand on his shoulder
"I asked if you want to sit down. Julian has panic attacks I know what one looks like" I am feel him almost pass out on my arms. Callum from behind me yelled
"What's wrong with Tom!?"
"He's having a panic attack okay. Give him space" then I hear a faint voice next to me.
"Help, I can't breath. Help me please" he was sobbing. Okay shit. I sit him up and get him to look me In the eye. I grab his arm and place it in my chest.
"Okay. Breath with me. In...and out"
"I can't I can't I can't. Nothings happening." There was a strong expression of desperation plastered all over his face. He was choking for air.
"Okay Tom keep in trying it's okay. Can you stop gawking and get him some water please! And someone call his brother!"
"No. No there both ill. I'm fine" he was still struggling to breath. I highly doubt he's fine. He is breathing better now though. Still not very good or even. Someone passes water to him and tried to open the lid with his shaking hands.
"C'm here. It's okay keep on breathing for me." I open the bottle and give it back to him. Callum moves behind Tom and hugs him. Instead of starting to panic again Tom almost melts into the embrace and nearly immediately starts to fall asleep. The whole building is silent. Jake who had previously been paralyzed in shock, lifts Tom up and proceeds to carry him into Toms trailer outside.
As soon as Toms gone I proceed to walk up to the director
"How could you yell at him, today of all days! You know he got no sleep last night, you knew he was late because of traffic and you knew his brothers are both ill so much that Tom hasn't been able to stop stressing about everything! I don't need to be rude but think before you speak because now your star has fallen unconscious on your set!"
"Yes I understand mr.hollands circumstances, however we did not realized suffered from panic attacks. I think we all know to treat him with Moor precaution in the future"
I roll my eyes and leave to go follow We're Jake and Tom went

This was requested by @Lgree373

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